The Division. Are we interested?

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I played the beta of this when it came out and really enjoyed it but never got round to buying it.

Just had a look on steam and it gets poor reviews, mostly people complaining of bugs, lack of bullet damage and hackers!
not sure if the hacker comments where people cheating or just abusing the game or even going rogue and shooting each other in the back! lol

how are you guys finding the game?

Today I thought of the idea not opening green caches, not even look at them until 1.3 to get new gear. However, the max money should change for 268 sets if it scales like Mario suggested.

Also I cba to do incursions until after the patch, in the few days I have left before said patch. I'd rather farm for them elusive tools and electronics. Not bothered with getting new weapons either. What's the point with 229 coming :cool:
all my playing time now is purely for mats,have weapons im happy with,all i need is mats,dz creds and just creds
i even stopped rolling better gear stats - no point atm,besides im happy with my 3 builds

just 1 week ;)
all my playing time now is purely for mats,have weapons im happy with,all i need is mats,dz creds and just creds
i even stopped rolling better gear stats - no point atm,besides im happy with my 3 builds

just 1 week ;)

Yeah I am content as well. I'm begging massive to fix the tools and electronics shortages, this is getting ridiculous. Recently I must have been farming for 7-8 hours for 11 tools. 11! And that was a good day! Yes they want the drops to be the main source blah blah blah. I'm not getting good drops though, haven't had a single one tbh ;p
Active thread, 433 pages; game's sh*te... :p j/k

Well for newcomers yes it is.

I picked it up last week, came to the thread and theres just people banging on about FM CM CS IP RO LM NK whatever like theres no tomorrow so I just went solo instead.

Massively off putting to noobs thats making me rather play the game myself than actually team up with people and have them tell me how to play for the next 3 weeks :rolleyes:
Well for newcomers yes it is.

I picked it up last week, came to the thread and theres just people banging on about FM CM CS IP RO LM NK whatever like theres no tomorrow so I just went solo instead.

Massively off putting to noobs thats making me rather play the game myself than actually team up with people and have them tell me how to play for the next 3 weeks :rolleyes:

Feel free to ask questions - most here have been playing since launch so there is an assumed level of knowledge. However, because of that there are also a number of very knowledgeable people playing who have invested a lot of time into the game and its intricacies.

There has never been a reasonable question asked that did not receive a reasonable response and most who regularly post here have assisted new players with their build, and have assisted them with the more difficult areas of the game to solo - incursions, DZ (dark zone) and challenging missions. There is always someone willing to team up and help you through.

No one is going to tell you how to play the game, that's up to you. What will happen is that you will meet a good bunch of blokes who enjoy a game, willing to help if you need it and share what has worked for them.

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Well for newcomers yes it is.

I picked it up last week, came to the thread and theres just people banging on about FM CM CS IP RO LM NK whatever like theres no tomorrow so I just went solo instead.

Massively off putting to noobs thats making me rather play the game myself than actually team up with people and have them tell me how to play for the next 3 weeks :rolleyes:

Advice is freely available, take it or leave it.

Of course, the majority of talk at this stage is 'advanced' for a new player as the core of the players here have clocked up a lot of hours ( 500+ in a lot of cases ) so there is no reason to be talking about the mission stages we all completed at the start.

Page 120 of this thread is when the game was released, you are posting 300 pages later and are surprised we are talking non-noob :rolleyes: ( <- have your roll eyes back )
Page 120 of this thread is when the game was released, you are posting 300 pages later and are surprised we are talking non-noob :rolleyes: ( <- have your roll eyes back )

Yeah sorry I got sent to Cyprus the day it released, so tell me about it :rolleyes:

Not being a nob about it, I just dunno how to progress outside the missions, plus the majority of you are so far levelled above noob its almost pointless me squadding with any of you to progress gear level etc.

Prob just solo it up till I get bored then figure it out on my own as I seem to literally be 3 months behind the curve.
Yeah sorry I got sent to Cyprus the day it released, so tell me about it :rolleyes:

Not being a nob about it, I just dunno how to progress outside the missions, plus the majority of you are so far levelled above noob its almost pointless me squadding with any of you to progress gear level etc.

Prob just solo it up till I get bored then figure it out on my own as I seem to literally be 3 months behind the curve.

What level are you at now? A lot of us have multiple characters in different states of levelling. I have four characters between level 5 and 30, and I'm always up for a mission or two below level 30.

Uplay is Dr.Fate_OC, feel free to drop a friend request.

Yeah sorry I got sent to Cyprus the day it released, so tell me about it :rolleyes:

Not being a nob about it, I just dunno how to progress outside the missions, plus the majority of you are so far levelled above noob its almost pointless me squadding with any of you to progress gear level etc.

Prob just solo it up till I get bored then figure it out on my own as I seem to literally be 3 months behind the curve.

I only started playing at the start of this month and I ended up playing with a lot of these guys now, so actually it's not that hard to progress, in fact after you reach lv30 there are a lot of PvE content which will help you get your stats up and you can go from there.

