***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Roll on bf3 - our only hope.

Problem is BF3 is from EA also, they have a finger in every pie and its cheaper for them to do ports that it is to develop individually

I do think BF3 will be the best looking game out this year, but i dont think it will have anything much over BC2, even if it is a new engine

IMO Valve must be holding out or developing something and that is our only hope

I still enjoy this and will be keeping my pre order, got it at discount anyway so SP will be worth it
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Well further to my more reasoned response on page 6, I just played the multiplayer demo on the 360 and it's, frankly, laughably poor. Made even worse by the fact I still can't make an account for the PC demo I downloaded. Added to that the news about DX11 being patched in, it's all pretty hilarious really :D

Now where was that reply I made in the Crysis trailer thread about Crytek being a bunch of lying ******* :D
@ #381

^^ lol have you not seen the BF3 visuals they blow BC2's away, and the fact that the PC version will have 64 players and jets and maps on BF2 scale means it should play like the classic BF2 and nothing like BC2 and that's a good thing.

I know there's a big thread about Crysis 2 but this piece of news is pretty giant:

Crysis 2 will only ship with DirectX 9 support. a DX11 patch is coming some time down the road

quite frankly this is a pretty big blow against Crytek and their "PC version is not a port" talk. more about that in the official thread and demo thread

I'm working on en English source but here's one in swedish (from SweClocers.com)

http://www.sweclockers.com/nyhet/13594-crysis-2-endast-dx9-dx11-kommer-senareI know there's a big thread about Crysis 2 but this piece of news is pretty giant: Crysis 2 will only ship with DirectX 9 support. a DX11 patch is coming some time down the road quite frankly this is a pretty big blow against Crytek and their "PC version is not a port" talk. more about that in the official thread and demo thread I'm working on en English source but here's one in swedish (from SweClocers.com) http://www.sweclockers.com/nyhet/13594-crysis-2-endast-dx9-dx11-kommer-senare
@ #381

^^ lol have you not seen the BF3 visuals

Nothing offical no, other than the trailer released during the week which has a lot or strobe effects, theres not much around,
Even most of the threads around only contain "rumoured" screen shots

I never even mentioned gameplay
Ok, I been playing for the last couple of hours now.

Managed to get the FPS working like it should, so must need a restart in order for it to take effect, even though it doesn't tell you anything after applying settings. Getting around 50 FPS now, not bad on my PC.

Can tell straight away that this is a poor console port (apart from the start button, 1 preset for graphics and the auto aim WTF!, textures etc.) from the game play, feels very heavy/sluggish.

Takes a couple of games though to get in to it, get use to the controls and everything else, and once your use to it, it is quite good fun for a bit.

The nanosuit is stupid, armour shouldn't deplete when your not getting shot at, hate the way you jump now, sometimes I just want to do a basic jump but go flying up in the air showing my position to everyone, when you run holding shift down it still feels very slow and I was nearly always out of energy even though I hardly used any of the suit abilities :confused:

So after seeing the effort by crytek/EA and especially hearing about DX 11 now, I ain't buying this.

As for noob methods, well:

- Cloak mode camping in corner
- People not bothering to do team work
- Sometimes people just camping by the pods, but not actually trying to capture them, just to get easy kills

Let's just hope BF 3 is going to be epic and have the best sales ever for any game in the last 4 years or so, even more than the consoles :D
Keep the faith with BF3, 64 player on PC and 24 on console, the PC gamer could be getting some dev loving again.

yeah pre-order and you get return to karkand DLC map for free!!1 :rolleyes:

don't get me wrong, I hope it's more like BF2 than BC2 I really do.
If only for a decent mod team to get hold of it like the reality team did with BF2
I suppose this explains the encrypted config files/ini's

Probably a load of left over 360 code in there...
Yeah great thing about crysis was the advanced tweaking you could do, C2 has removed that because it is a console game ported to the PC.
Pc gamers should now stick together, this is proof of what is happening to pc gaming. if you start supporting these companys that do this it will just carry on.

time to make a stand!
@ #381

^^ lol have you not seen the BF3 visuals they blow BC2's away, and the fact that the PC version will have 64 players and jets and maps on BF2 scale means it should play like the classic BF2 and nothing like BC2 and that's a good thing.

cant wait for you to see the xboxers get privilidges over pc . lol ea are as bad as activison.

probably be good but it wont be pc only it will sell more on the xbox and well get catered for.probably catered for first with microsoft incentives .

the whole piracy thing is a great get out clause aswell for these companies cause they dont give pc shizzle and then just blame piracy for basically not making the game playable or even a valid pc title.

they are covered at every base now consoles are the eventual winners which i am sorry to say :( thats not a doom and gloom troll thats the truth.

pc cannot compete with the consoles it doesnt have a leg to stand on now the times are hard the cash is in consoles. we know it deep down but we buy the games which should be great but just arnt.

look at last few years. a lot of big titles have done this . i understand why and i can see where it will eventually go. youll see the big card companies slashing prices a lot now cause the higher end cards just are a waste now . unless you absolutley love a perticular game they are a waste or play at a obscene res as most games are just pure console ports which play on medium range cards.

first thing i thought when i heard crysis would come to console i thought in no way would they dumb down to a console level such a pc title or pinacle title which is basically a benchmark for games. yes its been done before but not by such a big game which does represent pc gaming so much.

then you get this game which does indeed represent so much to what you will get in the future of pc gaming. role off what games are out this year big pc games that you know are not ports and are pc games only .

dont even like writing this but you can see where a lot of gamers are at the moment .

when are game companies going to take note and actually start making decent original games again for the best platform ? i would actually pay to ask ea and activision that question in person.

rannnnt over :p
Sorry wrong, BF3 should not be effected by piracy as you need a legit key to play online so a purchase is necessary, if BF3 rocks it will do millions on the PC, just go look at steam sales on PC, the market is massive.
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