The problem with this is Vince is still bound to be in the background saying what goes which will ultimately make this a waste of time. If they had full control with Vince locked up in a cupboard somewhere then it might be worth a shot, if he still makes the final decision then not much will change. They allegedly have 30 odd writers who between them apparently cant come up with a good idea because it all has to go through Vince so i can't see what difference this will make.
if Vince give them real control but has some input, I think it has a real chance to be great, both Paul and Erik have looked back and hard regrets, Im assuming they must have thought about what they could do much better Paul has also been working at WWE for sometime.
Because each show will have different people managing them, Im assuming they will all be slightly different and they will compete with each other to show whos better like they did before.
If things go well I expect RAW to be the better show ( big if ) paul still seam to be in the loop and does have a good idea of what is good.
I only hope they do the following
1. a proper superstar shake up, so it will have a new feel from the start.
2. Push other starts
3. Some decent gimmick matchs at the moment everything looks the same
4. Old school matchs with skill and experience like the Cody vs Dustin without the blood
The problem is
They have too many big shows
Weekly show are too long
Same match every week
Both shows are the same
Too many belts and they are all the same just different colours
The Belts dont feel important anymore
The shows are dumb down, most fans are adults but WWE is still focusing on kids.
If this does not work I dont think they have any hope of changing.