The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Nah it was a **** up by Lesnar nothing more nothing less. Made the whole segment regardless though :p

Yeah, it was definitely an accident because you could see that every other punch was the kind of punches they usually throw in the WWE.
Extreme Rules is going to be good.

If you're saying that because of Brock v Cena then I disagree, a 3/4 week build up to a match the size of Brock v Cena? Extremely poor booking imo, as is having Extreme Rules as the next event after Wrestlemania tbh

The wwe should be building up Brock v Cena for much longer, at least until May's ppv Over the Limit

Yeah, it was definitely an accident because you could see that every other punch was the kind of punches they usually throw in the WWE.

Credit to the wwe with the way they used it though, apart from that opening segment Raw was pretty much just a repeat of last week unfortunately - Punk gets drowned in alcohol and Cena ends the show with an F5
If you're saying that because of Brock v Cena then I disagree, a 3/4 week build up to a match the size of Brock v Cena? Extremely poor booking imo, as is having Extreme Rules as the next event after Wrestlemania tbh

The wwe should be building up Brock v Cena for much longer, at least until May's ppv Over the Limit

Credit to the wwe with the way they used it though, apart from that opening segment Raw was pretty much just a repeat of last week unfortunately - Punk gets drowned in alcohol and Cena ends the show with an F5

I agree and I agree. Extreme Rules does mean they could probably get away with putting Lesnar/Cena in a ridiculous non-DQ match, mind you. Which could be good.
Not watched WWE in years, I used to love Lesnar though. So I watched the last 2 episodes, (well the bit where Lesnar is in it)

His voice always makes me laugh, doesnt suit him!

I still don't quite understand what parts of wrestling are actually 'fake'. Like if the match results are organised for the storyline, do they just put on the act of fighting and then eventually say enough is enough and lose? But as for the fighting, surely thats got to hurt a fair bit and being thrown around etc, what happens when weapons etc are used :S
I still don't quite understand what parts of wrestling are actually 'fake'. Like if the match results are organised for the storyline, do they just put on the act of fighting and then eventually say enough is enough and lose? But as for the fighting, surely thats got to hurt a fair bit and being thrown around etc, what happens when weapons etc are used :S

Results and the finish is finalised weeks in advance how the actual match itself choreographed I must admit I dont know, I mean I'd imagine most of it is done on the fly because often you can see one wrestler whisper to the other what move set they're going to do next but I would imagine some parts of the match (other than the finish) are planned out before the step through the curtain.

TBH if I'm wrong and other than the finish everything is done on the fly I have even more respect for the wrestlers themselves, especially those involved in the real top matches (Triple H v Taker, Punk v Jericho ect etc)
Can be very entertaining anyway, I remember watching Shane McMahon go jumping off all sorts of crazy heights.

1:30! For example, the hell!
Yeah, the slams and falls can actually hurt like hell but things like punches, kicks and submission moves are all done to be either reletively pain free or completely painless.
Ask hardcore holly if wrestling is fake.

Howard has a history of working stiff in the ring,[49] and was involved in further controversy, when at a November 21, 2004, SmackDown! house show, he was involved in a tag team match with René Dupreé. Howard broke kayfabe during the match and legitimately attacked Dupreé, punching and kicking him over a speeding ticket that Dupreé had picked up whilst in Holly's rental car.[1][51] Howard also later injured Matt Cappotelli again, giving him a concussion,[49] and also injured Carlito.[4]
Ask hardcore holly if wrestling is fake.

That's more him being a complete **** though. He also had a habbit of not going along with some of the moves his opponents were doing such as the Lesnar powerbomb that broke his neck. He didn't want to do the move properly and instead of aiding Lesnar in getting him up on his shoulders for the powerbomb, gave Lesnar no choice but to drop him on his neck because Lesnar's arms couldn't hold on to him in the way Holly forced him to.
See what you mean about hardcore holly. Haha at the Lesnar and Angle video :p

Always found Lesnars strength and speed crazy considering how big he is!

Remember watching this :p
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I agree and I agree. Extreme Rules does mean they could probably get away with putting Lesnar/Cena in a ridiculous non-DQ match, mind you. Which could be good.

