*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Thing is with preview trailers/versions is that can be super polished versions that's a tiny part of the overall game.

But in reality if the whole game was that crisp it'd need a massive system to run on so wouldn't sell to mear morals with med spec gpu and smaller ssd. And/or would've delivered late.

The UI is nice, but again there would've been a logistical reason why it wasn't implemented. Maybe there were issues in the closed beta, but ndr would stop talk of that.
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Is there a bug, hack, or legitimate method unknown to me, that allows a downed rogue to rez himself almost instantaneously? I killed an especially annoying one the other day, but they got back up within three seconds. Their team mates were 30+ metres away.
Is there a bug, hack, or legitimate method unknown to me, that allows a downed rogue to rez himself almost instantaneously? I killed an especially annoying one the other day, but they got back up within three seconds. Their team mates were 30+ metres away.

Could be battle buddy
That's the first time I have ever seen that! HUD looks so nice with those crisp icons and text.

Need that map - come on year 2! :D

How?! :eek: The beginning of the div thread was largely all talk about the downgrade and graphics! :p

The map is so much bigger which leads me to suggest they realised pretty early on that they'd bitten off way more than they could conceivably ship. The map size was reduced considerably, you can see Brooklyn is way more than just a starter area at the end and the UI received a major overhaul.

If they do a 'Year 2' I'd like it to be a bigger map, perhaps a return to Brooklyn and Central park would be nice too.

Yeah Brooklyn was definitely more than just a starter area as they even had the "underground" section as part of Brooklyn. Regarding that, I wonder if they had plans that the underground was initially going to be apart of the base game or did they know all along (or somewhere down the line) that it was just for show and the content/idea was going to be cut out for DLC purposes, I am guessing the latter :(

I suspect the reasons we didn't get what we saw are as follows:

- Told to cut out some stuff in order to save it for a sequel/DLC, after all, why make the game as stunning as that from the get go when they could save some of it for sequels/dlc purposes as shown
- time and money, as tess said, bit off more than they could chew
- the performance would be shocking for 90% of PC systems, given that the game is already very taxing as it is, although with watch dogs, a lot of the e3 graphics/features when re-enabled had little to no impact...
- UI changes, whilst they look really nice and futuristic, they look like a nightmare to operate, especially the map, although I'm sure that they could have kept the same style whilst making it easier to use. I suspect consoles and controller users had a big play in this change

Overall, I think I would rather have a smaller map but with those e3 graphics than a bigger map but with worse graphics as once you reach end game, you just fast travel to all the missions.
What level NPCs are you playing against in comparison to your level? I can take down vets/elites in close to 1/2 clip. The only thing I can think of is:

1. Taking on enemies too higher level (assuming you're still working through the story)
2. You need to address your kit/loadout/stats - if you're hitting 256 GS

I was level 14 he was 13. Mostly playing against guys my level or lower tbh. Now 16 and most enemies are 14.

No gear score yet due to being such low level! :)

dps is 6.5k, toughness 9.3k and skill 6.3k.
Here's a screengrab of my character - only hit a gear score of 238 yesterday.

Now having a lot more fun. Have kitted out a second character with 4 piece Tac, electronics Barretts and specialized backpack. 100k HP cluster seeker mines before stacks. Running a Liberator to proc talented. Haven't tested what the minimum cooldown is but fairly sure it can get sub 9 seconds. Been using it to solo run Madison trying to get some shortbows and even with 2900 FA by the time I'm shooting people after chucking my seekers no-one has any armour left! :D Need to take it into the DZ next.
Here's a screengrab of my character - only hit a gear score of 238 yesterday.


Nice dude - start buying those FA mods or blueprints and start rolling. I picked up an electronics mod with 280 ARM in the DZ :cool: That was a nice addition.


Is anyone running dual 980Ti for Div?
How does it perform again a single card?
Do you get much micro stuttering?
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Mario found this on reddit:


If this is true, it sounds damn amazing!!!

Just remember that there are a lot of files included in the background that have been there since 1.1 and arent used. But these showed as changes with 1.5 patch it seems.

"Agent, we've started pushing further into the Dark Zone. We're unlocking the gates that lead north towards Central Park. I need you to get up there to do a little recon. Let me know what you see, and stay safe. It's not exactly friendly territory.

Look, there's no room. There's just no room any more. The park is full. They can't keep up with the dying. The transport trucks are dumping bodies outside and...and headed back for more. Jesus, I've never seen so much death. They have to seal it off. No one should ever see this...

I'm saying it's an opportunity. The JTF, they can't dig graves fast enough. So they are just taking the bodies, all of the bodies, and dumping them in Central Park. Just picking 'em up and throwing 'em in. I mean if you get a decent gas mask, maybe some hand sanitizer - you could find some serious **** in there. If they can't even bury 'em, they sure as hell aren't going through the pockets. But that doesn't have to stop us.

Not exactly scenic New York City, is it? But at least we got some idea of what we're getting into. Thanks, Agent.
Hey. Agent. I need you to check in with the new guy, Kekich, over at the terminal. He’s got something big on his hands, and he could use your help.

Oh, hey, Agent. What you are looking at is one of the SHD tactical terminals airdropped into the DZ before we pulled out. They were supposed to help coordinate ops, but, well that didn’t work out so great. So they’ve just been sitting there rusting, until now. They're waking up and they are loaded with operational data we need. The terminal will bring you up to speed on how to get them fully online.

Good to see ya, Agent. These are the SHD tactical terminals that got left behind when we pulled out. They are loaded with operational data. We need to get to them and download what we can before anybody else does.

Agent, this is Kekich. swing by when you get a chance. We've got these SHD tactical terminals left behind in the Dark Zone. They’re loaded with heavy duty operational data, and we need to get to that data before any Rogue agents get the chance. We're gonna need your help with this one."
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