The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Wow amazing so far definitely worth waking up early for. Wish they would hurry up and release crossfire profiles though getting negative crossfire scaling atm:(
Sad panda, gone are the days playing oblivion until working 9-5 & got a busy weekend,DAMN, double damn, (prepares to b reak up with gf & quit job)
I started it downloading this morning and left it running while I'm at work. Should be finished before I get home tonight. Working at the weekend, but only two little four hour shifts, so will be able to enjoy the game tonight and over the weekend :D
So, after all that bloody moaning (from a few people :p), not a single person here has been disappointed thus far and I'm noticing an increased use of words like - 'incredible', 'stunning' and 'amazing' all over the internet.
So, after all that bloody moaning (from a few people :p), not a single person here has been disappointed thus far and I'm noticing an increased use of words like - 'incredible', 'stunning' and 'amazing' all over the internet.

It's still not a new engine, but I was very surprised how well it looked and ran. Especially on high/Ultra :eek:
Well I got it, I like it, graphics are amazing.. never played the other games before nor have I seen the guide so I didn't realise when I went into a Riverwood took a couple of items (ahem a sword and a few other stuff) it added Bounty so now Riverwood is a no go area it seems :P
This guy just turned up :p

In before waste of money :p I know, I'm a sucker for art books.



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