The Book of Boba Fett - Star Wars Series (Disney)

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ep 3 was pretty crap.
those mods! - oh dear. Wouls be fine if they could act, but they can't.
The speeder chase was embaressing - if its more of this i'll probably stop watching.
No the way he was saying I need to send a message to his 2nd in command twice. Like he was waiting for her to give him an idea.

She's basically his right hand man, so hardly surprising he's running things past her to see if she has a different idea.
I admit to watching this Boba Fett series without first watching The Mandalorian, I never got round to it at the time. I'm not that bothered about spoilers so I kind of know how The Mando intersects with TBoBF, but I thought I'd better catch up with Mando so watched the first three episodes last night and my god, I struggle to believe the same people are behind this. It must be solely down to the budgets involved, Boba Fett must be on like a tenth of what they spent on Mando, if that. Blimey. Just a few extra quid to splash out on some extras to populate Jabba's palace would have made all the difference I reckon, even just a few more droids pottering about.
Worst car chase ever
You could get out of the speeder and run faster.

Show is hideous. End of.

Looks like they panicked when Predo got the last of us gig and the backlash from Gina and threw this together to buy some time.

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"
The book of Boba Fett is like watching an episode of the Care Bears.
But you'll carry on watching it just so you can carry on telling us how crap you think it is?

Are you not confusing Mos Espa with Mos Eisley?
Isn't that the point of a fourm to discuss? Or are you after an echo chamber?

hah there's not much difference in any of the main cities on Tatooine. The whole plannet is harsh and unlawful.
It's all a bit simplistic and twee so far :( Episode 3 the weakest yet. The mods on their hover scooters totally out of place in this universe and the chase was toe curling.
That's exactly it, I think he's still healing from the sarlaac pit.

The Mod gang were as cheesy as hell though - that groupshot, someone must have been watching the Power Rangers when they thought that up!

Haha, I just started watching this and thought same. Some good bits but sometimes cringe.
I love the peripheral characters. The mayors twi'lek assistant in particular cracks me up.
The Mod gang... of Mods.. lol clever but those colours and the clothes... a bit too much for Tatooine :P (got Dr who flashbacks bit of PTSD)
It really was slapstick at times and i got nothing against that. its different. It doesn't have to be gritty all the time.
Story is heating up.
Music is great. I love the artwork at the end of this and Mandalorian.
Christ this is boring. With how short the season is you'd think the pacing would be less glacial. Can't believe this is supposed to be the follow up to Mandalorian.

The chase scene felt like a low budget parody ******* hell :D
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Im not one to outwardly critique this nor the Mandalorian, up until this point i've rather enjoyed the ride, but yeah that biker gang really killed the immersion. then they were completely negated by Boba turning up last minute with his jet pack, now that would have been a worth while chase scene.
They were complaining and moaning about water prices and no jobs as an excuse


Tatooine is a slave planet no?
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