The Division. Are we interested?

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TBH, we shouldn't have gone for the revives, it was crazy doing that when we had 3/4 shotgunners right on us. We should have also probably changed one of our skills to shock turrets for that part.

You and flash really need to get your skill up, 5k is far too low even with twirly as the tank tactician build. As twirly said last night, sacrifice your DPS figure and not toughness. No point worrying about what the DPS figure says, too much effects the figure and isn't giving you a proper representation of the damage you are doing i.e. accuracy weapon mods and things like magazine size etc. (iirc, come tomorrow, it is going to be better using magazines with more damage anyway)

Every penny counts!!!!!! :D

Don't mind paying £20, just I will be annoyed if I get it and then the price drops by £5-10 in a day or 2! :p

Yup if I buy it, it will be from cdkeys.

Who was your dedicated skill? I am assuming Twirly?

Never revive until it is safe, or at the very least, only allow revivals from the person with the highest skill/toughness.

Also, for CM FL, technically it doesn't really matter what your skill power is, if the overheals are being constantly used and everyone is running through it, I think most of the time we run:

All players on overheal
1 or 2 player on immuniser
1 or 2 player on flashbang
1 player on Pulse

3xDPS, 1xtanktician.

Generally, I always found the safest pit method is to stay to the left hand side at the start of every round, as it enables automatic consolidated fire, cover from drones, everyone popping overheal close enough to each other to get it etc.

Also meant that I could revive anyone who went down straight away. I played support the last time but normally did a DPS role.

Although I prefer the under the stairs method now on the left thanks to Twirly and Phryke but it can get a bit heavy on the later rounds, I am always the reviver on that one.

Oh forgot to say....I had a baffling experience this morning...I had a quick game between 6am and 7am and did HM CS 5/6 times just for selling the drops (although I did get a good LMG to keep for the patch to see how it is).

I did matchmaking with different people for every run.

The last run there was a guy who was running at the normal pace instead of sprinting. I thought nothing of it at the start, but then I noticed after the first part he hadn't sprinted at all... literally as I was about to type to ask why, I saw a message pop up on the /g chat saying:

"How are you guys running faster than me all the time? I cant keep up!"


"I responded saying we are just sprinting around instead of the normal pace"


"I didn't know that existed"

GS228 = didn't know you can sprint.

I was beyond shocked.
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What is everyone's plan for patch?

so far i have 160K DPS and 353K toughness, i have 3 x strikers sets, tech vest and the rest are yellows. i was going to go for the sentry sets but with the nerf i dont think its worth it anymore.

armor mit is at 73.2% so near the 75% cap, still rocking my 182 SMG so thinking this would be the best place to start and replace my primary gun with one from the patch tomorrow.

Mine is to find some Strikers knee pads so I can get the five piece bonus. Then craft a new weapon. If I were you, I'd try and hit the 75% cap. it's only a marginal drop, but every little helps.
Under stairs = 10x better than pit IMO

Will we find out the final 1.3 gear set bonuses and what nerfs they have made to S/S tonight then? I haven't started thinking about future load outs as I am unconvinced that the stated bonuses will stay the same...
Because I am magic, trust in me Nexus :p

We hate FL yet we still play it? Even if the rest of the incursions are poor, we will still do them due to being able to get new 240 gear weekly, and you won't if you don't get the season pass. I think it'll be better in the long run to get it, that's why I am anyway.

We still played Battlefield DLC, just didn't as much because some people were too poor to buy Premium, no names *cough Stulid cough* :p

Yeah I'm going to need to up my skill, will just sacrifice DPS and go as the support player I think, idea of Sticky Bomb killing people really appeals to me :D

You mean like Josh and I did with battlefront? :D There is nothing magically about you :p


True, saying that, unless you badly want tactician stuff, I wouldn't really bother with falcon lost now, not with sentry and striker stuff getting nerfed.

I much prefer clear sky, more mission based in the open city is far more fun. It's just a shame that clear sky on challenge will be much harder than falcon lost challenge, I think if we have better alternatives for gear/weapons come tomorrow, we probably won't touch the incursions much again tbh.

haha yeah that was mostly because of stulid not having dragons teeth, didn't buy premium but bought every DLC pack except DT lol... It was the only DLC map pack with 2 superb maps along with 3 final stand maps and I quite liked naval strike maps but most of the others hated NS + FS.

Who was your dedicated skill? I am assuming Twirly?

Never revive until it is safe, or at the very least, only allow revivals from the person with the highest skill/toughness.

Also, for CM FL, technically it doesn't really matter what your skill power is, if the overheals are being constantly used and everyone is running through it, I think most of the time we run:

All players on overheal
1 or 2 player on immuniser
1 or 2 player on flashbang
1 player on Pulse

3xDPS, 1xtanktician.

