*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

apparently its a scrapped mission and an error. I reckon its coming soon and they made a mistake :D

yeah i ended up searching it up after spending 20 minutes trying to find the start point :p

@IronWarrior lots of people always teaming up for missions etc and the pvp is in its own zone so if pvp isnt your thing you can avoid it totally
also check the pc gaming deals thread, i posted a link in there for the gold edition going cheap
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I been thinking about picking this game up, what's it like to new players?

I like working with others in teams doing missions, is there a lot of that still or is it a lot of PVP?

Its both,depending what you want to do.
Game is really good,you will find players on OCUK discord if you like team stuff.
It can become repetitive after a while,but its very addictive

We're in! So ended up caving with the current deal for Gold Edition on GMG (GreenManGaming).

Heading to bed now but any tips to read up on before I dive in tomorrow?

Also, feel free to add me on uPlay. My username is Spacedeck.
My best Survival score so far:

Solo? Nice one :)

I was looking at the last stand map last night and the DZ extension and it doesn't actually include central park. It goes to the bottom of it and around the right hand side.

I hope they open up central park for something like the new incursion or LZ activities.

Guess we will hear today with the new report, hinted to be more of a 1.6 non last stand type thing.
anyone else noticed the new mission on the map?

midtown west clinic

apparently its a scrapped mission and an error. I reckon its coming soon and they made a mistake :D

Was reading that the Bratva were mentioned back at pre-release but never made it in to release. Whether they kept it back for year 2/additional later content or not seems to be some debate...
As interesting as Last Stand and 1.6 sound so far, I'm confident in saying that whatever pve content we also get from now on will not provide a conclusive, finite ending to the Keener storyline. I get the feeling that they intend to use him as a cornerstone for any and all potential sequels, serving as a proverbial carrot on a stick, making the plot more convoluted and meandering with every iteration. Like they are still doing with the AC games. We'll probably meet him in TD 5, around the same time Minerva recreates Desmond and they use the Apple of Eden to reveal the true nature of the Animus.

Bratva became the Rikers, from what i read. Which would make sense if that was an old shelved mission still using the old name.

yeah thats right. The bratva reference is also tied to their gun choice, clothing choice etc in the game files - so are the rikers.

Some of the weapon names in the files have a file name that doesnt match the actual in game name which people mis interpret as well.

The problem is, there are three main directories when the game files are extracted - but only one is touched for new updates currently.

The amount of "datamined new content" kappa, that has come out of the other two directories recently would make you jump with joy lol but in reality, it is old stuff that has been there since game launch but never used.

The proper data miners, spydr, total and Docholiday use a tool that only searches the directories that get updated and forget about everything else.
there will be some hip fire changes in PTS...


good bye stupid rambo players :D

also combat roll changes coming.
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