*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

My curse is backpacks this time round, back in 1.2 or 1.3 could never find holsters, then again I guess I'm a bit picky, got to have 2 out of the 3 stats I want so I can roll the other.
Had a mad extract in survival, 10 agents and 10 hunters at the rooftop extraction in DZ2. We managed to kill more than our fair share of hunters and I managed to finish off 2\3 agents and steal their loot in the mayhem)

Best solo Suvival session so far:



All 6 caches was Survival ones,which gives 4 items instead of 2 :D

BTW - you can get medication which totally resets your sickness back to 1h - which was awesome - i left lone agent in DZ and last agent from china died in front of me :D
Being a good person i let him die and looted last Survival cache from him :D
Did dragons nest a few times last night, never ran it when it launched so went in blind and pretended to know what I was doing, I thought it was over when the 4 horsemen went down, imagine my suprise when reaching the floor is lava round :D

The biggest change I'm liking since leaving the game 300 hrs in way back when, is the community. Everyone is just so much nicer, guess a good game makes people happier to play it :)
Not been in the DZ again yet though, so maybe that theory will change :p

One niggle I have is the time to heal, I'm spending way too much time behind cover reading a book while I get some health back because skills are always on cooldown, Ye it's a cover based game but I think the Tactition set needs more than 10% skill haste.
I have an idea for a healer agent, looking forward to gathering the gear and trying it out.
Had a mad extract in survival, 10 agents and 10 hunters at the rooftop extraction in DZ2. We managed to kill more than our fair share of hunters and I managed to finish off 2\3 agents and steal their loot in the mayhem)

HAHA!!! It was epic to say the least...well played. I think I need to adjust my recording settings

I'm guessing those survival caches drop from named mobs? not seen one yet & thats about all I havent done.

Yeah you can get them from the DZ landmark bosses, occasionally from hunters, and you get them as a reward also for completion

07:46 and I am finally logging off....12 hour session tonight, woops! Need to go to work soon as well lol!!!
It was so epic!!!

I didn't even know you could finish enimies off in pve. I bet you at the end they were right pee'd off. We didn't call for extraction, didn't revive them, stole their loot, and stole a seat in the choppa. CYYAAA TRAAA :D
It was so epic!!!

I didn't even know you could finish enimies off in pve. I bet you at the end they were right pee'd off. We didn't call for extraction, didn't revive them, stole their loot, and stole a seat in the choppa. CYYAAA TRAAA :D


I'm still reeling...would be up for more tonight if you are!
This is going to be a work in progress but I have put together a super simple Survival Score Tracker on google docs:


This is the overall score at the end of the survival encounter we are tracking :smiley: just for fun to see how we all compare :)

There is also a new command on our bot in OCUK discord to pull this page up: !Survival

Future plans for this will be to evolve it into a Survival guide as well as the tracker and also maybe track some stats.

Let me know if it doesnt work, or if you have any suggestions.

I wouldn't mind a small list on the places for obtaining gear. Someone on Discord mentioned last night that the closer to the DZ you are, the better the gear. If this is the case, is there much point expanding your search area?
I wouldn't mind a small list on the places for obtaining gear. Someone on Discord mentioned last night that the closer to the DZ you are, the better the gear. If this is the case, is there much point expanding your search area?

Sort of, I think its based on your gear score as it would naturally be increased by the time you got there.

I might test tonight, get to the DZ with zero gear upgrades and see if I get the same drops.

Ideally, you would want to get in the DZ with as much time as possible, hence just crafting virus filter, advanced virus filter and a weapon before entering and then spend the rest of the time upgrading gear in the DZ - as reds can drop purple gear.

What we have been doing is spending an additional 10 minutes or so in the LZ looting to get ourselves strong (between 80-100k toughness) and then going in.

Important thing would be knowing where the Div tech is in the DZ so I might make a map of that
...the closer to the DZ you are, the better the gear. If this is the case, is there much point expanding your search area?

The better the gear, but the harder the enemies too. Landmarks are filled with tougher enemies; more elites and veterans. You'll notice you get more and better gear and weapons (and clothes) and more blue crafting materials in loot crates, as opposed to solely green stuff in the periphery.
Cheers gents, I'd be interested to know if it works. Pot luck seems quick random though. The game before our final run last night I had everything...found decent gear, weapons and tech.

I know if you spawn on the west of the DZ, there are 2 locked rooms in the subway containing 2-3 weapons as well as meds - this was life saver - but haven't found anything similar on the east side. I'll start taking screenshots with marked locations as I discover new locations. There was also a bus garage in the same area which wasn't touched (the proxy bombs were still outside when I got there) and this contained the same, 2-3 weapons and Red/Purple AI with moar gear...again, I'll try and take screenshots of locations as and when.
Cheers gents, I'd be interested to know if it works. Pot luck seems quick random though. The game before our final run last night I had everything...found decent gear, weapons and tech.

I know if you spawn on the west of the DZ, there are 2 locked rooms in the subway containing 2-3 weapons as well as meds - this was life saver - but haven't found anything similar on the east side. I'll start taking screenshots with marked locations as I discover new locations. There was also a bus garage in the same area which wasn't touched (the proxy bombs were still outside when I got there) and this contained the same, 2-3 weapons and Red/Purple AI with moar gear...again, I'll try and take screenshots of locations as and when.

Top left for me is the best spawn, as right outside the safe room there is a place with 3 injections, clothing, electronics and fabric.

Move on from there and you will find medkits, a loot box (has always dropped masks for me) and a weapon crate.

Then if you head south, you will come across Hudson yard and there is so much loot there but it has veterans.

Normally after these I will have purple gear, enough stuff to craft a pulse and my two filters.

I started taking screenshots as well lol!
Is there anyone who would be willing to boost my PC char? Normally play on PS4 but the steam offer was too good to pass up for the gold edition. Not interested in the story I've played it enough - Just after raw speed to end game :)
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