The Division. Are we interested?

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Quoted from a dev -

"Sentry and Striker gear set bonuses have been changed. We have known for some time this is the "go to" combination, to use 2-3 pieces of these gear sets. Too popular in the game"

And having something "Too" popular in a game is a bad thing? Surely it comes down to personal preference...? The more I play this game, the more I'm starting to think that they WANT to annoy the player base. Jeez, even the npc's in the DZ checkpoints admit that "The Dark Zone is a joke." Yeah, even more so after this update.
I can see where they are coming from. If there are 8 gear sets and '000s of combos going and a large number choose the same set then maybe they aren't suitably balanced.

Don't really have a problem with this, people will adapt and move onto the next best thing but hopefully we get a bit more balance and the game becomes better for us all.

Remember when sentry 4 piece activated with SMG? That was ridiculous, time to kill in the DZ was about 3 seconds. The balance is slowly getting better.
"sentry/striker combo - reduced bonus from 2/3 piece and moved benefit to a 5 piece bonus instead"

Well, there's my build ruined then. SMG damage reduced AND Striker now requiring an extra piece for the bonus?! Meh, roll on Deus Ex.

that's the build i was aiming for :(
I can see where they are coming from. If there are 8 gear sets and '000s of combos going and a large number choose the same set then maybe they aren't suitably balanced.

Don't really have a problem with this, people will adapt and move onto the next best thing but hopefully we get a bit more balance and the game becomes better for us all.

Remember when sentry 4 piece activated with SMG? That was ridiculous, time to kill in the DZ was about 3 seconds. The balance is slowly getting better.

careful now, that sounds a bit like common sense. we don't like that round 'ere..
@ Gamble: the battle rifle is the Blind bonus rifle, yes. The semi auto AR. Was going to be my first purchase (in August now aw). Maybe I can get Distracted in something else meanwhile, will be too small a bandaid on too large a wound though.

@ Fr0dders: lol yes yes you were right, somewhat :p

Set nerfs: well last week I did suggest that of they want people to start using the other sets they should nerf them or do away with them entirely... Be careful what you wish for eh. But this does level the playing field. I think that ultimately it's a good thing.

So there's not many new weapons coming. I was hoping like 20, not 4 :/ unless they haven't mentioned them all?

Time to retire the BoO AUG soon. Getting myself a PP-19.

Ah damn! I didn't realise it was the BLIND one.

Are we sure they just didn't mention it because it is already known?? EDIT: Sorry noticed it isn't included at all! Damn man! :(

Will be time for a major refresh of my DPS set come 1.3 then, jesus.

I can see where they are coming from. If there are 8 gear sets and '000s of combos going and a large number choose the same set then maybe they aren't suitably balanced.

Don't really have a problem with this, people will adapt and move onto the next best thing but hopefully we get a bit more balance and the game becomes better for us all.

Remember when sentry 4 piece activated with SMG? That was ridiculous, time to kill in the DZ was about 3 seconds. The balance is slowly getting better.

Everyone will adapt of course and it will be a bit more level. With the exception of tanktician, I cant fathom how they would nerf sentrys/strikers but not nerf tanktician - infact technically make it stronger if you have 2 piece blind and so on.
They are nerfing it, I guess, because the new higher level guns will do much more damage. Your toughness will stay the same with the new patch but DPS will go up with new higher level guns.

edit: actually with higher level gear sets toughness will go up, maybe they need to nerf tanktician too?
They are nerfing it, I guess, because the new higher level guns will do much more damage. Your toughness will stay the same with the new patch but DPS will go up with new higher level guns.

edit: actually with higher level gear sets toughness will go up, maybe they need to nerf tanktician too?

"they watching"

5 pieces to get the full set bonus will only make tank-tician build even more overpowered with no way to protect yourself against stickybombs with 2 piece final measure. Hope the underground pve content is good, because the dz will turn even more boring now.

SotG before last Patch "we will not nerf weapons bla"
SotG today:" Guess we gonna nerf M1A, Aug, Vector. Ah and while we're at it, lets just completely **** everybody's DPS build AGAIN, but this time the hard way"
Seriously... first sentry nerf was A-OK, but THIS ONE?! "Sentry and Striker too popular, **** you we change it because it's our game and you da bitch, so bend down and suck it"
Ah well and lets just nerf consumables by A ****ING 75% because explosive rounds are bugged and we do not bother to fix something
Yeah I'm ****ed

4 piece predator and 2 piece FM vs tank-tician ??
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Well, I can see more changes coming down the line. It won't stay like this for long I'm sure. I think the idea of a 5 piece to get the full bonus is good, it makes people choose one set - but it needs to be applied across all sets not just striker and sentry.

