*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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The Auto Finesse 3 for 2 offer is bankrupting me at the moment, bought a couple of normal sized products, then decided perhaps 5L would be better :)

Going to have a crack with the Meg's MF system after seeing some more reviews, looks pretty good, though Scholl S17+ and a yellow 3M pad has been highly recommended for a one pass system.
I priced this up the other day to £173. Seems a good selection to me:

Silverline Rotary is best bang for buck, a lot of people scare you and tell you that you will burn through the paint in no time, well you wont, you would have to be utterly cack handed to do that. Couple the rotary up with some decent pads, 3m etc, and you can get some brilliant result in half the time it would take with DA.
I'm planning (weather permitting) on showing my new motor some love this Saturday.

I plan to use the Werkstat Acrylic Kit in the near future so just want something to add shine/gloss and minor correction at the moment. (I'm sorted for snow foam, APC, de-taring, clay & lube, shampoo, wheel cleaner, wheel sealer all ready)

All my last cars were black however this is white. I have SRP & EGP and also HD Wax.

Bearing in mind I'll be using the Werkstat kit is it worth buying something else to polish up and seal with? Dodo Lime Prime perhaps? Or would it just make sense to buy the werkstat kit and begin building up layers now?

Alpine White BMW - if it helps.

Can you recommend the following:

- Drying towel
- Car shampoo
- Clay (with lubricant?)

Cheap as possible !!

I priced this up the other day to £173. Seems a good selection to me:


Nearly £47 on pads, that's mental. No need for soo many, just have a cheeky finishing one and another more aggressive one in other sizes.

Oh and pickup some Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer QD. Check the thread over in the was section on DW to see how great the stuff is.
Carlack on the windows & sunroof:



Also tried some poorboys wheelsealant on my exhaust tips, to save having to get the wirewool out every wash, I think C1 is supposed to be a bit better but don't have any of that at the moment.

I got a new focus last weekend. I'd like to try and protect the paint from bugs and stone chips as much as possible.

Is wax the best thing for this? I'm no expert so something easy to use would be great, I'd just like to give it some form of protection.

I was thinking of getting the meguair gold shampoo and conditioner using the two bucket method and then using the auto gym aqua car wax. I know it's not proper wax but will it provide some form of protection and does anyone have any on hand experience?

Am I missing anything or are there any better alternatives to protect a vehicle?

Guys got a bit of a problem with my Focus, used a snow foam machine at my friends and it seems to have ruined my new rubbers around the windows frames, the rubber has gone very white spotty and im very annoyed with what is essentially a brand new car free from any defects. I have tried trim and bumper restorer and black to magic stuff but all its done is kinda made it greasy and hid it but not too well. Have I ruined the rubber? :(
Gave the bay a quick going over yesterday.

Covered headlight rears & alternator with carrier bags.
APC & agitate
Mist to rinse with pressure washer
Run engine for 5-10 minutes.

Later after having taken the car for a drive, so everything was nice and warm, a decent covering with 303 was left for 2-3 hours, excess wiped off with cloth.



Washed the car for the first time in the last 2 months. Left it far too long to do so, and also too late in the day, but at least it has a fresh coat of wax in it and looks REALLY shiny :D

I will take a day out soon, and do EVERYTHING. Clean, Polish, Wax, Interior, Engine, Wheels, Wheels waxed etc. Just need to find the time to do it.

I need one of these, but they are not cheap :P
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Review time :) - not one for these sort of things but trim restoration is a common question so thought I would.

Plasticare Trim Dye

I applied the dye by pouring it out of the bottle on to a cheap Chinese yellow foam applicator and spread around on the trim. I would note here that during application gloves should be worn, any dye that gets on your skin does not come off! I would sum it up as application is easy if a little messy.

As for how well it worked, pictures paint a thousand words.

50/50 on date of application - 4th July 2013

8 months have passed since taking the photo and the car has only covered just over 3000 miles but it has been parked outside so has still seen all weather conditions.

This is the same mirror today (Excuse the water spots)

Rating - 9.5/10. A far superior product to other products I have used when trying to restore trim. 0.5 point lost due to trim not quite being as black as it was on day 1 though it is only minor difference. I will try to remember to come back in another 4 months to give a 1 year update, so far so good though.
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