After my last non Division comment I thought I'd better get back on track so here's a build question for you guys.
Currently I run a solo build on my main as follows..AB/Nomad gear, Marksman/AR guns, Pulse, Flame Turret & Tactical Link.
I've levelled up another character but at the moment I'm using pretty much the same build as I'm not sure what else to try.
Can you guys please give me some recommendations for other builds to try that are good for solo PvE content.
As an almost exclusively solo PVE player I have experimented with a number of builds and I have 2 that I am happy with.
My main build is an all HE build:
Chest: Robust, 10% more armour in cover, stamina roll
Mask: Enduring, health continually heals when in last segment, stamina roll
Knees: Accomplished because Prosperous and Perceptive are useless and you do get experience faster, stamina roll
Backpack: Relentless, 5% of damage provided by skills is returned as health, stamina roll
Gloves: Savage, 7% crit chance out of cover, firearms roll
Holster: Nimble, 2% of health is recovered for each metre during a cover to cover move
DPS 215k/Toughness 495k with 53% armour mitigation (I need better armour rolls)/Skillpower 90k with 1 x Electronics mod rolled with armour
G36 (Predatory, Accurate, Destructive)
M60 (Destructive, Predatory, Brutal)
Skills: Tactical Scanner Turret, Airburst Seeker Mine, Recovery Link
Talents: Strike Back, Evasive Action, Chain Reaction, Tech Support
This is a cover-based build that suits my playstyle. Note that it does not use a healing skill, instead I rely on my weapons (through Predatory) and gear (Enduring, Relentless and Nimble) to provide Health and Health Regen.
Predatory is a must, it is the basis of the build as it will provide the bulk of the healing. After all, the game is about killing things and staying alive, and this is what Predatory is all about.
Nimble is great too, I was surprised at how much health regens with Nimble, and linking it with Evasive Action and Robust, I am almost impregnable during a cover to cover move (something that is easy to do and I do a lot).
When it all goes wrong and I’m in that last health segment, Enduring keeps me in play and Strike Back speeds up my skill cooldowns (and thus the speed at which I can get more health). Getting health from offensive skills is great – with Tech Support I can keep my turret up through most encounters and the seekers come back pretty quickly. The turret puts back an almost constant stream of health while the seekers give me a big one-time boost. Synergising Chain Reaction with Relentless, I get 5% of the extra 40% damage back as health…that’s quite a bonus.
Tactical Advance could be substituted for Evasive Action if you wanted a little more stopping power (+2% damage increase for each metre covered during cover to cover), but I wanted more protection rather than offence so went with Evasive Action.
This could be improved with some of the named HE, and if RNGesus is kind and drops something like that, great. I don’t go out of my way to farm a particular event over and over for a drop, just do the content and see what happens. I also need better armour rolls, most of it is in the average or below range…just gives me something else to aim for. With this build I can solo the challenging dailies, HVT’s, LZ Boss farm etc.
The other build is a 3 x Predator, 2 x Striker with a Nimble Holster. Pulse and Airburst Seeker. Similar talents but I do run Tac Advance with this one rather than EA. About 330k DPS/400k toughness/90k skillpower.