The CustomPC Media Benchmarking Suite

finally got her to post @ 4.3 and FINALLY broke the 2k point mark.....whoooooop whoooooop, but this is probably me definitely maxed out now.....:(

but hell it's been fun :D


Good man! A struggle but you got there in the end. At least you got yours to boot into Windows @4.3 :cool:
Thanks, I might give it another double run later tonight, will give me a chance to get the room as cool as possible :cool:

LoL same as me, the oh was moaning like mad last week at about 11pm when I had all the upstairs windows wide open :D
Yer mine to, during the winter the living room which is my PC room, CH was that high it was 24'c and woe was me if l asked if l could turn it down. :(
Blanket to the rescue!

Yer mine to, during the winter the living room which is my PC room, CH was that high it was 24'c and woe was me if l asked if l could turn it down. :(

my other half don't much like the cold either. central heating and a log fire burning most of the time, irrespective of the weather :rolleyes:

thankfully my pc is well away from that malarky, when i got to 4.3 earlier I was sat with the windows upstairs wide open, and the place was baltic. i was sat with a jumper and a fleece on, but it kept my core temps cool, which is all that matters-thats what i keep telling her indoors anyway :p
Had another blast at it tonight.
Its looking like memory timings have a big effect on the Image Editing test.

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Sounds like you might be hitting the Mhz wall of your Cpu somewhere between 5300 & 5400Mhz.
It might not be that your Cpu/Board arn't capable of doing 103 BCLK but your Cpu wont hit that speed.
Try 103 or 104 BCLK with a lower multi ... say 50x or 51x and see if it runs.

It doesn't, even at super slack timings. Whats this leader board people are referring to?
Cheers bud, what makes it sweet is the pair of use have beat a couple of Sandys, it just shoes these old gals[920] can still show a fine pair of heels, lol. ;)
Wahey!! finally broke the 1500 mark haha

just to add, wheres all the amd results guys, intel are whitewashing this one :(
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