It's a heck of a statement bringing both in within weeks of each other. The roster is absolutely stacked right now, and the shows are on a hot streak. Only the women's division needs work: the talent is there now, but they're just not committing to the division enough, it's always felt like an afterthought.
i don't expect too much from cm punk but I hope it's a huge change when Daniel Bryan huge talent in a lot of areas,
True, It does need a lot of work in a lot of areas.
I cant see why they are having issues in basic areas, even with experienced stars I mean (Kenny, Cody, Dustin, Jericho, Hardy) Backen (Jerry lin. Arn Anderson Tully ) Im sure they had dean malenko
1. The Tag Team and The women division has been a waste, so have most of the titles
2. They need to build up real tag teams, after the first year nothing really happened IMO
they still need polished up,
3. The matches need polishing work, they will have a good match then make a mess in other areas
really the whole thing need work not much has changed since the start
4. They have been bringing in a lot of retired talent, not really in-ring, you see them once for a huge bump then you don't or don't care, they need more, they need to focus more on people like black and murphy or backend managers to help them look more polished and professional, it still seems very indie.
5. They need better storylines maybe have them going a little longer, at the moment it seems like 80s cartoons, the endings of most I've watched just seem rushed. kind of like WWE but most WWE matches are polished even if the story is rubbish and repeated.
6. in terms of talent they don't have a huge roaster compared to other companies, and the ones they do have need work and build-up, like WWE once they get near to the goal they kind of drop the ball.
7. The talent they have are all in factions not in a good way, seems a little wasted. if they are going with that, they need to work hard on it,
For this reason, they are the same as or even less than WWE reason why WWEs work is polished and can build up stars but then waste it (firings, repeats, stop pushing so on) but i really dont like both I was expecting a change when AEW first turned up.
IMO WWE has had the best build-up and story line in a few years with roman, they also had a good build-up with the fiend but we all know what happened both times.