*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Anywhere that a current named item can drop, has been changed to drop an "Exotic" and every named gear/weapon has been chucked under that heading.

So exotics from UG/Supply drops in DZ/Survival Caches/Prof Caches and then the guaranteed weekly assignments can all include them in 1.6, out with the legendary completion exotic caches
I switched to the multiple AR's on the Lone Star build and it worked great. I used an LVOA-C with Unforgiving, Predatory and Intense and a SOCOM SCAR-L with destructive, ferocious and sustained. It was almost like having an AB build, no issues with ammo either. I will probably roll off intense, during an entire Lexi challenging run it did not proc once. The ROF on the SCAR is a little too low for my liking, I might get rid of the extended mag and get a heavy magazine spring for 10.3% ROF. You don't really need an extended mag for LS, switch out as often as you like. I just roll my finger across the mouse centre wheel and my weapons are changed!

I also tried a FAMAS but it is way too unstable for long term use.

On another note, I've been looking at some gameplay from the new Mass Effect coming out next month, the gear interface and skill tree makes the Division look very pedestrian. I've never played a ME game but it looks quite interesting.

Still nope, still waiting on Sony and MS approving the console patches so they can all be released on the same date. Glad they're binning the 30 day exclusivity crap.
So... I've not played this since launch as I found it got incredibly grindy very quickly, have things changed much and is it worth revisiting?
So... I've not played this since launch as I found it got incredibly grindy very quickly, have things changed much and is it worth revisiting?

Completely different game now mate. Much more polished and nicer to use, much more content, more loot (and loot drops like rain).

Well worth another look to find out if it tickles your fancy now.
2 week till Wildland is out, can't imagine they'll drop the patch same weekend.

They don't seem to care, even for games within the Ubisoft stable. The last Ghost Recon beta fell on the same weekend as a Rainbow 6 Siege free weekend. Baffling.
Waiting for 1.6 and it feels like it's taking so long! I'm levelling alts, doing the weekly to save caches, buying named weapons and not a whole lot else.
I'm at the stage where I log in run to the appearance vendor and log off.

I've got all the sets in my stash granted they aren't exactly god rolls but I've lost all interest in playing until 1.6 drops and the changes kick in.
I'm at the stage where I log in run to the appearance vendor and log off.

I've got all the sets in my stash granted they aren't exactly god rolls but I've lost all interest in playing until 1.6 drops and the changes kick in.

I feel the same way. And have leveled an alt to 24. I guess I'll take a break if I get to 30 before patch 1.6.
@-Gamble- Sorry if you've covered this to death, but what happened with your original account ban?

My friend and I have been twinking at level 14 in the DZ and had top gear for the bracket. I've been away for a few weeks but it seems in that time he has collected quite a few rage / hacking reports, and got banned on login today. I trust him and know he has no mods or anything.

Can you give me some advice on the best way to contact Ubisoft (or trust me the info) Bearing in mind he had nothing in his game files etc? Thanks in advance.
Can you give me some advice on the best way to contact Ubisoft (or trust me the info) Bearing in mind he had nothing in his game files etc? Thanks in advance.

Gamble had zero success with Ubisoft, seems they ultimately didn't want to know which is a shame. Unless you're a popular streamer it would appear us normal folk have no recourse when banned :(

I think I posted a few pages ago, but I wont be getting my original account back. They appeal got overturned and once that happens there is nothing more Ubisoft can do about it. They also don't give information on the ban.

The only thing I can think of is that scripthooking cinetools has triggered something but they will never confirm it.

Best way to contact them is via phone, chat is useless and the comments on tickets takes too long.
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