I'm not even sure I saw lots of sentry/striker combos anyway, I haven't run that build since the start of 1.2 really and loads of players run Tanktician, Predators or have 2 FM for damage resilience so there can't be that many running 3S/3S combos?
tbh it sounds like they dreamt big with some of the new content, but have come up short when it came to production.

I hope the same Chefie, I really thing the underground will be awesome fun and the new heroic modes
Ahh Massive you do amuse me... players too tanky so let's nerf the damage sets but not the tank set?

Thing is, the damage mitigation limits aren't enough in end game PVE.

You get wasted doing challenge mode with low toughness. Those high amounts are needed for PVE and they haven't found a way to fully seprate PVE and PVP.

So i never expected them to put the damage mitigation limit back to 65 %
4 piece predator and 2 piece FM vs tank-tician ??

in before this will be nerfed as well :D
im refusing to play with tanktician - not my style and its boring as hell

lets just wait 1.3 and see with what people come up with,reading reddit atm and tehre are not many very optimistic

afraid many players will be **** off because of nerfs and will leave game for good

lets wit for 1.3,maybe we will never need to step in DZ again :D

Chanjy - i am running 3+3 and switched to 2centry + strike + Fm after 1.2 (if not stickys i would still be running 3+3)
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Biggest load of bull ever :p

I was seriously debating this this morning, weighing the pros and cons. I think okay for this month (but that statement alone having to review and rebalence your build each month is ludicrous), but I don't want to do this every month, you know what I am saying? (sorry watched Southpark where Butters becomes a pimp lol)

I really need to know how badly the 2 piece Sentry's is nerfed because I had planned on 4 piece Blind with that.

Maybe it's a good thing I have a full set of Tactician and Predators in the stash, just in case.
I can see where they are coming from. If there are 8 gear sets and '000s of combos going and a large number choose the same set then maybe they aren't suitably balanced.

In any game the player base will always find the most efficient combos. For Division, there are only 2 real choices, DPS or Skill/Tank. So to summarise the gearsets:

Sentry and Strikers: DPS
Final Measure: Tank
Tactiticans: Skill

Predator and Hunter's Faith: Hybrid DPS - lower / not optimal

Nomad: Useless
Lone Star: Useless

What I never get is why popular is bad and tends to be nerfed? Why not understand why the two builds in the game are so popular and then look at why the other armour sets/combos aren't being used, and make them viable :confused:

Remember when sentry 4 piece activated with SMG? That was ridiculous, time to kill in the DZ was about 3 seconds. The balance is slowly getting better.

Ahh Massive you do amuse me... players too tanky so let's nerf the damage sets but not the tank set?

The first was a logical fix to bring the DPS in line, the second is wrong IMO. Lowering the DPS further, but doing nothing about the other build.
Just had a good read through the synopsis posted on reddit, and a lot of elements sounds good to be honest.

All in all, still looking forward to it regardless :)

•Some new exotics and weapons families coming. The Showstopper is coming; a fully automatic shotgun with a drum magazine. It always rolls with the talent the "showstopper" is also a unique talent that shrinks your reticle as you fire based on how many bullets you have left in the magazine so it becomes more accurate as you fire. (like a LMG)

•The G36 assualt rifle family (3 variants) will come with the unique talent "focused. Bonus damage when skills are off-cooldown.

•SVD family of marksman rifles come with the "Decisive" talent - Next shot after a kill is a 100% chance to crit.

•PP-19 SMG family; drum magazine,large capacity magazine SMG, more you crit with it, increases the speed of the reload.

You will now be able to re-calibrate weapon talents with the weapon kit. It works just like gear re calibration, pick one of 3 slots and re-roll.

•You can re-roll these new unique weapon talents on the new weapon families/exotics if you don't like them.

The Vector and AUG gun families base damage is being reduced by a small amount about 10% and will affect existing guns

•SMGs: Switching the rolled CHC bonus to CHD, it is a slight buff if you can reach the crit hit chance cap. This base buff changes will only affect newly rolled (dropped and crafted) guns after the patch
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