Generally, I always found the safest pit method is to stay to the left hand side at the start of every round, as it enables automatic consolidated fire, cover from drones, everyone popping overheal close enough to each other to get it etc.

Although I prefer the under the stairs method now on the left thanks to Twirly and Phryke but it can get a bit heavy on the later rounds.

Yeah twirly was our skill build. IIRC flash or josh went down first, one went to revive the other, then he went down then twirly went to revive and well there was absolutely nothing that I could do lol, didn't have any skills left and only 400k toughness.

Problem is with such a low skill (<15k), the flashbang + immuniser etc. are pretty crap then. Twirly was running pulse + over heal.

We did the pit method, done the under the stairs on the left side once before, hard to say which one is better tbh.
Plan for tomorrow: get kids to school,gym,then buy 6 bags of snacks,drinks,tell wife i got injury in gym so cant do any house work,then after 1.3 released and online start dying in Underground,rage quit
Plan for tomorrow: get kids to school,gym,then buy 6 bags of snacks,drinks,tell wife i got injury in gym so cant do any house work,then after 1.3 released and online start dying in Underground,rage quit

I will be online as soon as the servers come back online!

I just hope there aren't any UI glitches like last time.
I have one nasty bug/glitch: if i try deconstruct something while im browsing my stash,i get crash after 2-3 deconstructs,this irks me no end as i need completely reboot game.Have this since day 1 of game release
You mean like Josh and I did with battlefront? :D There is nothing magically about you :p


True, saying that, unless you badly want tactician stuff, I wouldn't really bother with falcon lost now, not with sentry and striker stuff getting nerfed.

I much prefer clear sky, more mission based in the open city is far more fun. It's just a shame that clear sky on challenge will be much harder than falcon lost challenge, I think if we have better alternatives for gear/weapons come tomorrow, we probably won't touch the incursions much again tbh.

haha yeah that was mostly because of stulid not having dragons teeth, didn't buy premium but bought every DLC pack except DT lol... It was the only DLC map pack with 2 superb maps along with 3 final stand maps and I quite liked naval strike maps but most of the others hated NS + FS.

Yeah twirly was our skill build. IIRC flash or josh went down first, one went to revive the other, then he went down then twirly went to revive and well there was absolutely nothing that I could do lol, didn't have any skills left and only 400k toughness.

Problem is with such a low skill (<15k), the flashbang + immuniser etc. are pretty crap then. Twirly was running pulse + over heal.

We did the pit method, done the under the stairs on the left side once before, hard to say which one is better tbh.

I was taken in by 1Tap, that was not my fault, I was duped too :p

I'd say we probably did get our money's worth though, or not far off it.

Josh went down first, then Twirly did trying to get Josh, I tried to get Josh or Twirly, then died, then you let us all down :p yeah, me having low skill probably let us down with the flashbangs, will get SP up, but no point trying to do it yet with new gear coming tomorrow.
And then you and Tony duped Josh and I :D :p Damn ronku whores!!!

Yeah I got my moneys worth from swbf, good fun game now that they have sorted the main issues out.

haha, yup, when I saw you all down and myself surrounded by shotgunners, I just thought "well ****, this isn't going to end well" lol

As someone posted a while back, this is so true!

And yup tomorrow I will probably spend the entire night going through all my gear again :p

Shall be on later at about 7.
And then you and Tony duped Josh and I :D :p Damn ronku whores!!!

Yeah I got my moneys worth from swbf, good fun game now that they have sorted the main issues out.

haha, yup, when I saw you all down and myself surrounded by shotgunners, I just thought "well ****, this isn't going to end well" lol

So we're all in agreement, Tony is to blame for SW:BF :P don't know why you're moaning, you just said you got your moneys worth!

Yeah that was not fun, I do feel like I let you all down a little :(
I use Battle Buddy and it's why I always want to revive people but I get ignored half the time anyway :D:(

The 50% damage reduction for 10 seconds affects the whole group and not just the person I revive so when surrounded by shotgunners in the pit I can take some damage whilst those who are running dps can quickly take them down. By the time the downed agent is revived instant incomming damage reduction for everyone.

I was saving my ultimate for round 15, I should have used it.
Will we find out the final 1.3 gear set bonuses and what nerfs they have made to S/S tonight then? I haven't started thinking about future load outs as I am unconvinced that the stated bonuses will stay the same...

Yes they'll inform us tonight :) I will going for a different type of gear regardless, been doing the same thing the entire endgame and welcome a change. They better not have fixed lone stars ammo thingy!

@ the usual group I play with: are we all in agreement that we won't do underground at anything less than challanging and with as much directives as possible?

I'll need a vendor reset video / list tomorrow ASAP.
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Had a little play with gear mods, and managed to get an extra nearly 30k toughness, whilst losing only 10k DPS so looking at this now. Obviously need to get my skill power up more, but 400k toughness should be a little better.

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