*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

I'll be on at 7. Sounds like an interesting set up. Live target test I assume? ;) I'll load up discord but will have to use text as per, because I'm too cheap to buy a mic.

Dont worry about a mic for discord, chatting in thedivision channel and/or in game is always fine, some others dont use a mic.
Mostly speculation sadly, will wait for developer confirmation on... all of that.

All educated guesses, granted - but guesses nonetheless. Happy that they're still keeping the new content coming, and still actively engaging the player community.
Just got a gun i have not had before(Urban MDR):
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Popped into the DZ with the Mrs last night - yeah, I know that sounds wrong - to get our daily extractions. Got owned by 4 rogues camping outside the gate. Went back in elsewhere, took on some named bosses who provided some decent drops and proceeded to extraction.... only to get owned by the same 4 rogues again. I hate PvP :)
DZ "North" 7-9 in 1.6 - More interior, rooftop, bigger space "arena" game areas.
Fast travel between DZ checkpoints (destroys DZ pack contents).

Last Stand - Dedicated PvP arena inside DZ. 8v8 (2x group of 4 matchmade etc). Objective based. Domination style play.
Still some PvE, killing AI gives shadetech to activate turrets? (may have misheard that)
Respawn freely on map
Penalty free death (dont drop xp/cred/loot)
Normalisation of players gear to give less gap between players
Score throughout session gives rewards at the end

New Incursion and PvE content.. tbc 24 hours

Alphabridge NERF inbound although "it will still be good" apparently.


More cheat tracking inbound for bans.

Survival PTS change - Solo PvP will not be able to group or be able to matchmade with groups. Even from downed state it will take medkit to get someone back up.
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