The dirt sheets are suggesting that despite the name of the ppv Lesnar v Cena will be a standard 1 on 1 match which personally I prefer this early into the angle.

Sheamus v Bryan 2 out of 3 falls has also been added to the event, they'll be hard pressed to make an 18 second match under those rules :p
Does probably mean 2 straight falls for Sheamus though :mad:
With regards to the "how fake is wrestling" thing, I think the reason A-Ry's been taken off TV is because he wouldn't sell a Swaggerbomb to Jack Swagger in his last high profile match on RAW:

A sure fire way to get yourself in VKM's bad books.

The dirt sheets are suggesting that despite the name of the ppv Lesnar v Cena will be a standard 1 on 1 match which personally I prefer this early into the angle.

Sheamus v Bryan 2 out of 3 falls has also been added to the event, they'll be hard pressed to make an 18 second match under those rules :p
Does probably mean 2 straight falls for Sheamus though :mad:

That sucks.
Heh, id not seen that video before, that a idiot!

Loved the Lesner botched punch on RAW reminded me of attitude stuff! awesome
Riley isn't exactly a small guy either; must have taken some amount of strength to lift him.

Swagger is one of the biggest guys on the roster, i remember seeing a promo of him side by side with Mason Ryan, and he actually looked bigger! Not as cut as Ryan, but his frame is massive!
Swagger is one of the biggest guys on the roster, i remember seeing a promo of him side by side with Mason Ryan, and he actually looked bigger! Not as cut as Ryan, but his frame is massive!

Yeah he's a pretty big dude, no question about that.
Results and the finish is finalised weeks in advance how the actual match itself choreographed I must admit I dont know, I mean I'd imagine most of it is done on the fly because often you can see one wrestler whisper to the other what move set they're going to do next but I would imagine some parts of the match (other than the finish) are planned out before the step through the curtain.

TBH if I'm wrong and other than the finish everything is done on the fly I have even more respect for the wrestlers themselves, especially those involved in the real top matches (Triple H v Taker, Punk v Jericho ect etc)

Except on Raw, where they are often still finalising the script on Monday mornings.

As for the planning out of matches, it really depends on the wrestlers involved. There were some who would work out the entire match from bell to pin in detail, the exact sequence of moves. For the majority of them they just know who's going to win, any particularly big spots they want to work in, and the rest is all done on the fly. They have the ref there keeping them informed of when any commercial breaks are so they know when to go into rest holds, and the ref also makes sure they know how they are doing for time, when they need to start wrapping things up.

Botchamania often has clips of 'everyone talks too much' which has the ring microphones clearly picking up the wrestlers calling spots to each other.

And then of course you get things like the botches where someone makes a huge mistake, missing a move, tripping over, taking a bump too early, things like that, which all look so terrible. And accidents can always happen. Like the Undertaker chokeslamming Foley on the top of the hell in the cell. The cell broke, Foley fell through onto the mat, and then a chair which was on the same square of cell hit him in the face, knocking one of his teeth up his nose!

Wrestling isn't exactly fake, you still need to be extremely fit and pretty tough to take all the moves. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as they show, but equally the average guy on the street would probably get the wind knocked out of them taking a powerbomb. But with training on the various types of bumps, and with some serious cardio work to make sure you can wrestle a 30 minute match without gasping for breath 5 minutes in.

Edit: Also, Raw was so terrible. Tom84 is spot on, the Lesnar/Cena match is far, far too soon! Unfortunately, the WWE can't build anything anymore. After Wrestlemania and Raw, I thought things were finally turning around. The crowd was so terrible, too. And once again, a wrestler has managed to get over which the WWE didn't want. Bryan is the new Ryder. He's not going to be on TV for a few weeks, make sure everyone forgets about him, and he'll be back as a midcarder. If the crowd start cheering for someone and it isn't because the WWE told them to, they aren't getting pushed. Its as simple as that, and that's why the WWE is so terrible.

In other, much happier news, my copy of Strangeways, Here We Come: The UltraMantis Black Adventure arrived, and its an awesome DVD! He's so devious!
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