The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Listen to that crowd go crazy when he comes out. That would never happen today.

Actually, if Bryan had come out on Monday I'm pretty sure the reaction would have been just as big :p

That said, on the subject of Cena, I still mark a little bit for Basic Thuganomics, such as a few weeks ago when he came out to it. Like when Trips uses 'King of Kings'.

Anyway, two questions for you, WWE thread. Albert/Tensai, and Lesnar. Lesnar's going to be feuding Cena I assume, but what's Tensai going to do? Be the big monster who squashes jobbers for a bit, but then what?
I've read A-Train's going to go into a program with CM Punk eventually, I think the long term plan is to have the hip hop hippo as Big Jonny's hired gun.
Actually, if Bryan had come out on Monday I'm pretty sure the reaction would have been just as big :p

That said, on the subject of Cena, I still mark a little bit for Basic Thuganomics, such as a few weeks ago when he came out to it. Like when Trips uses 'King of Kings'.

Anyway, two questions for you, WWE thread. Albert/Tensai, and Lesnar. Lesnar's going to be feuding Cena I assume, but what's Tensai going to do? Be the big monster who squashes jobbers for a bit, but then what?

I meant for Cena, you never hear that sort of response from him anymore. I really liked Cena's charecter back then, now its just so cringeworthy. He comes off like a chump. He needs to get more edgy.

Pretty sure Tensai won't be around for long. He'll get a half decent push, become a lower card wrestler, get fed up and go back to Japan.

His nipples are pierced. I find that really strange on a wrestler. Doesn't help he has a horrible body.
Yea he was rubbish before, and will be rubbish now i would think, also, whats with the head tattoo, just looks like a weirdo.
His nipples are pierced. I find that really strange on a wrestler. Doesn't help he has a horrible body.

Yeah, wouldn't want them to catch on the edge of the ring apron or something D:

Still, he brought back the Von Erich Claw, which is pretty awesome. No idea what was up with the mist though. And it would probably have had more impact if Kane hadn't been doing that smothering thing back in January.
Old Cena was awesome, he was one of my favourites back when I wacthed it. He needs to turn heel and go back to using Word Life for his entrance, maybe throw his chain back in there too!
Old Cena was awesome, he was one of my favourites back when I wacthed it. He needs to turn heel and go back to using Word Life for his entrance, maybe throw his chain back in there too!

I don't think going back is going to help, he needs to do a complete change. Try and do what Hogan did in wcw, that was awesome! Cena is pretty much the modern do good guy that never turns his back on the fans. It would be so cool to see him totally trash the fans.


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I just watched WM28, which is my first ppv/show I've watched in nearly 10years.

I watched quite intrigued to watch hhh/taker & the rock and I wast dissapointed watching them, taker/hhh stole the show, and too see hbk, just felt a very special match, quick question, why didn't they hit anyone on the head with a chair?

Also, how come the heavyweight belt match was first up? Back when I watched they were usually 2nd to last or last?

Was fun overall, nowhere near as good as previous shows.
overall WM was good, wasn't bad by any means but could have been better! With undertaker I think he will be back, def not to full time wrestling but to build to his departure. He is the most respected name around wwe and wrestling to just retire now and walk away without a proper goodbye. 20-0 is good and wont be altered imo.
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Just watched Raw again and although Lesnar's return was cool are we supposed to just look past the fact that Cena made zero effort to not get F5'd? :o
are we supposed to just look past the fact that Cena made zero effort to not get F5'd? :o

That always comes off is really weird to me. Like in a match he would counter it.

Look at Lesner in the ring waiting to hit the f5. lol. They must've felt pretty stupid during that botched segment. Probably got edited for TV.

and for the lulz.

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Just watched Raw again and although Lesnar's return was cool are we supposed to just look past the fact that Cena made zero effort to not get F5'd? :o



Proof that a great match will always be great, but when you have a hot crowd, it just propels it to the next level. Here's hoping next week''s RAW doesn't disappoint (it will).
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Urgh, Mania was aweful, with a few exceptions, Taker vs HHH was a great match, but really why not make that the main event? call me an attitude era guy but hell, why not throw Rock in a triple threat with Taker and HHH, would have been loads better than what actually happened.

As for opening with Sheamus/Bryan, that was supposed to be a title match? aren't title matches usually MAIN EVENTS?!

Jericho/CM Punk stole the show for me, 2 great wrestlers that deserve main event status

Lesner coming back was great, and was very unexpected, except that the crowd was chanting "We want Lesner" a full 5 minutes before he came out to the ring.

I know what you mean about Cena not resisting though, Lesner should have closelined him or something, then he could have at least faked being "knocked out" instead of just laying on Brock's shoulders lol
Lesner coming back was great, and was very unexpected, except that the crowd was chanting "We want Lesner" a full 5 minutes before he came out to the ring.

To be honest, he was in the advert for WWE 12 and there was a lot of talk in the week running up to mania that he was going to come back. If you asked me this time last year if he'd ever return I'd probably have told you, in the the words of Vince himself, "No Chance in Hell" :p.
I thought they'd have brought Lesner back ages ago, Undertaker was at one of his UFC fights and they had a quick stare-down.

If I was a WWE writer, I would have made Lesner run in during Takers match at Mania and either beat down on HHH, costing Taker his streak, or beat down on Taker continuing his streak, but setting up for a match at Extreme Rules
If I was a WWE writer, I would have made Lesner run in during Takers match at Mania and either beat down on HHH, costing Taker his streak, or beat down on Taker continuing his streak, but setting up for a match at Extreme Rules

And I thought that nobody could come up with worse than what the WWE writers give us at the moment :o

Smackdown spoilers!

Bryan comes out with AJ, yells at the crowd to stop mocking him with his chants, calls AJ fat and dumps her.

Yup, WWE on full damage control, doing everything possible to avoid putting DBD over, rather than doing what makes sense and getting behind the guy who's getting the biggest crowd reaction in forever.

Also, on NXT:

There was a backstage angle with Natalya, and Michael McGillicutty grabbed a pair of her panties.

2. Natalia beat Kaitlyn. As the match ended, Michael McGillicutty came out with Natalya's panties and sniffed them. Kidd kicked McGillicutty in the midsection and walked off.
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