***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Pc gamers should now stick together, this is proof of what is happening to pc gaming. if you start supporting these companys that do this it will just carry on.

time to make a stand!

Uh-huh. Sure. Like thats going to happen. Look at the UK. Do you see people uniting? look at the UK's politics.
I agree DG

BF3 is the next Crysis 2 in the waiting, they are promising the world but will show us nothing until release, hell they cut prone from BC2 at the last minute, so believe nothing till its out

EA basically have a monopoly on PC FPS at the moment, activistion are so far behind after MW2 and BO, and valve couldnt even be botherd to finish HL2:episodes, portal 2 offers nothing new either

Your right about there being very little exclusively being developed for the pc anymore

As for sticking together, that didnt work for MW2 when the PC community was supposed to protest against the lack of dedicated servers, it still became the biggest selling game ever
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haha that was class. I cant believe I never noticed aim assist was on. should have guessed when I kept getting sniped perfectly in the center of my face
Don't expect the thrown in DX11 to make much difference to the visuals as the fact it's not even being shipped with the retail version just goes to show C2 is a console game on the PC and I'm guessing with some rather lame DX11 effects. Crytek just dumped all over PC gamers, they won't be getting another penny of me.

Yes I would have thought that they would have been further ahead with DX11 dev, apparently not, I will definitely not be buying this now, and in future will be cautious of any new PC game that's being released on console as well.
Also, it seems like game developers are getting lazy. Why not add DX11 support from the start? Seriously, a developer like Crytek, who made Far Cry and Crysis, then go and produce something with aim assistance for PC, and no DX11 support?! Seems mad...
just go look at steam sales on PC, the market is massive

It might be 'massive', but it's still smaller than the console market.

One example I seen recently was that F1 2010 on pc had around 35,000 different online users. The 360 & PS3 have 4-5 times that number, each.

We're generally a bunch of cheapskates who will mainly buy games when they get to £19.99 or less, as £30-£45 seems like daylight robbery.

If you were a dev, which market would you aim for to secure future funds ?

The cheapskates above who bitched & whined about v1 because their hard-earned hardware couldn't run it, just as they were warned it wouldn't...

Or the kiddies who'll suck up any hype like a Maximum Dyson, pay lots of £££'s, many, many times over, whine for a week then move onto the next must-have-game-of-the-year ?
I said from the start that Crysis 2 would be a console game. I got stoned to death for it on it but dig my posts out. I've played it on my Xbox 360 today. It's ok. It's much slower paced than COD. I'll download the Pc demo tomorrow if I don't have to register with too many things.
Just played it.

One word. Outstanding.

Graphics are brilliant (Haters gonna hate :mad:)

Gameplay is pretty good (I r BEASTAGE! :))

Overall, solid 9/10
Just played it.

One word. Outstanding.

Graphics are brilliant (Haters gonna hate :mad:)

Gameplay is pretty good (I r BEASTAGE! :))

Overall, solid 9/10


Once they bite into the forbidden fruit that is console market they will never waste their time on mere PC users.

Lets hope that doesn't happen with Portal 2 and valve.
To be fair to it, it has it's flaws, but if people say that the graphics are bad, what exactly do you expect from the graphics then? It looks a lot smoother than Crysis, and isn't any worse than Bad Company 2. Or have we all got to caught up in "the graphics will be amazing" mantra, that even when a game comes out with revolutionary graphics, we are disappointed? Are we just hyping games up too much that they fail for us no matter how good they are?
To be fair to it, it has it's flaws, but if people say that the graphics are bad, what exactly do you expect from the graphics exactly? It looks a lot smoother than Crysis, and isn't any worse than Bad Company 2.

We expect it to look considerably better than its 4 year old game predeccesor.....not worse!
We expect it to look considerably better than its 4 year old game predeccesor.....not worse!

Wasn't that it was going to be developed for consoles as well as PC's a tell tale warning sign though? Most developers focus more on consoles than in comparison with the PC so I am not surprised at all. :)
Wasn't that it was going to be developed for consoles as well as PC's a tell tale warning sign though? Most developers focus more on consoles than in comparison with the PC so I am not surprised at all. :)

Neither am i but he asked what we expected of graphics. Spending 4 years going backwards is not great is it.
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