Tefal, I think you and others may be reading too much into the "you can raise all skills to 100" thing, we already know that skills ups are based on you USING those skills.
Unless they make this incredibly fast, the chances are that you will have to grind to raise skills you don't want to use outside of quests, therefore the term "by the end of the game" becomes meaningless. It's a sandbox game, if you spend your time grinding your skills up, assuming the leveling system isn't too fast, you deserve to be very powerful because you spend time leveling.
You are assuming that if everyone plays the game over a certain amount of time they will be able to level every skill to 100, yes it's possible but it's entirely likely that all they meant by that comment was that there is no magical experience ceiling that stands above you and says "Right, your as strong as you will ever be now, end of the line" that you automatically reach regardless of play time, if anything I find the idea of levels even less entertaining, it makes no sense, it's not emersive and leads to the requirement for spending stat points which is even less so. I find the idea of leveling my skills by actually using them, to the point I become a "master" of whatever skill it is incredibly interesting.
Now yes if it's anything like New Vegas for instance it will be silly, if you can be efficient or better in every single skill without going out of your way then it would be annoying but it's hardly a game breaker, especially seeing as Bethesda are the PC gaming gods of allowing fan made content.