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SoTG 23/06/16 Notes

weapon changes
*adding bonuses rather than removing
*lmg added suppression - add dmg to target out of cover ~25%
*shotgun - added amount of stagger to target (but not PvP yet), 30% dmg buff above lvl 30
*AR - armour destruction added (but not PvP yet) ~20% armour dmg
*smg - changed bonus to crit damage, so "slight buff". vector and aug reduced base dmg by ~10% to balance as were OP
*M1A - if you're spamming shots will now be less accuate

keeping an eye on the "tanktitian situation"

sentry/striker combo - reduced bonus from 2/3 piece and moved benefit to a 5 piece bonus instead

special ammo nerf - incend duration reduced by ~75%, explosive will do same dmg as bullet 1:1

E3 build "battle rifle" - not released just yet, not quite ready

new weapon families
*fully auto shotgun, drum mag. crosshair more accurate with less ammo remaining
*AR - more damage when not on skill cooldown
*SVD - on kill, next shot WILL crit hit
*PP19 smg - more crit hits = faster reload


accompanying article out today.
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They ****ed up sentry and striker. The bonuses will not require 5pc instead of 4 as it was an overused meta. How we gonna deal with these tankticians now

I've been running 4 piece sentry for a while now, mainly because it was the best of what I have. Been coupling it with 2 Hunters Faith, more out of necessity as this is the toughest combo I have, although I like the extra bang the 2 piece Hunters gives my marksman rifle.

(So now caught the summary on Reddit)

Ha ha, so everything I have is being nerfed. The Aug is losing 10% damage, my M1a will be more difficult to aim and there's little point to a Sentry build now (although I don't quite follow this one, not sure if they mean a sentry/striker combo or you need 5 pieces to unlock all of the previous 2, 3 and 4 piece talents).

Back to the drawing board I guess...

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What's all this yet? No battle rifle?!?! FFS! I have to wait another month for it at least? Need it for the underground sigh. Set nerfs, said it before but it's like playing a beta game and right in the middle they change the rules. Not happy about all things here.

Existing CHC buffs on current SMGs will not change. New guns will roll with CHD.

That's good! Assuming blueprints I have will roll CHD.
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They ****ed up sentry and striker. The bonuses will not require 5pc instead of 4 as it was an overused meta. How we gonna deal with these tankticians now

lol.... tanktician is going to be even more OP than ever. Good move massive ffs

Ethically, people "shouldn't" run it in the DZ, but most people wont stop, including me when it comes to farming. Going rogue, I prefer downing people rather than peashooting them with my lowly dps on the tank build.

Cheers twirly!
"sentry/striker combo - reduced bonus from 2/3 piece and moved benefit to a 5 piece bonus instead"

Well, there's my build ruined then. SMG damage reduced AND Striker now requiring an extra piece for the bonus?! Meh, roll on Deus Ex.
Its not going to be removing peoples existing 3rd talent.

I'd be willing to bet cold hard cash that's what it means. I think they'll probably be able to change existing SMGs bonus from crit chance to crit damage since those guns already have that attribute set. Its just a change in the database

old guns never had that type of bonus so they won't be applying them. We'll wait and see tomorrow but You know what's coming ;)

If only I'd found a bookmaker to take my bet !
Confirmed: Old/current weapons weapons will not receive new weapon changes (shotgun stagger, AR armour damage, etc) and SMGs won't change, so will remain crit hit chance.

Summarised here:

"You will now be able to re-calibrate weapon talents with the weapon kit."

About bloody time :D

This one I would like to try.

"PP-19 SMG - Large mag SMG, more crits increase the speed of the reload."
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"sentry/striker combo - reduced bonus from 2/3 piece and moved benefit to a 5 piece bonus instead"

Well, there's my build ruined then. SMG damage reduced AND Striker now requiring an extra piece for the bonus?! Meh, roll on Deus Ex.

Same by the look of it. I'm using three sentrys for the headshot damage. So if that three piece bonus is reduced there goes 20% headshot damage, that for me is a large loss :(

Looks like I wil also be running two final measures permanently now for the time being instead of swapping them in and out.

Looks like I will be tweaking my build a bit once I get back home.
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@ Gamble: the battle rifle is the Blind bonus rifle, yes. The semi auto AR. Was going to be my first purchase (in August now aw). Maybe I can get Distracted in something else meanwhile, will be too small a bandaid on too large a wound though.

@ Fr0dders: lol yes yes you were right, somewhat :p

Set nerfs: well last week I did suggest that of they want people to start using the other sets they should nerf them or do away with them entirely... Be careful what you wish for eh. But this does level the playing field. I think that ultimately it's a good thing.

So there's not many new weapons coming. I was hoping like 20, not 4 :/ unless they haven't mentioned them all?

Time to retire the BoO AUG soon. Getting myself a PP-19.
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Same by the look of it. I'm using three sentrys for the headshot damage. So if that three piece bonus is reduced there goes 20% headshot damage, that for me is a large loss :(

Looks like I will be tweaking my build a bit once I get back home. Looks like I will be running two final measures permanently now for the time being instead of swapping them in and out.

But the sentry hs damage is 2 piece at the moment. Suspect you will be ok :)

3 piece is damage to elites, IIRC
dont even know what to think..
seems like tankticians will be even more immortal after they nerf centry/striker,which is boring as hell
weapon talents recalibrating - ok,everybody will run with good weapons from now on
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.................. :(

Looks like I'm switching back out to Pred Mark then when the changes hit!! Just when I was starting to enjoy Striker's..... :(

On the upside, new shotgun + current/nice SMG for Short & Medium term targets sounds tasty.....:cool:
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