*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Survival Last Man Standing
Tonight we are trying to arrange a massive group of us to do Last Man Standing in PvP Survival. We'd like min of 10 people (ideally) and starting at 2100 GMT

So far we have the following confirmed:
- Suspicious Pixel
- Radeon85OCUK
- snips86x
- wholesauce
- deFiniLoGy

-Join Division Game 1 Channel
-Once everyone is logged in we will attempt to join the same session by counting down together with the hope we join the same server.
-Everyone is welcomed to remain in the voice channel. Microphone isn't necessary.
-Macros or any form of cheats are forbidden.
-Mousewheel scroll cheese is disallowed.
-Do not abuse bugs or glitches.
-Do not team. Teaming is defined as two or more players in the same match working together in a larger group than is intended for the selected game mode.
-If you decide to stream, viewers should display good sportsmanship and not disclose the whereabouts of other players.
-Have fun
So guys im thinking and i do mean thinking of getting back into this, i quit soon after the pvp mode was released last stand i believe? as i really disliked that mode and just quit the game as i felt there was nothing to do.
Whats in store in terms of pve content these days?
So guys im thinking and i do mean thinking of getting back into this, i quit soon after the pvp mode was released last stand i believe? as i really disliked that mode and just quit the game as i felt there was nothing to do.
Whats in store in terms of pve content these days?

A lot has changed if you've not played recently.

- Global Events - These are global modifiers which change how NPCs react to players. It runs for a week and gives you the opportunity to gain GE credits for classified gearsets (read patch notes). NPCs have increased damage, players need to be in range of each other etc...
- Legendary Missions - NPCs hit harder, move like players and require a 4 man team to complete. Guaranteed Exotic Cache on completion (you may already know about this)
- Comtamination Events - These events are in the DZ and loot goes straight to inventory, no extraction required. You also loose health slowly

We're also getting a new section of map, West Side Pier, with new NPC spawning methods and constant alerts for ongoing activity - the factions have joined to take us down as their common enemy
Resistance is also being added - endless waves of enemies

1.7 Patch Notes
1.8 Patch Notes
Not sure if its useful to anyone but Autumn's Hope vendor has superior firearms mod with +206 firearms and 3% damage to elites. Usually better on stamina or electronics though for a more rounded build.
I don't get the damage in this game at all - even taking into account things like critical hits, etc. I have a G36 that has really good damage stats and a black market AK-74 which has meh damage but nice bonuses for health - dropping my firearms a bit and losing 6% DTE to unlock the bonuses on the AK-74 the time to kill against elites is exactly the same.
Finally got an urban MDR after two evenings of grinding Lincoln, Hudson and Lex. Got a showstopper with pretty sweet stats from Barrett but gave it away to one of the guys who was running them with me as he'd been hunting it for days (and I don't use shotguns really).
I reinstalled this yesterday... gears mediocre to rubbish, i think im at 244 running 4 pieces of Alphabridge and 2 x AR, doing World Tier 5. Have the season pass so i *think* everything is currently unlocked for me? or did they release stuff not covered by the first Season Pass?

Not really sure what to do, i grabbed the weekly cache, should i just run about killing named dudes for upgrades then? Last time i played seriously that new raid thing opened up where you went to the park place i think it was and placed a bomb and then a dude come down and you had to kill him, was pretty tough but fun. Also i think High Value targets were introduced...

Whats the best method to gear up now? i did try an Underground mission last night, 2 phase, seemed pretty easy but all the drops im getting are sets other than Alphabridge so im loathe to swap them out as i will lose the bonuses etc...

I really want to love this game but im just not sure what i should be doing, is it still a case of its best played running in a group? it seems kinda lifeless when solo.
If you have the season pass go to the HUB. You should have Survival, Last Stand on the right, and Underground on the left as you enter.

As for gear, run world bosses/Challenging missions.

Can always reroll gear the recalibration station in the HUB (Go to, forward and left around the corner)
Have to say I don't really like incursions - too many of them force a specific play style for everyone on the team at some point (i.e. the last bit on stolen signal where you need like 3-4 people with shields and a good level of electronics) often completely different to other parts :( I guess its OK if you've got a dedicated team on voice comms and all the gear to swap between.

Gonna have to try some of the missions on legendary, etc. as that is probably more suited to what I'm looking for.
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