*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Any advice for someone just starting out?

Just enjoy it :)

but for real, medical wing first is a good place to start for heals, don't worry too much about crafting as the drops will be good enough to get you through each character level - and Assault Rifles are great as they have "enemy armour damage" so you will be powerful with them.

Aside from that have fun! Its a great levelling experience :)
Any advice for someone just starting out?

General tips when you rank up:
- Assuming you're solo, play through the story missions on normal, hard doesn't grant any extra exp on mission completion IIRC
- If you're say lvl 13 and your next mission is recommended 14, just do some side missions to tick you over to 14, then play the mission
- Try not to waste your money on gear and weapons while ranking to 30, you're never going to use them in end game
- Recommend you dismantle obsolete green and blue gear, as you hardly get any cash for them

Also here is a useful FAQ/reply from Karathez to another new player. We could do with adding this to OP as its coming up quite a lot at the moment.

So, wine me, dine me, treat me to some knowledge.

I enjoyed this over the free weekend, a lot. I love the feeling the world gives off, I got to level 9 I think. Maybe 10? I crafted 1 item but got confused with raw damage and the stat it slaps on the main information for the weapon. So a M4 sniper would 1 shot enemies, but a marksman SCAR with double the damage stat (not raw damage) doesn't...? I'm assuming that main DPS figure is a calculation of RPM and DPS, range and damage fall off (if there is any?). If so, that's a bit cack handed. As single shots are always going to be more powerful than semi shots.

The only 2 things you really need to check on a weapon are the base damage & rpm, the problem with the dps calculation is it takes into account things like mag size, which is really irrelevant, & inflates the dps stupidly high. Later on you will unlock the marksman range where you can test a weapons damage.

Anyway, other than that, I loved it, I will be handing over my hard earned cash to Ubi as the team who worked on the Division have done a good job in my eyes.

Is there any guild or group that regularly play on here that I can join and play with?

Theres a good few from here play, theres a proper discord channel, think the link might be in the OP but not certain.

Missions, I see that completed main missions continue to exist on the map but with a grey icon. Does this mean I can replay them and just gain loot? Or do I gain resource points to spend on upgrading my home base as well?

The main missions where you select a difficulty can be replayed as often as you like, you will be playing them a lot at end game on challenge difficulty which unlocks at 30, so dont get burned out on them at low level, once you have done them once, you dont get any more base resources from them, but you do still get item & exp rewards

Side missions and encounters, are these 100% never ending? And are they respawning throughout the game time I'm playing? I saw 2 side missions pop up 3 levels lower than me after I just did 2. So I assume they respawn and are locked to the areas level?

Side missions dont respawn, but they do unlock others, as well as some world bosses, if you clear an area of all side missions ( any one apart from chelsea ) later in the game they will unlock search & destroy missions from the notice boards, which gives you currency to do the HVT's (high value targets)

Should I bother spending my moola early game? I've got 4k saved up and a bunch of weapon parts/tools/fabric etc. Mostly green and some blues. I've no problem killing enemies with one shot using my sniper and my G36C is killing just fine.

I would sell everything you dont use apart from weapons & gear mods which I would deconstruct for electronics/tools as these can be useful for crafting at end game.

What are the 'suggested' skills? At the moment, I'm just testing, I like the scanning function, the turret is awesome, not unlocked my 'T' skill slot yet though, which is annoying. The shield was cool but rarely used.

First aid with either booster or overdose is pretty much a default choice as it saves you running out of med kits, the other is personal choice, personally I lile seeker mines with cloud burst for CC, turrets can also be good for this, theres a proper gear set for flame turret later in game, pulse is also handy as it shows where all enemies are & buffs your damage a bit, theres also a mod for the support station that self revives you if your soloing, but this can also be done with the medical sig skill if you're solo, albeit with a cool down.

The Dark Zone... Dun Dun Dunnnnnn, now, when I get to it, will I simply be shot on site the moment I spawn by players? Is there any point even attempting it before level 30? Once I'm level 30, will I need a tonne of decent gear to even survive more than 5 seconds?

There are brackets for DZ, I believe its something like 10-19, 20-24, 24-29. then its based on gear score after, something like 0-169, 170-204. 205-229 (not sure its been a while & some changes since I had lower scores) atm tho I believe a lot of people are playing twinked alts in the 10-19 bracket, so wouldnt suggest going in there unless your pretty well kitted out.