As long as you focus on getting your armour up at first so that you're not sponge squishy you're fine.
Boycey, get your self on discord and say hi, add me Prattler on Uplay and I will spend some time helping you to level up. When you finally get to level 30 you need to get squaded with 4 people. The stuff we pick up is is 95% rubbish so we ask anyone if they want it before we deconstuct it.
Today I thought of the idea not opening green caches, not even look at them until 1.3 to get new gear. However, the max money should change for 268 sets if it scales like Mario suggested.

Also I cba to do incursions until after the patch, in the few days I have left before said patch. I'd rather farm for them elusive tools and electronics. Not bothered with getting new weapons either. What's the point with 229 coming :cool:

Incursions/Missions/S&D's I will probably still run a few times just to break up the grind. Not FL though, that is too much of a time commitment lol! Wont be running them many times though as got the weeklys done yesterday.

Incursions etc and CS is still good to run if you aren't happy with your gear to be ready for 1.3. For us though considering we are content with our gear, there is no real need to run them in the hope for better stuff. :)

Feel free to ask questions - most here have been playing since launch so there is an assumed level of knowledge. However, because of that there are also a number of very knowledgeable people playing who have invested a lot of time into the game and its intricacies.

There has never been a reasonable question asked that did not receive a reasonable response and most who regularly post here have assisted new players with their build, and have assisted them with the more difficult areas of the game to solo - incursions, DZ (dark zone) and challenging missions. There is always someone willing to team up and help you through.

No one is going to tell you how to play the game, that's up to you. What will happen is that you will meet a good bunch of blokes who enjoy a game, willing to help if you need it and share what has worked for them.



Definitely come along to discord or post up any questions you have as we are all happy to help.

Not a lot of new people come in here so we continue with our talks not really thinking it may be jibberish to some people.

To those I was playing with last night....I went off for food then fell asleep on the sofa lol! Will be on tonight for DZ farming mainly so will see you then!
Yeah up to level 30, progress is doing the missions and storyline.

After level 30, then you can gear up and start getting the good stuff.

Hit us up on discord and we can help you do the tougher missions that you are finding toughest. I'm chanjy24 on uplay.
Had fun in the DZ last night. Only wish I could have stayed on longer. Looted a boat load of pistols as well. Roll on pistol only build!
Incursions/Missions/S&D's I will probably still run a few times just to break up the grind. Not FL though, that is too much of a time commitment lol! Wont be running them many times though as got the weeklys done yesterday.

Incursions etc and CS is still good to run if you aren't happy with your gear to be ready for 1.3. For us though considering we are content with our gear, there is no real need to run them in the hope for better stuff. :)


Definitely come along to discord or post up any questions you have as we are all happy to help.

Not a lot of new people come in here so we continue with our talks not really thinking it may be jibberish to some people.

To those I was playing with last night....I went off for food then fell asleep on the sofa lol! Will be on tonight for DZ farming mainly so will see you then!

Firstly, Boycey, add me as well and give me a shout if you need help with anything (same name as forum username).

Onwards; I'm at max Intel so cannot really be bothered spending it ha ha - only because I'm away and missed about a week's worth of farming when I get back. Need to make up for it as much as I can for the new 1.3 blueprints.

I'm hoping we can use modifiers from the get go? They're not tied to heroic mode or are they? I don't mind losing the mini map and something else from the start. As much as possible to get better rewards. Even the sickness modifier isn't a biggy if someone runs a healing station. The one where using a skill puts everyone's skills on cool down is fantastic! Requires planning and communication at all times.
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Firstly, Boycey, add me as well and give me a shout if you need help with anything (same name as forum username).

Onwards; I'm at max Intel so cannot really be bothered spending it ha ha - only because I'm away and missed about a week's worth of farming when I get back. Need to make up for it as much as I can for the new 1.3 blueprints.

I'm hoping we can use modifiers from the get go? They're not tied to heroic mode or are they? I don't mind losing the mini map and something else from the start. As much as possible to get better rewards. Even the sickness modifier isn't a biggy if someone runs a healing station. The one where using a skill puts everyone's skills on cool down is fantastic! Requires planning and communication at all times.

As soon as I get to rank cap for S&D I will stop as well.

The modifiers are only applicable to Heroic modes, and Underground so everything else wont get this.

Although, the different heroic options get unlocked as you progress via the underground rank - so I think this is where most people will grind to enable the hardest difficulties.

In regards to the sickness - I agree. Even if someone is running smart cover which increases your health and someone is running healing station it is all good. Tanktician is still a big part to play in this I think with high skill or at least high buffed skill.

I cant wait. Hurry up and get back from the country good sir lol

What are these modifiers? Have I missed something important?

Modifers are the heroic addons. So you can add on:(not official names)

Reload modifier - when you reload with bullets left you lose the magazine
Sickness - constantly lose health until bottom bar
COnsumables - all NPC's get incendiary or explosive bullets
Fog of war - no mini map
Skill - use one skill and both go down

That's all I can remember.
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