*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Good to know there is no GS increase - I am just away to get into World 5 so I am happy to know I can just continue and collect gear without it being obsolete soon.
Did they mention anything about new weapons, armour or vanity items?

Unique vanity items will be unlocked as you progress through the 40 last stand ranks. :)

Last stand sounds so good!!! Normalisation sounds even better which will allow us to use our farmed gear! Fantastic imo

As long as the cheaters are dealt with in happy.

So tomorrows news must be 1.6 specific information. Maybe both in one go, super hyped!
If they're expanding the DZ upwards, and there's some PvE content to come maybe the open world map is expanding too. I'm hopeful of the new faction rumours.

im hoping the new faction is what I think it will be - a faction based around the hunter movement and combat!
Had some fun on underground tonight with Cas and took down the named with a single mag from the Famas - no skill buffs
- 4pc AB
- 2pc Striker
- 47.5% EAD
- 55.5% Arm Mit

I was about to extract when I was killed out of nowhere so I went back and recorded the session.

I may have said to him that cheating is pointless and may also have compared him to female genitalia. Bad language (ish) in clip so be aware.

Had an email today from Ubisoft support

I understand that it can be frustrating when you encounter cheaters in-game. I want to thank you for providing this cheater report and along with the evidence. As per Ubisoft policy, I am unable to communicate the outcome of any investigations in relation to cheating reports. Feel free to report any other suspicious activity you may see in the new ticket

So I am guessing they have been banned.
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