*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Not seen the hunters yet.

Managed to get into the dz a couple more times last night. My group was too slow getting in to help one time. The next I went solo and got raped by adds. Was able to self res twice but there were too many.

Frustrating but addictive. It's good that you get the caches anyway
There should only be 1 hunter per person at an extraction. So there must have been some one else near by.

Love having this shottie as my sidearm:


Response, deadly and brutal for talents and combined with the "one is none" talent, it is beastly.

Probably the only more or less perfect RNG roll that I will ever get :p :(
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Thank nexus, did from phone and couldn't work out why copy link function wasn't working from flickr.

What you think anyway? I need to cut a little off of firearms and put on toughness I think.
I had a great ruin round DZ 4-6, finally extracting at Brant Park where 3 hunters turned up and killed all three and jumped on the chopper. Two other guys turned up, they did not have the cutesy to say thanks.
That is a face only a mother could love.:eek:

He's the Caitlyn Jenner of The Division.

Its' the lighting I tell you!

Thank nexus, did from phone and couldn't work out why copy link function wasn't working from flickr.

What you think anyway? I need to cut a little off of firearms and put on toughness I think.

Yup looks like a solid build.

Definitely switch at least 500 firearms towards stamina.

Not sure if you know or not but DZ safe house vendor 4 (iirc) is selling firearm mods with armour.
Stats, no idea don't even pay any attention to em lol. If it's a better colour with green arrows I just equip it. Only thing I really do I craft a HE LMG if I've not got one just before I call in the extract. I run with heal and turret for the extraction, the turret more so for a distraction to pull the hunter out from cover.
He does indeed but the armour isn't great. You could craft a mod with higher armour.

But then that is where RNG comes into it and if anyone has my luck, that just won't happen :D :p

Crafted about 30 level 33 firearm mods before 1.5 dropped and I only got one, which not only had crap armour but a measly firearm stat, iirc, it was around 153....
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On survival what sorta stats are best before entering the DZ and before going for extraction.

Don't really pay much attention, if its higher I equip it. I favor an LMG\sniper combo and I really like to have HE weapons before extracting but I have done it with purples.
What must have talent would people recommend for sniper rifles?

Got another nice m700 carbon (seems to be a high drop rate for sniper rifles today, got 3 m700 carbons!)
Brutal is very good. Any extra headshot or critical hit is good to have on a sniper. What is you DMG?

I had a little modding session and got mine up to 120k.

Yeah brutal is usually my always go to, just wondered if anyone had any other recommendations.

IIRC, 109/110k damage with 169% headshot damage. The 3 talents are elevated, toxic and vicious (I rolled to this one from predatory)
Just been playing this with a friend for the first time. There seems to be a lot to take in initially. We've done a few missions so far. We've been waiting for a proper coop game that's half decent for ages. Not quite good enough for the deadzone yet!
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