No will do, and in the shade if the suns out...Worth every penny. Don't need it often and mine has lasted years. Just don't use it when the mitt or paint are hot.
No will do, and in the shade if the suns out...Worth every penny. Don't need it often and mine has lasted years. Just don't use it when the mitt or paint are hot.
OK so going to clay bar my car tonight after work as the evening are lighter now so I'll wash it (jet wash) and mitt soap wash. then clay bar with suitable lubricant do I then wash it again then add the polish?
Got this clay -
Bilt Hamber Auto Clay Bar Regular 200g
And this wax -
Bilt Hamber BHDSW250 Double Speed-Wax 250ml
Noted!The double speed wax, less is definitely more! When I first used it I put too much on and it was a nightmare (as I assume most wax products are if you put too much on).
Assuming I can clay the windows, front/rear lights?
Not wax the glass obviously
Like a bit of lubeI clay everything. Just be sure to use lots of lube![]()
Clay bar the car today, first time in over a year, paint now is silky smoothhhhhhhhh. Except I see lots of micro really needs fixing and I’m getting too old (and lazy) to polish it by hand!
Ps need to get more PERL.
Resin polish and a machine if you can't be bothered to do it by hand.
No, polish only makes them skip. What do you mean (specifically) when you say dragging - making noises or?
first sweep they are fine, on the way back they drag over the glass, like skipping bits (and making lots of noise)
Got clay? Clay the glass. Nothing else comes close.