Listen to that crowd go crazy when he comes out. That would never happen today.
Actually, if Bryan had come out on Monday I'm pretty sure the reaction would have been just as big
That said, on the subject of Cena, I still mark a little bit for Basic Thuganomics, such as a few weeks ago when he came out to it. Like when Trips uses 'King of Kings'.
Anyway, two questions for you, WWE thread. Albert/Tensai, and Lesnar. Lesnar's going to be feuding Cena I assume, but what's Tensai going to do? Be the big monster who squashes jobbers for a bit, but then what?
His nipples are pierced. I find that really strange on a wrestler. Doesn't help he has a horrible body.
Old Cena was awesome, he was one of my favourites back when I wacthed it. He needs to turn heel and go back to using Word Life for his entrance, maybe throw his chain back in there too!
are we supposed to just look past the fact that Cena made zero effort to not get F5'd?![]()
Just watched Raw again and although Lesnar's return was cool are we supposed to just look past the fact that Cena made zero effort to not get F5'd?![]()
Lesner coming back was great, and was very unexpected, except that the crowd was chanting "We want Lesner" a full 5 minutes before he came out to the ring.
If I was a WWE writer, I would have made Lesner run in during Takers match at Mania and either beat down on HHH, costing Taker his streak, or beat down on Taker continuing his streak, but setting up for a match at Extreme Rules