The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

lol like i said they went back and changed it pretty quickly

Have you actually got a solid source for this? I was under the impression that Skyrim using any part of the Gamebryo engine was another rampant internet Chinese whisper style rumour.

Every single article I've read on it mentions that Gamebryo is ditched and an all new engine is beign used.

anyway after all the crap Crytek, IW etc have pulled can you really trust anything a developer says these days

Yes, in my opinion they've given me no reason not to. Not every developer is puppeted by publishers like Activision and EA intent on getting the most profit for least amount of effort.

If they say it's an all new engine, until someone can prove definitively otherwise, I'll trust them.

If I went around cynically assuming every word that any developer said was a lie, why would I even consider keeping any interest in this hobby?
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There is a lot of things that this developer has spoken about PRE-Oblivion and 60% of it was bull!. I've been trying to find some old previews and early information before oblivion came out which is prooving difficult to do in the many threads. I remember someone posting leaked screenshots and info before oblivion came out.

I don't trust ANY developers, Sem is pretty much spot on
i can guarantee you it wont be a new engine you can see from the 2nd trailer and the screens its still gamebryo

also when the game was first announced they said it was a heavily modified gamebryo engine but after a negative response they went back and changed it and said it was "brand new"

but i dont doubt they have improved it enough so it doesnt look like total crap but i guess we wont know for sure until we see some proper gameplay footage

According to wikipidia the engine is called: Creation Engine...
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maybe he means it will support dx11 possibly for the performance increase but wont support things like tessellation

that would require redoing all the dx9 stuff which they wont.

They're more likely to bolt on some ssao style stuff which combined with the crappy dx9 built engine will mean performance will be ****.

instead of redoing everything to run on dx10 to get the extra spare resources to do the higher stuff with good performance.
Just had another session of crysis 2, and it occured to me, how great a game like Skyrim would be if it used a similar engine. (or any future COD game for that matter)
Just had another session of crysis 2, and it occured to me, how great a game like Skyrim would be if it used a similar engine. (or any future COD game for that matter)

Why? I seriously doubt that either the CoD engine or the Cry Engine have anywhere near the capability of Bethesda's engines.
Ok, I was thinking rpg's in general, especially Fall Out NV.

What are you getting at exactly? :confused:

On the topic of Fallout 3, its time for a clean install so i can update my mods and hopefully improve stability. Its ok at the moment but i've got 3 more major mods to update (after already updating 2) so i can make sure everythings installed properly if i just wipe it and start again...
evilsod: i think he's getting at a game with good fighting, stealth etc like cysis but with the story part and depth of the game added on like ob. ob has a lot of depth, but the fighting is much slower then games like crysis where you kill bad guys in 2 seconds so you can kill hundreds quickly. obviously they are different games but imo a mix between the 2 would be great as it's never been done before that i know of. deux ex i guess is the closest but i've never properly played that game
evilsod: i think he's getting at a game with good fighting, stealth etc like cysis but with the story part and depth of the game added on like ob. ob has a lot of depth, but the fighting is much slower then games like crysis where you kill bad guys in 2 seconds so you can kill hundreds quickly. obviously they are different games but imo a mix between the 2 would be great as it's never been done before that i know of. deux ex i guess is the closest but i've never properly played that game

Whats that got to do with the engine?

2 completely different games with 2 completely different styles. And the last time i played my Big Guns character with IncreasedIncreasedSpawns and Feral Ghoul Rampage i had to take on groups of 30+ Ghouls at once which i could blast with a missile launcher or mow down with a minigun, or stand off against 10+ Super Mutants with a gatling laser and an M60. Or my VATS char who would have to take them on carefully and pick them off with a silenced hunting rifle or just pop lots of them with a .223 scoped pistol. Thats what mods are for, either way it has nothing to do with the engine and everything to do with the style of the game.
i'd have thought it has everything to do with the engine as it's doing a lot more with each npc etc so a lot more demanding then a game like halo which allows for stupid ai to just simply shot at you. perhaps i was wrong. still i think the user was just trying to make that he'd like to see a cross between the 2 games rather then the engine being used as no one has seen first hand what the engine is like in skyrim yet any way.
No what you seem to be saying is that 'Fallout 3 should've been a run and gun generic FPS' or at least, more like 1. News flash, its supposed to be a post-apocolyptic survival RPG/FPS. Yes the enemies are more demanding than your generic cannon fodder drones but the whole style of the game is what prevents it from being a run n gun, its quite easy to have a screen full of enemies to gun down with the appropriate spawn increase mods from MMM, just not very good for your health unless you're built to be a tank and even then you'll be struggling with your ammo supply.

