***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Just upgraded to a new rig 3 years after the last upgrade hoping that Crysis 2 would be a real test. Judging by what I've read on here though it really does sound like it's a bit of a console port. Shame. And that is Not Looking Good for the future of PC gaming. Much.

Ah well

Guess I'll just go and replay Crysis again. It used to look like total merde on my old machine.

Oh and yes. I have downloaded the demo and No I can't log in or create an account either. TBH I'm not too keen on multiplayer FPS anyway. Too frantic. Much prefer the stealthy methodical approach in single player anyday.
Well I have just played the demo and am quite honestly a bit disappointed. I think (as many people have already said) worse than the first and I think many textures look awful (e.g. water textures, which looked so good in the first). I really do hope that the settings are upped for the final game and not every single game on the market for PC turns into just another console port.
One thing i would like to point out to people is that Multiplayer graphics are always gimped compared to single player.

Ok so finally got to play it. First impressions were holy cow these feels heavy and sluggish. Takes a few games to get into but after that i generaly quite like it. Its basically COD without all the annoying people that play COD.

One thing they MUST address is that bloom. I cant aim more than 5 ft infront of me becuase the enemies dissapear into a stupid bloom. Same as BC2 but this is worse.

Overall im keeping my pre order
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Well either im blind or something but it says advanced graphics yet i can't change them?

Im guessing advanced is low or something?

My 450GTS isnt amazing but it can play everything else at 1920x1200 with full graphics yet this doesn't play well at all, be nice to be able to mix and match settings :/
@ #368

^^ There is no need to gimp the GFX on a PC for multi, console yes, PC no. Anyway the leaked beta was the same so that blows that theory out of the water.
Demo runs fine but i cant last 2 minute in a game i keep getting disconnected? anyone know?
Also annoying, if you assign the grenade to a mouse button pressing it doesn't actually throw the grenade it just switches to it, thats poor

And no option to toggle the scope, must keep rmb pressed, its just going to get annoying when going from game to game
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Also annoying, if you assign the grenade to a mouse button pressing it doesn't actually throw the grenade it just switches to it, thats poor

it doesnt throiw it automatically if you use the proper button either. I like it that way, like it use to be. You have to equip the grenades to throw
I too am having difficult trying to create an account & the one i previously has says its in use? But won't let me connect saying my username invalid etc. Now the official site down. Total joke!

Now getting told it doesnt look good enough & now no DX11 on release??? Buy now & we will give u a partially completed game. This is why the pc scenario is failing, its not just money/piracey but people getting fed up of half arsed made games. Games with huge bugs. Games released but not complete. Games with horrible performance related issues (cryostatis).

2007!!! thats how long ago since we had a game pushing the pc (well, Dirt 2 looks nice & Metro 2033 has some lovely movements) & after 3 years, a bigger budget, massive hype, Crytek seems to shaft us. So disappointed. Wasent this game meant to be the best looking game out period!!!! Ahead of Killzone 3 on ps3 & ahead of crysis on the pc.
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BEFORE LOADING CRYSIS 2 Create a Gamespy account (avoid trying to create it through the game as it will freeze)
JOINING SERVERS Real problem 9 out of 10 you will get "Connection to host failed" (Keep trying different servers, you will find one)
Console port, i think people should boycot these things now its getting stupid.

the graphics is just like unreal tournament 3.

there is no movement in the vegetation, they are just trying to copy COD and that style of gameplay is old now. framerate at hardcore @ 1920 im getting 30to50fps if thats dx9 then im sorry thats worse performance than crysis one.

Also when you shoot you cant even keep focusing on the soldier.

I dont care if people say "this is the demo they left out highest settings" im sorry ive been playing pc games when voodoo cards were out, this saying is the biggest load of cobblers in my life. They just want to grab your hard earnt money.

It was so obvious, this would be case. Why do you think they arent talking anything about pc format... where are the pc format videos... this in itself should get you questioning.


Roll on bf3 - our only hope.
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The 360 demo was also around the same size yet its obvious that the 360 wouldn't be able to pull off the same texture resolution as the pc counterpart. So going by that it would seem that textures in this have probably been cut down to an extent.

There is also a little hint about texture quality - if you look at video memory usage during gameplay, it usually doesn't go above 600MB @ 1920x1080, hardcore settings. Pretty low for supposedly "best looking game".

Anyone here could compare game visuals console vs. PC version ? Is there any difference at all ? I still hope they've done just one demo for consoles + PC to make it simpler for them and what we see is not representative of what the final PC version will be like. That's the only reasonable explanation, right ? If it's final, then it is a big let down. Not because it looks bad - not at all - the Skyline map is actually quite pretty. It's just not mind-blowing, instead it looks more like console done above average. I was simply expecting more due to hype and first series setting standards so high.

And also - how can it be running with better fps than the orig. crysis ? We are speaking about games that are 3-4 years apart ! Surely if it was ever designed with PC gaming in mind - they should be able to provide quality settings that could take advantage of whatever powerful hardware the game is running on. If not to top the orig Crysis game requirements than definitely at least not making them weaker ?!? And this has nothing to do with game being better optimized. That should only provide more headroom for eye-candy. Well, that said - if the final version will be the same I won't buy it as I am not interested in console games.
There is also a little hint about texture quality - if you look at video memory usage during gameplay, it usually doesn't go above 600MB @ 1920x1080, hardcore settings. Pretty low for supposedly "best looking game".

Anyone here could compare game visuals console vs. PC version ? Is there any difference at all ? I still hope they've done just one demo for consoles + PC to make it simpler for them and what we see is not representative of what the final PC version will be like. That's the only reasonable explanation, right ? If it's final, then it is a big let down. Not because it looks bad - not at all - the Skyline map is actually quite pretty. It's just not mind-blowing, instead it looks more like console done above average. I was simply expecting more due to hype and first series setting standards so high.

And also - how can it be running with better fps than the orig. crysis ? We are speaking about games that are 3-4 years apart ! Surely if it was ever designed with PC gaming in mind - they should be able to provide quality settings that could take advantage of whatever powerful hardware the game is running on. If not to top the orig Crysis game requirements than definitely at least not making them weaker ?!? And this has nothing to do with game being better optimized. That should only provide more headroom for eye-candy. Well, that said - if the final version will be the same I won't buy it as I am not interested in console games.

Its running about 10 frames better than crysis one ,and this is in dx9!

this is more unoptimized than crysis 1
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