*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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I use back to black gel on the main engine cover, but other than that just water and elbow grease. I've kept on top of it since owning the car so doesn't need much. Usually just dust that wipes off :)

When I first did it I just hosed it down with some autoglym shampoo in the mix and a tiny amount of degreaser for any bits lower down, let that work for a bit then hosed it all down. Good job about the engine cover is it doesn't get too dirty in the first place
Any tips on using that autogylm aqua wax stuff?

Not sure if it was the best idea but I decided to put wax on top of polish? Everything looked good with a coat of A.G deep shine polish, managed to absolutely blitz all of the Shirl marks in my old paint work and apart from a few paint imperfections nothing but a respray would fix everything was looking nice and shiny, but as soon as I stuck the aqua wax on it everything went a bit wrong.

I applied it as the bottle says, i.e sprayed on car, buffed with on cloth, rinse and repeat until all the car was covered and then buffed it all again, but it seems that the wax dries out mega quickly making doing the finish buffing a real chore as the wax had already dried into little spots . In the end I had to re wax it, i.e spray on one panel, buff with one cloth, buff with another cloth and then move onto another panel.

I really hate the product at the moment. I spent over a hour waxing it only to make it end up looking worse than it did before I started. Not happy :mad:.

So, like I said, any tips before I go back to my old ways and stick with polish?
Any tips on using that autogylm aqua wax stuff?

Not sure if it was the best idea but I decided to put wax on top of polish? Everything looked good with a coat of A.G deep shine polish, managed to absolutely blitz all of the Shirl marks in my old paint work and apart from a few paint imperfections nothing but a respray would fix everything was looking nice and shiny, but as soon as I stuck the aqua wax on it everything went a bit wrong.

I applied it as the bottle says, i.e sprayed on car, buffed with on cloth, rinse and repeat until all the car was covered and then buffed it all again, but it seems that the wax dries out mega quickly making doing the finish buffing a real chore as the wax had already dried into little spots . In the end I had to re wax it, i.e spray on one panel, buff with one cloth, buff with another cloth and then move onto another panel.

I really hate the product at the moment. I spent over a hour waxing it only to make it end up looking worse than it did before I started. Not happy :mad:.

So, like I said, any tips before I go back to my old ways and stick with polish?

Take it to that place on goat house bridge, im sure for a score they will re apply it for you, and check your phone :)
Take it to that place on goat house bridge, im sure for a score they will re apply it for you, and check your phone :)

I honestly think I'm going to give up and start going to hand car washes like everyone else for good. 3 hours of my time, 40 quid worth of polish and nothing to show for it. Seriously winds me up :mad:.

Can you resend it? My phone is being stupid.
I honestly think I'm going to give up and start going to hand car washes like everyone else for good. 3 hours of my time, 40 quid worth of polish and nothing to show for it. Seriously winds me up :mad:.

Can you resend it? My phone is being stupid.

There i resent it :D
Any tips on using that autogylm aqua wax stuff?

Not sure if it was the best idea but I decided to put wax on top of polish? Everything looked good with a coat of A.G deep shine polish, managed to absolutely blitz all of the Shirl marks in my old paint work and apart from a few paint imperfections nothing but a respray would fix everything was looking nice and shiny, but as soon as I stuck the aqua wax on it everything went a bit wrong.

I applied it as the bottle says, i.e sprayed on car, buffed with on cloth, rinse and repeat until all the car was covered and then buffed it all again, but it seems that the wax dries out mega quickly making doing the finish buffing a real chore as the wax had already dried into little spots . In the end I had to re wax it, i.e spray on one panel, buff with one cloth, buff with another cloth and then move onto another panel.

I really hate the product at the moment. I spent over a hour waxing it only to make it end up looking worse than it did before I started. Not happy :mad:.

So, like I said, any tips before I go back to my old ways and stick with polish?

The idea of aqua wax is to put it on a wet car and it bonds with the water or something when you rub it in and gives a protective layer. By reading that you have put it on a dry car which kind of negates the point in it.
What products do you use and how to you go about cleaning?

I just sprayed AG E&MCleaner all over it and gave it a rinse with the hose last time. Gave the engine cover a going over with AG vynil & rubber and then the fuel lines a bit of TLC with some wirewool and Autosol. Anything else like the airbox got vynil & rubber care on it too. Most things usually just need a wipe like washer bottles etc.

May snow foam it this time...
The idea of aqua wax is to put it on a wet car and it bonds with the water or something when you rub it in and gives a protective layer. By reading that you have put it on a dry car which kind of negates the point in it.

So you can't use it dry whatsoever?
Anyone using Optimum No Rinse? I've only just started using it in the last month but it is easily my favourite product. No messing about getting out the hose and pressure washer and uses a fraction of the water. It seems to be protecting the paint against swirls at least if not better than the two bucket method.
Just done the EGP - giving it the suggested 30m cure time and then i'm done for the day. Not sure where to take it in/around Southampton for a nice picture though :p
Should have gone specsavers and read the label he he :D

Oh, THAT'S why it's called aqua wax? :o

I just thought you could use it wet if you didn't have the time to dry it, I didn't think that you actually HAD to use it with water :D
Aqua Wax is specially formulated to impart a brilliant smear-free finish on ALL exterior surfaces, even when the vehicle is wet. The immediate benefit is that there is no need to dry the car between washing and polishing.

Obviously it can be used when the car is wet and that is obviously the main point to it but from the wording it sounds like it should work perfectly well on a dry car too, it doesn't say 'only when the vehicle is wet' after all.

Joshy go read the bottle and tell us what the instructions say about wet or dry :p
Obviously it can be used when the car is wet and that is obviously the main point to it but from the wording it sounds like it should work perfectly well on a dry car too, it doesn't say 'only when the vehicle is wet' after all.

Joshy go read the bottle and tell us what the instructions say about wet or dry :p

Just don't use wet and dry, that would not work too well :p
Depends, Mayflower Park is shut off at night by the restaurant, the dock gates tend to require blagging to get in... Town Quay or Ocean Village are probably worth a punt though.
What products do you use and how to you go about cleaning?

autoglymn super degreaser works well.

Start with the engine off, cover up any exposed electricals with tinfoil or clingfilm.

Scrub away cleaning, then when finished rinse off gently. If using a pressure washer leave it on the lowest setting and use from a height to try to avoid pushing water in places it shouldnt be.

Once rinsed start the car and leave it running. Then use a drying towell to dry whilst the engine is running. The engine at this point will start to warm up, helping the drying the process. Leave running for 10 - 15 minutes to ensure fully dry.
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