Skyrim will never be different from Morrowind, Oblivion or Fallout 3 in that respect as you simply aren't supposed to be fighting armies. Its got nothing to do with the engine, just how the game is played.
Guys im refering to the graphics engine.

Fall out NV was a terribly performaing game, crashes and terrible hitching.

Take the same gameplay but use for example the crysis 2 engine to build the world and the textures and the environments and you'd have a seriously bloody good game...
i'd have thought it has everything to do with the engine as it's doing a lot more with each npc etc so a lot more demanding then a game like halo which allows for stupid ai to just simply shot at you. perhaps i was wrong.

AI is a relatively low overhead compared to other things going on to make a game run, and the AI agents in oblivion are barely smarter than any fps game. Or are you trying to imply that being able converse with an NPC is to do with it's AI?

The engine hasn't anything to do with this.
ok well then lets rephrase his post to satisfy your needs for his post to be 100% correct.

Just had another session of crysis 2, and it occured to me, how great a game like Skyrim would be if it played like crysis2. (or any future COD game for that matter)

i think his point was clear. he's not saying skyrim needs to be like them, but he'd like to see a game like both of them.

order: i remember mods that made more npc's roaming about in towns, slowed the game right down for me, therefore i assume the npc's in oblivion demanded a fair amount of power to get them all by quality npcs. it's always why i assume all elder scrolls games have few npc's walking around, you go to the great city of whatever in oblivion and there is 3 people to be seen. assassins creed there is 100 in a tiny block
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I still get excited about this now - really counting down the months.

I'm anticipating a very good Engine - and with a bit of luck it might not need patching up as soon as you start it.

I'm wondering what kind of DRM it might come with - might be Steam - I still remember when I pre-ordered Fallout New Vegas, my Game was held hostage, until the actual game was released, so I wasn't able to play the game until the release day a day later; and that was a bit annoying!
Skyrim, The Witcher 2 and Mass Effect 3 have me excited as hell. After the disappointment of DA2 and some other game, I'm hoping this doesn't follow the trend. If Skyrim follows its predecessors, then it'll have me put in over 200 hours of game time with player mods.

I'm quite surprised by the amount of negativity in this thread. I mean we all know we wont see games built like Morrowind or Daggerfall anymore, so why use that against Skyrim? Bethesda made it quite clear with Oblivion (and the Fallout series) that thats the direction the games are going to take. And its not like its been a huge failure.

As much as I have fond memories of the old text RPGs where everything evolved around the stats of your character. I can easily understand why its not like that anymore and I very much doubt Oblivion would have been as successful as it was if they never evolved the combat and gameplay from Morrowind. So saying that Morrowind's combat is better than Skyrims simply because they're implementing a "lock on" feature is a little silly IMO.

Saying that though, I cant say I have 100% faith in Bethesda to deliver a standalone gem of a game. Both Morrowind and Oblivion vanilla were pretty stagnant and boring after awhile, especially console Oblivion. The true unlocked potential of both games came from the thousands of imaginative player mods.

All I want from Skyrim is a huge open world with lots of classic Elder Scrolls single-player content that I can explore and get lost in. Then as the months go by, hundreds of player mods are released that adds new dimensions and expand on the imagination of the original game. This is what made Morrowind and Oblivion great games and this is what will make Skyrim great too.

From what I've saw and read about Skyrim, it seems very promising. The dragon shouts and radiant quest paths that they've spoken about seem really interesting and have huge potential.

There is one thing that Besthesda MUST NOT DO...

PLEASE DONT MAKE IT A STEAM REQUIRED GAME!! My word, every game that requires a Steam account to use has been annoying as hell. Skyrim should have a open Console Command feature like the previous games had, for modding and testing and exploration. I dont want this canceled out because of some damn stupid Steam achievements.
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