The CustomPC Media Benchmarking Suite

Couldn't sleep so decided to mess about with this benchmark :)

Nice one boss:D thats an awsome score for a 2500k. Looks like you have a very nioce chip running them speeds @ that voltage. plenty more in the tank if needbe

That should get kitfit1 on a mission;)

Thanks! ;)

This chip runs at very low volts but unfortunately it hits the Mhz wall @ 5415
so only another 100Mhz left in the tank :(
GAH! tried my Phenom II 955 at 4.5Ghz but failed on video editing, last score i got on image was 1307 :( maybe when i have some money for the new Bulldozer and mobo i'll try pushing this chip a bit harder lol vcore was 1.55Volts :(
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