The Division. Are we interested?

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What's Griffin?

I'm sure I'll recognise the rooftop and realise I never thought of a boss there.

Name of one of the bosses in hvt I believe.

Here's a question for thought. Why, if you stay in a server long enough does it go empty when people leave but never refill?

Do you think they still have their planned server space allocated for a full playerbase and are using it all so just by chance we get the empty areas?

Is it a glitch?

I'm not complaining but its weird.
I think it's just random luck. But your guess us as good as mine.

I hope I can find the state of the game summary in text format somewhere tomorrow as I can't watch videos atm.

I'm sure it will be on reddit or something. If I find it I will post it on here for you.

I wont be able to watch it in work so need the same lol
I'm sure it will be on reddit or something. If I find it I will post it on here for you.

I wont be able to watch it in work so need the same lol

Appreciate it buddy, thanks in advance! And if not I'll watch it Friday. I will tell you one thing I won't be doing Friday; look at the vendors ha ha!

Not sure about the validity of this but it seems to have merit; there will be HVTs at the underground base...

My Uplay name is too long lol. Tried changing it to F34R but it's apparently taken. I'm also bored by the name after so many people years to he honest ha ha! And people keep calling me F34

Does anyone have the newest Uplay phone app now named Ubi club? I can't access or send messages through it anymore.
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Seems like some of the Reddit group are finally wising up and realizing that 600k toughness tanktician builds are useless when playing in a rogue group.

It is fun but during a fire fight it's easy to identify who is the tanky player and completely ignore them and their sticky bombs if you run high enough edr.

I said weeks ago it is a selfish build and that stamina mods should be replaced with performance mods that make builds more support focussed.

You don't even drop much toughness and 500k is still sufficient if you use performance mods to compliment your skills.

Smart Cover skill can have extended duration and increased damage etc
Support stations can have increased range and health etc

The above are simple things that are vital keeping your team alive. I'm still trying to find more mods that increase the range of my immunizer station as shock turrets are a pita and it would be nice for my team to have greater room to engage players without the fear of being immobilized for a few seconds.
Seems like some of the Reddit group are finally wising up and realizing that 600k toughness tanktician builds are useless when playing in a rogue group.

It is fun but during a fire fight it's easy to identify who is the tanky player and completely ignore them and their sticky bombs if you run high enough edr.

I said weeks ago it is a selfish build and that stamina mods should be replaced with performance mods that make builds more support focussed.

You don't even drop much toughness and 500k is still sufficient if you use performance mods to compliment your skills.

Smart Cover skill can have extended duration and increased damage etc
Support stations can have increased range and health etc

The above are simple things that are vital keeping your team alive. I'm still trying to find more mods that increase the range of my immunizer station as shock turrets are a pita and it would be nice for my team to have greater room to engage players without the fear of being immobilized for a few seconds.

Well it depends on how your team is formed tbh.

But as a tank tech I don't really use sticky much but more smart cover and pulse, since that boost my team up a lot and they can melt the opponent while I get up close and get their attention.
Good post Twirlywoos and be sure to let us know what you come up with! I'm fortunate that shock turrets and stickies don't really do anything to me die to the high EDR but not everyone has invested in it, making your ideas really good. I also think it pays off to work as a team when doing PvP - although I think you've got that down already :)

Well it depends on how your team is formed tbh.

But as a tank tech I don't really use sticky much but more smart cover and pulse, since that boost my team up a lot and they can melt the opponent while I get up close and get their attention.

Just make sure you won't pulse until after you've gone rogue or they'll get your buff ;)
For a rogue group, I agree definitely as it doesn't bring much to the table aside from being the last man standing.

The last few nights I have mainly being using a different set of tacticians gloves which gives me 535k toughness, 34k electronics as a base which means smart cover/pulse etc are strong for the team members as it stands, but also doesn't take long to get to that max buff to get the maximum benefit from the electronics cap.

However, I do still run the high toughness one sometimes as I get extra edr from the gloves geared towards stamina. (mainly for q etc, running into supply drops)

For everything else pve related, it is still a valid build Imo, especially cm Cs. And for pvp, it is also still valid if people go rogue on you and you don't want to fight.

Edit: I still much prefer my dps build as I finally got to use my new sentrys backpack so I'm sitting on 250k dps/ 459k toughness and I will be running it more but for this week - tanktician is being used out of necessity to farm as quickly as possible which it works well for.

Its too hot and cant effin sleep. :(
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Does anyone have the newest Uplay phone app now named Ubi club? I can't access or send messages through it anymore.

The newer app is a big improvement over the last one, but they do seem to have removed the ability to receive and send messages :mad:. At least you can still accept friend requests at least.

Last version never worked properly for me on my iPhone anyway as it kept crashing the app when viewing messages and hadn't been updated in a very long time.

Really hope the add messaging back to it eventually.

New weapon talent Distracted, damage is increased by 100% against blind/death targets... oh my oh my....

Very nice talent :)
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The newer app is a big improvement over the last one, but they do seem to have removed the ability to receive and send messages :mad:. At least you can still accept friend requests at least.

Last version never worked properly for me on my iPhone anyway as it kept crashing the app when viewing messages and hadn't been updated in a very long time.

Really hope the add messaging back to it eventually.

Very nice talent :)

Looking like that 3 set blind bonus may be a must for DZ.....
Had a good run with some guys in the DZ last night, lots of greens and all nomads!

ranked up from 55 to 57 so getting there :D

cheers to Richie, Tesslacoil and ImTooTall for letting me tag long
SoTG starting now.

Talking Weapons and Gear..

I need to know what weapons and gear will make it into the patch.


@ away: Blind set plus DT MDR with Distracted is awesome! I wouldn't worry about the DZ; I always worry with each patch and none of them came true.

@ Twirlywoos; wow what?! With not you mean now? That would render my entire character build useless, no bonuses whatsoever. Edit: oh no it won't, just won't get the Striker's bonus now which I didn't want anyway.


Finally! No need for blueprints anymore then though... Or farming for mats. What currency they need to recalibration? Not mats hopefully.
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