Its a bit worrying when you realise how much Cena must have been carrying the show lol.
Sorry to hear about Shamus, he seemed like a decent fella and enjoyed him in the ring, hopefully he's able to make a recovery.
The whole HHH/ McMahon family being hated seems to be their fall back story for when they have ran out of things to do, Ziggler to me is easily their best on the roster, and is great fun to watch in the ring ( he sells a move like no other), yet he was sent to be a warm up act for BG...really?.
Bryan I kinda like the whole "yes" thing when its in full swing is a good watch, but Orton is, to me, just crap, I have never liked him, he's so utterly boring to watch I can easily skip all his parts.
They need a HUGE story line again, WWE Vs ECW/ WCW was a great time, they need to make a story that does that again and slit the WWE in two, and make the story sick for about a year, they seem hell bent on short story build ups and the "bad guy" getting his comeuppance very VERY quickly.
Sorry to hear about Shamus, he seemed like a decent fella and enjoyed him in the ring, hopefully he's able to make a recovery.
The whole HHH/ McMahon family being hated seems to be their fall back story for when they have ran out of things to do, Ziggler to me is easily their best on the roster, and is great fun to watch in the ring ( he sells a move like no other), yet he was sent to be a warm up act for BG...really?.
Bryan I kinda like the whole "yes" thing when its in full swing is a good watch, but Orton is, to me, just crap, I have never liked him, he's so utterly boring to watch I can easily skip all his parts.
They need a HUGE story line again, WWE Vs ECW/ WCW was a great time, they need to make a story that does that again and slit the WWE in two, and make the story sick for about a year, they seem hell bent on short story build ups and the "bad guy" getting his comeuppance very VERY quickly.