*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Just been reading division reddit, seeing a lot of people saying going any higher than 4800 firearms is pointless? :confused: This true? Cause if so, I will be replacing some firearm mods with stamina mods to get my toughness close to 500k.

Also, no one got any thoughts on the above assault rifles and what to do?
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Just been reading division reddit, seeing a lot of people saying going any higher than 4800 firearms is pointless? :confused: This true? Cause if so, I will be replacing some firearm mods with stamina mods to get my toughness close to 500k.

Also, no one got any thoughts on the above assault rifles and what to do?

Pretty much. I'm at 4.9 and could / should probably free up some of that. As long as your weapon talents are active, it's better to concentrate on toughness.
This survival malarkey sure gets the blood pressure up after 30 mins in, I am starting to wonder if it's even possible to complete solo, so annoying when I die but something drags me back in.
Just been reading division reddit, seeing a lot of people saying going any higher than 4800 firearms is pointless? :confused: This true? Cause if so, I will be replacing some firearm mods with stamina mods to get my toughness close to 500k.

Also, no one got any thoughts on the above assault rifles and what to do?


Firearms doesn't scale well so going higher that wont give many gains.

I sit at 5k FA for brutal requirements and put the rest into toughness.

Personally for me, I would pick the AK as I don't like the Famas - even fully modded for accuracy and stability it is all over the place which means the weapon damage increase of 14.5% (after the stability) is wasted.

Tac ACR all the way for me atm or something from the m4 class - love it

This survival malarkey sure gets the blood pressure up after 30 mins in, I am starting to wonder if it's even possible to complete solo, so annoying when I die but something drags me back in.

I have done 5 survival runs solo and completed them. roughly 1 hour a run

Just takes being careful, getting a pulse early on to spot elites etc

Best score so far - spent time looting landmarks for the survival caches etc and wasn't bothered about extracting first - great run with Momo and Twirly.
This survival malarkey sure gets the blood pressure up after 30 mins in, I am starting to wonder if it's even possible to complete solo, so annoying when I die but something drags me back in.

Solo is possible. Personally, I think it is easier, at least all the way up to the hunter anyway. Get lots more loot, which you have all to yourself thus better gear and weapons etc.

Pretty much. I'm at 4.9 and could / should probably free up some of that. As long as your weapon talents are active, it's better to concentrate on toughness.


Firearms doesn't scale well so going higher that wont give many gains.

I sit at 5k FA for brutal requirements and put the rest into toughness.

Personally for me, I would pick the AK as I don't like the Famas - even fully modded for accuracy and stability it is all over the place which means the weapon damage increase of 14.5% (after the stability) is wasted.

Tac ACR all the way for me atm or something from the m4 class - love it

Cool, thanks.

Haven't got a 256 ACWR yet :( Got loads of m4's though...

Rolled 1 firearm stat for stamina so build is now looking like this:


Sitting at 53% armour atm.

Got an even better m700 carbon tonight, 107k damage with 173% headshot damage, my last one was 103k and only 143% headshot damage.

Also, I swear that the DZ has better RNG drops than everything else in game... the little that I have got extracted so far has had better rolls than anything I have got from the UG etc.
Another question...

Headshot VS critical damage?

i.e. some weapon mods I have give either 19% headshot damage or 19% critical damage

Which do you reckon is better?

My crit chance is usually around 20% without any boosts. I run the "headshot to pulse target" talent, although can't remember what that boosts the crit stuff to.
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YES!! finally made it out solo, so many times I've just been careless at the end with the hunter, but this time nope, nailed the sucker. Done it plenty of times in a group, so this was nice to do, drops were half decent again.

Great fun tonight, just loving this right now.
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2 times fail in 10 mins.

3rd time, all the way to the end, then died randomly on a rooftop with the group. No idea what happened. Someone died right before me.
Got ressed then died from contamination.

Connection error while loading back from death. What a waste of an hour.
I seem to be making a right balls up of re-rolling talents lately. Mainly because I can't seem to determine which ones are best to use. Could someone kindly tell me, using an Alpha Bridge build, which of the following two combinations would be the best choice for a PVE build?

Brutal, Deadly, Destructive / Uncomplicated, Unforgiving, Fierce


Brutal, Deadly, Destructive / Swift, Uncomplicated, Vicious

I'm also assuming there's an Alpha-FAMAS bug, because my dps seems to vary wildly for no explicit reason, but only when using that weapon.


Assuming if you mean pve I would skip crit for ferocious as your 3rd talent on one weapon, destructive, brutal & ferocious are my primary preference for most weapons. I also quite like having responsive for the boost on rushers, predatory for the heal, & ideally the weapon damage boost - competent? - as the 3rd on the 2nd weapon.

Another question...

Headshot VS critical damage?

i.e. some weapon mods I have give either 19% headshot damage or 19% critical damage

Which do you reckon is better?

My crit chance is usually around 20% without any boosts. I run the "headshot to pulse target" talent, although can't remember what that boosts the crit stuff to.

Personally headshot all the way, but I only have about 10% crit, generally ppl say its not worth it now, but again this is pve I'm talking about.

Small note for anyone using the famas, the stability mods on your pistol even count, had a muzzle on my pistol & it cost me about 4k dps, not a lot I know, but still...
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Another question...

Headshot VS critical damage?

i.e. some weapon mods I have give either 19% headshot damage or 19% critical damage

Which do you reckon is better?

My crit chance is usually around 20% without any boosts. I run the "headshot to pulse target" talent, although can't remember what that boosts the crit stuff to.

I would always say HSD now as its multiplicative
Ok so been playing around a little with my sets tonight, starting to get somewhere. Need to roll off 500 from firearms to put into stamina, I'm aiming for 450k minimum toughness. Got some lovely rolls on my weapon talents, brutal, fierce, destructive and swift between the two weapons. I was tearing through players in DZ tonight, ttk is so low with striker gear. Thoughts guys?

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Cant see image tony

Did 6/7 wt5 Heroic CS tonight trying to figure out the best strat and I think we have it so will record it tomorrow :) <10 mins is the goal!

Also, 3 survival runs as a group - so epic.

going to look into either challenge or a google doc as a point of reference for our survival scores. Think google docs will be easier tbh, challenge doesn't seem to like this open score stuff
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Last big rogue fight of 1.3 - finally uploaded + the little boop at tne end lol

Working on a shared survival spreadsheet for scoring right now. I think google docs will work long terms as challenge is a sign up tourney = future plans

I remember that night!! That was pretty epic, must have had half the server after us :D

And I think we ran the Manhunt off too to boot!!! :cool:
Ok so been playing around a little with my sets tonight, starting to get somewhere. Need to roll off 500 from firearms to put into stamina, I'm aiming for 450k minimum toughness. Got some lovely rolls on my weapon talents, brutal, fierce, destructive and swift between the two weapons. I was tearing through players in DZ tonight, ttk is so low with striker gear. Thoughts guys?


Fixed for you, you noob ;) :p

Personally headshot all the way, but I only have about 10% crit, generally ppl say its not worth it now, but again this is pve I'm talking about.

I would always say HSD now as its multiplicative

Will stick with the headshot bonus for now then, thanks.

And yeah I have also read the same karathez, personally though I find it still makes a noticeable difference but then again I will always have pulse up and running since I'm using the "headshot to pulse" talent as well as running performance mods in every slot with a 2% crit chance bonus.
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Just spent an hour and half on one Surivival session to get into the DZ, near extraction and have 2 hunters just waiting there, never moving from one spot with their turrets and seeker mines, not as much fun as I thought it'd be once you get to DZ, 2 on 1 is hardly fair when you can't get anywhere near them.
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