*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

This is going to be a work in progress but I have put together a super simple Survival Score Tracker on google docs:


This is the overall score at the end of the survival encounter we are tracking :smiley: just for fun to see how we all compare :)

There is also a new command on our bot in OCUK discord to pull this page up: !Survival

Future plans for this will be to evolve it into a Survival guide as well as the tracker and also maybe track some stats.

Let me know if it doesnt work, or if you have any suggestions.
Nice one Gamble. Any advice for the extract when playing solo? I got there twice earlier? Killed my hunter but then with 45 seconds left 2 more hunters appeared with another few players. How did that happen as I called in chopper and dealt with my hunter. I can't understand how 2 more arrived with another 2 players.
Nice one Gamble. Any advice for the extract when playing solo? I got there twice earlier? Killed my hunter but then with 45 seconds left 2 more hunters appeared with another few players. How did that happen as I called in chopper and dealt with my hunter. I can't understand how 2 more arrived with another 2 players.

That is a correct mechanic but its annoying as hell.

For every extraction point, there will be one hunter per player - regardless if its your group or not so if a random runs in to yours - extra hunter!

I tend to call the extraction, fall back a bit to pulse and just wait and see how many there are before running in to kill. Then fall back and repeat.
I'm starting to think I'm either cursed or the drop rate for Alpha Bridge gear has been significantly reduced. Since 1.5 went live, I must have killed hundreds of Npc's, ran dozens of missions and opened at least 200 green caches, resulting in ONE Alpha Bridge backpack rolled with electronics...I wish they had a system whereby you could trade several pieces of unwanted gear for one that you need.
Just solo'd survival there, right up to the DZ is **** easy, once you are in the dz, then it gets harder, nearly got wiped out a couple of times, in fact, I did once but thankfully had a medkit to self revive myself..

I always make sure I go to a quiet extraction as mentioned above, if you don't, then more agents come thus more hunters, I find the higher up ones are pretty good although saying that, I had one other agent arrive shortly after calling mine although thankfully he seem well equipped to deal with his one quickly :p

Finding higher up ground for dealing with the a hunter whilst being equipped with a DMR/sniper rifle is definitely the best way to deal with them I find (as well as using your grenades)


And as per usual, everything sold :D Except for these gloves, so satisfying getting a good roll when 95% of the other drops/rolls are pure dog ****


Going to roll marksman damage for either assault rifle damage or damage to elites.
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I'm sure people are lying about doing the survival solo, must have had 12 goes over the weekend and not even come close, normally die by running round a corner into massive trouble. Now I havent played since April and 100 hours so a little rusty but comeon I haven't even got close.
I've only successfully extracted 4 times in about 10 attempts playing solo. I find it a breeze up to extracting, even take on a couple named bosses in the DZ if I feeling good with my weapons. Problem is extracting for me, I'll have everything, full med kits, all food items full, but I see that hunter and panic. I can take so much health from him but it just pegs it out of there like Usain Bolt and just constantly heals. Other times others have come and brought in more hunters.
I'm starting to think I'm either cursed or the drop rate for Alpha Bridge gear has been significantly reduced. Since 1.5 went live, I must have killed hundreds of Npc's, ran dozens of missions and opened at least 200 green caches, resulting in ONE Alpha Bridge backpack rolled with electronics...I wish they had a system whereby you could trade several pieces of unwanted gear for one that you need.
I started playing again last night with only 229 gear. With all of the weekly HVTs and prof stashes giving 256, I am 3/6 alpha atm. Have you done the weeklies?
I'm sure people are lying about doing the survival solo, must have had 12 goes over the weekend and not even come close, normally die by running round a corner into massive trouble. Now I havent played since April and 100 hours so a little rusty but comeon I haven't even got close.

I played solo up until extraction. There were 3 randoms behind me and before I could send a flare up, someone else did it first. I think there were 3 hunters in total as between us managed to extract. As Tony said, it's a breeze up until the extraction...that's the bit i detest.

I've only successfully extracted 4 times in about 10 attempts playing solo. I find it a breeze up to extracting, even take on a couple named bosses in the DZ if I feeling good with my weapons. Problem is extracting for me, I'll have everything, full med kits, all food items full, but I see that hunter and panic. I can take so much health from him but it just pegs it out of there like Usain Bolt and just constantly heals. Other times others have come and brought in more hunters.

Yeah...I had a similar experience but he was healing right behind a wall so I threw in a nade. Thankfully it worked but it's not always that easy. The first couple of times I got decapitated.

I'm starting to think I'm either cursed or the drop rate for Alpha Bridge gear has been significantly reduced. Since 1.5 went live, I must have killed hundreds of Npc's, ran dozens of missions and opened at least 200 green caches, resulting in ONE Alpha Bridge backpack rolled with electronics...I wish they had a system whereby you could trade several pieces of unwanted gear for one that you need.

Dude, why aren't you running with us?? I get nothing but AB drops...tis quite annoying.
Well my 1.5 AB setup is coming along nicely now;

Using 4 AB + 2 Preds and it really is working well (with 58.5% EAD too). I'm aiming towards 400+400 but I think another 10k on each of the 2 stats is probably more viable with some tweaking over time :) I would love to reach 60%+ EAD though, just to round it off :D

And Tek yes, I feel that AB is def more scarce now for sure (they probably know it's the most powerful all-round set), but I've been lucky over the last couple of days and got a nice piece or 2 to give me a bump :cool:
I started playing again last night with only 229 gear. With all of the weekly HVTs and prof stashes giving 256, I am 3/6 alpha atm. Have you done the weeklies?

I've tried them. No luck. I even gave the underground a go, but still nowt. Strange thing is, I'm looting loads of lone star and reclaimer bits, where as pre 1.5 I rarely looted any.

@snips I should be, mate. Been a bit of a virtual loner this weekend as I've been trying to solo all the challenging level content.

@Jedi Nice build. Similar to what I was aiming toward.
Just picked this up again and my in game audio is crackling like ****.

Tried the quick fixes via google but it isnt working, its pretty much unplayable atm :(

Are you using a headset or speakers?

I had this if I started the game with speakers and then plugged in a headset. I found starting with the headset already plugged in, stopped it from happening.
Just did my first solo survival extraction, what a buzz. Was using a purple LMG with extended mag, once he stayed still for a few seconds i used the whole mag and the sustained fire took him down no problem. Got on the chopper and was sitting there with about 10 seconds to go and the screen started going all wobbly so i think some other players arrived and bought another hunter in but as i started looking around from in the chopper it took off so never saw if they were there or not
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