*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

barret has been killed 2.85 million times since 1.5 :D:D

drop rate will stay the same for now as intended to be rare item.

Haha, she deserves it as she is so racist :D

Doesn't worry me either about the drop rate and it is a mission I don't mind doing again and again and again. It is good to do it with different builds as well but certainly my best is my D3-FNC build.
Much saltiness over a random number generator.

I guess that's what happens when you want one specific outcome over many thousands of possibilities.

Personally I'd rather see what the drops give me and try and factor them into my build than farm a ridiculous amount of attempts for one item. I was teamed with one guy who farmed lex for 5 hours straight yesterday (even the community development hamish is up to 25 lex runs with no barret drop) , that is not fun if you ask me.

Because I really run one build :rolleyes:

Jesus Christ.
do you see that all the time or just sometimes?

Also gsync or no gsync?

If no gsync try turning vsync off in game and running adaptive vsync.

I never have issues with stuttering, but occasionally have slight rubber banding when NA come online
Alpha bridge.... no problems, I got tons of the stuff except for a vest, well I did have one but accidentally sold it...


Really don't like the setup though, strikers stability + EAD bonus is just more useful I find, also much prefer having 2 different types of weapons...


And buffed:



And on that note, seriously had enough of the **** RNG now...
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Have to agree on the Strikers stability Nex, it's awesome with AR's and really helps to get every shot on target :cool:

AB+2 Strikers is fantastic imo, power and precision :)

Yup, 20% stability is a massive bonus.

Would like that for a setup but then I would lose the spec. backpack, which is also too good :(
in other news im a bit happier with my build now, less squishy than ive been for a long time.

G36 / M700 carbon
111% / 204% head shot
58% / 22% ead

53.15% armour mit

3pc striker, barrets chest, tact backpack and random lonestar gloves which are the best i can find right now.

that M700 carbon though... headshots for days.

20161210124406_1 by Neil Gates, on Flickr
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