*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Has anybody completed challenging level Queens Tunnel Camp solo?

I tried it over the weekend with a 4 piece Lonestar, Reckless chest and Specialised backpack, using a Ferocious, Destructive, Brutal Pakhan, Fire Turret and Seekers. Admittedly not as strong as my all HE build but still respectable enough stats.

I was doing Ok until the section where you have to go through the wall and turn the servers off. TTK wasn't an issue, and I was falling back popping them off as they came at me, leading them into a narrow corridor that was a great killing ground. They stopped going into the corridor and just sat outside under a healing station...I couldn't do enough damage quick enough to defeat any of the LMB under the cover of the healing station. If I moved forward to take out the station I was facing around 10 LMB including two heavies with shields, six scouts with shock Grenades and at least two medics. There was very little cover and they also hacked my turret!

Any tips on how to get past this section or complete the mission?

I did watch some of the YT vids but most of them are older, pre-1.5 so who knows what has changed since. One thing is that the NPC didn't seem as aggressive...on one I watched, the heavies didn't even come through the hole in the wall. They certainly charged forward for me!

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Has anybody completed challenging level Queens Tunnel Camp solo?

I tried it over the weekend with a 4 piece Lonestar, Reckless chest and Specialised backpack, using a Ferocious, Destructive, Brutal Pakhan, Fire Turret and Seekers. Admittedly not as strong as my all HE build but still respectable enough stats.

I was doing Ok until the section where you have to go through the wall and turn the servers off. TTK wasn't an issue, and I was falling back popping them off as they came at me, leading them into a narrow corridor that was a great killing ground. They stopped going into the corridor and just sat outside under a healing station...I couldn't do enough damage quick enough to defeat any of the LMB under the cover of the healing station. If I moved forward to take out the station I was facing around 10 LMB including two heavies with shields, six scouts with shock Grenades and at least two medics. There was very little cover and they also hacked my turret!

Any tips on how to get past this section or complete the mission?


The way I do it is to use my alpha bridge build and tank my way through with pulse and booster. Here is a short clip of me doing the mission from start to end solo.

Hardest part is when you get rushed by the shot gunners, I know after I kill a few NPC's that they will soon spawn so I head back down the corridor so I can kill them one by one quickly.


Sorry for the poor quality, somehow it broadcast in 480p instead of 1080p :eek:

DPS 357K (5068), Toughness 467k (7011), Skill Power 119k (2804)

Barrets Vest
Specialised Backpack
Rest is Alpha Bridge

Enemy armour damage - 57.5%
Damage to Elites - 25%
Critical Hit Chance - 16%
Critical Hit Damage - 85%
Headshot Damage - 112%
Armour Mitigation - 55.4%

Weapon is a Lightweight M4 as my primary, Farmas as the secondary.

Weapons talents used are responsive, vicious, destructive, deadly, prepared and uncomplicated.

All gear mods are rolled to stamina with armour and seeker mine damage mods (all 4% ones)
Another method that works is to drop a healing station just outside of the doorway (in the tunnel before you enter the room), then pick them off one by one. When the shotgunners rush in, run back to the end of the same tunnel and pick them off as well. Or...if you rush straight through the room to where the computer is, you can hide behind one of the dividing walls and pick them off as they come round the corner.
what i do on that bit is stay in the tunnel and pick off whatever you can before they rush in, then throw a flame turret down on the stack of stuff (forgot what it is but maybe crates?) just outside the hole in the wall then when people run in they get hit by flames and kinda stunned.. so easier to kill

that part usually takes me 1-3 times to do but honestly i find the last part the hardest, enemies come from every direction and there isnt a lot of places for cover
I think the last part is easier. I sit above the ladder by the door closest to the exit for the most part. Makes it easy to pick off any NPCs appearing through the door below, you just have to watch for NPC appearing at the opposite end of the corridor.
I think the last part is easier. I sit above the ladder by the door closest to the exit for the most part. Makes it easy to pick off any NPCs appearing through the door below, you just have to watch for NPC appearing at the opposite end of the corridor.

hmm will have to try that spot.. can the grenade launcher guys hit you from there?
Is it worth buying for the single player campaign?
Hmm well its an always-online game so i wouldnt call it single player but you can solo most things and definately solo the campaign

now to answer your question, if your just going to do the main missions and then quit i would say no..
but theres a lot of side missions etc too, plus once you get to lvl 30 you can do daily objectives, challenge mode missions, etc.. if your interested in all that then its well worth less than a tenner
you can solo most content so theres really no reason just to do the campaign and then stop anyway

ive done everything solo and put almost 200hours into it - it just depends how much of it you want to play
Definitely worth a tenner, I really enjoyed the single player campaign and did it mostly solo.

does anyone know if reshade presets will work with DX12? I was using one I really liked before it became an option.
Thanks everyone for your feedback on Queens Tunnel. It seems I had the right idea, but not strong enough with that build to execute, only had 34% EAD and 25% DtoE with 398k toughness (53.17% armour mitigation).

I actually picked up a few items on last nights missions and LZ boss run to improve my Lone Star build - a nice mask with EAD and DtoE and a Lone Star vest with good armour and DtoE, so I've switched out the Reckless vest for the Lone Star one and gone with an all 12 stat Nimble holster. Should give me a bit more of an edge on healing as well as bumped the armour mit up to 54% (428k toughness) now.

I don't think the 8% extra damage for LMG on the 3 piece Lone Star is worth it, even though the Pakan I have has Ferocious and Destructive. I'm going to switch for an AR with destructive and ferocious and the extra armour damage to see if it makes a difference. I ran Lexi challenging with the HE build and an AB build ( as well as the LS with the Pakan), both using AR and it was much easier with these two builds, although the stats would suggest they are very close. Still no Barrett's yet...I'm not farming for it necessarily, just running Lexi when it is the challenging daily or when I am testing a build, so must be close to 100 runs now. Probably still a few hundred off ( as well I get at least 2 or 3 prof caches a day).

Oh yeah, and I cracked 150 million in credits across 3 characters and 1000 hours...

That toughness is plenty for PVE, any extra now is really a bonus. As long as you have high EAD (50%+ if you can) NPC'S will go down nice and quick usually once there armour is gone.

1.6 thankfully will be much easier to get exotics like the barrets vest. Weeklies are now guaranteed exotics as well as legendary missions so decent exotics are going to drop much quicker. I even had an Urban MDR from soloing the Russian consulate challenging on the PTS. So challenging bosses have a chance as well if they haven't changed that on the live release, that was a nice surprise when I killed the boss :D
That annoys me somewhat.

Exotics are supposed to be intentionally rare. But it's okay will chuck in a weekly reward and you can farm the poop out of legendary.

Way to encourage build diversity.
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