The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced


Looking good, I'm not to convinced about the fire pit in the middle of the floor though, it looks like lava :p
As long as it doesn't have that hidious 'pop-up' of grass and trees that Oblivion has when you are walking around outside then i will be much happier

EDIT - Looking at the first screen shot, looks the same!!
Graphics has never been my main consideration in games but that screenshot with the mammoths screams of an Oblivion gamebryo much for their 'built from the ground up new engine' I guess that's what happens when your main platform's tech is six years old (xbox 360).

So yeah, the gameplay better be bloody good then....
Looking good, I'm not to convinced about the fire pit in the middle of the floor though, it looks like lava :p

Looking good?

I see brown skin, brown armour, brown stone, brown tables, lot of grey in the background, a fireplace with more bloom effect than you can shake a stick at, and it all looks like its predecessor anyhow :p

Games need a bit of colour in them, not super-realism with added bloom :p
Somw interesting details coming out-

In terms of the game’s campaign it sounds massive, apparently there are 60,000 lines of recorded dialog and more voice actors than before, also when playing Skyrim quests should feel less fake and Bethesda has been inspired by Fallout 3′s random encounters in addition to this we are told that each city has its own economy which you can sabotage.
I like the random encounters that you can get in the fallout games, so sounds good. I certainly hope they integrate the side quests a bit better, though it wasn't that bad in Oblivion tbh.

We will now real off some other details which may be interesting to you: Firstly dragons will now randomly appear and battles are unscripted, also if a dragon is injured enough it can’t fly. When it comes to crafting there are 13 types of ore. Guards don’t end up as powerful as they could in Oblivion. The hand to hand skill has been removed. And finally there are three factions confirmed so far, these are Thievesguild, College of Winterhold and Compainions.
Was sick of guards knowing wether you had commited a crime or not despite being nowhere near you, really needed balancing(was with mods)

Very much looking forward to this game.
^ I'll know it's gamebyro if it frameskips and i'll need the stutter remover, just like every Bethseda game.
i like the screenshot of the town on top of the hill, very lotr'y, however i bet in usual elder scrolls style the town will feel completely lifeless and still. nothing happening and no one really living in it which i will be a shame as the design is great.
Me want to explore that town NAO :eek::D .....However:
i bet in usual elder scrolls style the town will feel completely lifeless and still. nothing happening and no one really living in it which i will be a shame as the design is great.
Yeah... :(:mad:
meh. i fear 300 hours means a lot will be repetitive, samey and standard. there will be few hours of actual greatness in that i suspect as it wont be possible for them to have the team needed for the creativity for 300 hours of great content.

to go through each cave, ruin, oblivion gate in oblivion would have taken ages, but once you've done 4/5 of each it gets boring and then only thing left is to keep searching in hope you find the good fun ones with a good reward or to not bother and miss out.
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