The Division. Are we interested?

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tbh it sounds like they dreamt big with some of the new content, but have come up short when it came to production.

I hope the same Chefie, I really thing the underground will be awesome fun and the new heroic modes

I have been spending what little time I have putting together a build with what little pieces I have that might be competitive enough to get something out of the new content. This nerf to Sentry (and as I mentioned above, I was using bloody Hunters Faith as my 2 piece!) means that I have a couple of evenings at best to totally redo a build and a play style that might get me somewhe. The next best build I can put together without Sentry or Striker is a 4 piece Predator 2 Piece FM but I drop 150k toughness! It's like I've gone backwards by a month...

Yeah,I'm salty (I think that's the term? ;))

As with most games of this nature, there will always be a "flavour of the month" in terms of gear setup that people will gravitate toward. Regardless of how many more gear sets and how many more changes they intend to implement over the life-cycle of the game, they will always have a situation where "Too many people are using x y z", and thus a change (nerf) will be implemented in order to dissuade people from using particular pieces of equipment. Such changes always come with the promise of "improved player experience", when in acuality it is usually done to extend the games longevity.

Grind for better gear in order to partake in activities that offer the chance to obtain better gear. Nerf better gear, intorduce new items, rince and repeat. At least most other games that employ such a strategy have pve content that offers a degree of depth and immersion, thus lessening the grind. I'm going to wait and see how Underground is received before buying.
In any game the player base will always find the most efficient combos. For Division, there are only 2 real choices, DPS or Skill/Tank. So to summarise the gearsets:

Sentry and Strikers: DPS
Final Measure: Tank
Tactiticans: Skill

Predator and Hunter's Faith: Hybrid DPS - lower / not optimal

Nomad: Useless
Lone Star: Useless

What I never get is why popular is bad and tends to be nerfed? Why not understand why the two builds in the game are so popular and then look at why the other armour sets/combos aren't being used, and make them viable :confused:

The first was a logical fix to bring the DPS in line, the second is wrong IMO. Lowering the DPS further, but doing nothing about the other build.

I agree with most of this, think the tank builds need to be brought down a little to balance, from what I can see...

However, and I'm not here to defend Massive to the death or anything but maybe the beta testing with the new content showed a need to nerf sentry and striker or something. Let's see how it all works out when we actually play the new content!
I agree with most of this, think the tank builds need to be brought down a little to balance, from what I can see...

However, and I'm not here to defend Massive to the death or anything but maybe the beta testing with the new content showed a need to nerf sentry and striker or something. Let's see how it all works out when we actually play the new content!

Appreciate that, its just frustrating that their logic for nerfing seems to be "lots of people use this build" - well yeah, we need a way to kill things.

I know its easy to just say Massive just do X, Y and Z, but it just gets frustrating when the community can't give feedback beforehand and instead just gets slapped with whatever the dev has in mind.
the "showstopper" is also a unique talent that shrinks your reticle as you fire based on how many bullets you have left in the magazine so it becomes more accurate as you fire. (like a LMG)

It's ok Massive, I'll just use my X34's built-in on-screen aim mark instead :p :D
I agree with most of this, think the tank builds need to be brought down a little to balance, from what I can see...

However, and I'm not here to defend Massive to the death or anything but maybe the beta testing with the new content showed a need to nerf sentry and striker or something. Let's see how it all works out when we actually play the new content!

I agree.

What was shown at E3, was basically UAT content which should always be considered as subject to change pending user feedback.

Maybe it didn't come out in the few hours that the youtube streamers were able to get, but obviously their more intensive testing in the background brought up some serious issues where players would either be untouchable, or just very unbalanced.

I fell into the trap also, I got caught up in the hype surrounding these youtube videos, when none of it was really from an official source. They were showing non production, game play.
Tbf I was thinking more of a general guide, but it should help with shotguns!

Not used it before, but just checked and it lines up perfectly :)

Bloody good for hipfire with my SMG too!! :cool:
Whilst i don't neccesarily agree with certain nerfs to the current kit, it has always been that way in MMOs' that i have played.

Too popular = Too good/OP = Nerf

It is also important to note that this is the first paid for update, so it is only right that people who have paid extra gain some sort of edge/advantage for their money.

It is in the game developers/publishers interest to get as many people to spend money and nerfing/rebalancing to keep up is the usual way.

Personally i would have preffered just making the new stuff better/more powerful and not punish the players who have not bought the Season Pass with nerfs to current kit.

Only time will tell what impact this next phase of paid for content does to the player base.
1. I grind for better gear to be able to better play the challenges DLC/updates provide.

2. Set nerfs: regardless of how much I dislike these, I did suggest a while ago they'd improve the game and people picking different gear. The way they went about it (5 pcs bonus) is wrong, I feel. You can no longer profit from a 2 pcs bonus of another set so you'll miss out, I predict. I'm suspicious they didn't they how bad a nerf...

3. I've passed the slight disappointed stage (lol) and am now in the grieving and acceptance stage (lol); 1.3 is going to happen so I might as well make the best of it and all in all I look forward to most changes, except those from point 2 and them not implementing the MDR (= Blind battle rifle). That's just so sad! Looked to be working fine to me at E3, but I'm not on the inside. Distracted will be its unique bonus so no chance of getting it on something else.

4. I like how they have set, unique bonuses on certain specific weapons, I suspected they might do this last week and happy they have.

5. With the ability to recalibrate weapon talents there's no longer the need to farm (unless for gear blueprints and mods), buy blueprints and roll them. I'm liking this; it makes drops more viable.

6. The special ammo nerf... Unexpected but a good thing considering Reclaimer set comes as is.

7. Tank builds should have been nerfed here as well. Good thing I don't need to be in the DZ for a while ha ha!

8. Where's the +4K AR increase? Or am I mistaking?

9. The BoO AUG can finally be retired; crit CHC or not, a 229 weapon will obliterate it. Especially with the reduction in dmg it'll receive.
It will be a sad day when I retire my BoO Aug! I have had it for so long and it has served me well. Sad but also exciting as I expect gameplay to substantially change with this patch.

I might use a different weapon tonight to start getting used to AR's or something.
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