My fear is it's been out so long, there is simply no competing against other players.

Its pretty easy to get into top gear at end game & I'm sure theres a few on discord would give you a hand if needed.


One more bit of advice, try to get all the virus filters from the medical upgrades 1st, this will help in later areas as you will die if you go in without the proper level of filter, if youve reached level 9 I'm guessing you did the madison field hospital mission, theres a room in there in a contaminated zone, iirc it has a level 6 blue weapon in the box at the end, if you didnt get a virus filter upgrade before going in you would die, the max virus filter level you can get is 4.
changed a few things up, plays a lot better now and also using the firecrest set with the flame turret
good tip with the +armour stuff lackyT :D

I'm trying out a heavy skills but low toughness build. My balls can take out a rogue in one go which is nice but I have to stay in cover or keep my distance a bit.

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Free to say Gamble,Momo,Snips - best ever DZ PvP session? ;) :D

May the souls of brave warriors who tried to stand in our way rest in peace!
Free to say Gamble,Momo,Snips - best ever DZ PvP session? ;) :D

May the souls of brave warriors who tried to stand in our way rest in peace!

I would maybe say so :)

We came across some very strong groups, and multigroupers as well but came out pretty well.

Got an upgrade for my AB tonight as well, new spec backpack with more armour!
Free to say Gamble,Momo,Snips - best ever DZ PvP session? ;) :D

May the souls of brave warriors who tried to stand in our way rest in peace!

I would maybe say so :)

We came across some very strong groups, and multigroupers as well but came out pretty well.

Got an upgrade for my AB tonight as well, new spec backpack with more armour!

I would concur. Until last night, I wasn't fond of PVP but this has totally changed my view and I'm slightly addicted now :D Thanks to you 3 for putting up with my rambling, a good night indeed.

6 manhunts, 5 survived - how did we survive this though :eek: :eek:

I re-downloaded this last night after seeing all the updates they have made, not sure what I am doing though. I have joined the Discord channel so will jump in at some point, is it worth getting the season pass I have seen that you only get access to the updates with the DLC?
I re-downloaded this last night after seeing all the updates they have made, not sure what I am doing though. I have joined the Discord channel so will jump in at some point, is it worth getting the season pass I have seen that you only get access to the updates with the DLC?

IMO the season pass is worth it for UG and survival - especially survival. I was talking to someone last night about it who was level 18 only as they just got it and I said that if you like the 1-30 enough and the game interests you enough to proceed further - then get it to add more activities :)

Nice one, lots of kick about them every day :)
Just a heads up people. Weapon mod Vendor in DZ 5 has very good Omega Rifle Suppressor for sale.

18.5% HS damage
4% Crit damage
3% Critical hit chance.
Yeah just got the season pass, must put some time into this game now. I noticed DX12 is causing crashes, me included, what did you guys do about this?
Also is it worth hitting 30 and then create another character?
i think i may have solved my crashing.

i think it was windows 10 game bar overlay. in windows do win+g and turn it off completely. have not crashed since.
Gents...question on this, wtf is with enemy accuracy? I can have some hoody wearing chav 200m away hit me with his pistol when only my little toe is poking out.

That's not even an exaggeration!
Gents...question on this, wtf is with enemy accuracy? I can have some hoody wearing chav 200m away hit me with his pistol when only my little toe is poking out.

That's not even an exaggeration!

Best is in survival. Hunter with an SVD, blind firing with 100% accuracy to your head - no recoil, no spread.
I just rage quit. Emptied two full clips from my rifle in to a shotgunner as he ran towards me. He then 1 shotted me.
So people are cheesing with AB in DZ PVP just to make people aware

Unlock or craft if you have a 182 blue print a low electronic weapon talent like competent, adept, capable on a sawn off side arm since it has 3 talents.

When engaing an enemy pull out your side arm, use your skill(s) heal, pulse or wyh and since Adept stacks and you get additional 10% weapon damage, 22.5% crit chance and better weapon handling for 15 seconds whilst using your primary lw m4 or lvoac.

People are running around with 50% + chc and 9 talents.
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