There's a reservists sniper rifle in a church up north west of oasis
Holding tab down turns on a flashlight for there anyway to get some sort of flash light ? sometimes it is just to dark in the buildings
i found a red card key in Dunwich Building from one of the killed zombies(ghouls) any idea were to use it ?
How do I get to the Mueseum of Technology? I'm up to the part just after you have talked to Three Dog at Galaxy News Radio and he's asked me to go here, which subway stations do I need to take to reach the Mueseum? It's confusing as a lot of the time I end up going around in circles which gets annoying.
what does JET DO?
:| anybody been to the basment in the school yet? i went right down killed a few ants but can't climb onto the ledge.
I got the key to get through the door.
The reason for that part of the school is to give you the assault rifle, ammo and your first book.