The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I find the Thieves guild quest quite funny. I'm now the guild leader even though I haven't completed the quest "Become a full member of the thieves guild" as I've only found 6 of the 24 unusual gems.
open the console (button above tab)

type in:

player.additem d3ac3 1

hit enter and you'll have the armour, that's if you didn't need the boots, gloves or hood.
Ive no idea what these three weirdo's are doing outside Whiterun Stables. Theyve been there for ages, feel a bit sorry for the chap in the middle :D

^ I used to have two of him outside the stables... He's the guy I stole a horse for but decided to keep it for myself (Lerush or something iirc?). They died horrifically in the attack on Whiterun though :p
has anyone used the 'corpses not disapearing' mod? and if so, does it slow the game down with hundreds of dead bodies everywhere?!
I like the idea of them not disapearing as its pretty clinical seeing them go away when you next re-visit a scene.
Does anyone else wish they'd given your companion a bit more character? I'm not talking BG2 with major quests but some scripted dialogue at key locations / events would really flesh them out IMO. And might help to make exploring Skyrim feel a little less lonely.
Does anyone else wish they'd given your companion a bit more character? I'm not talking BG2 with major quests but some scripted dialogue at key locations / events would really flesh them out IMO. And might help to make exploring Skyrim feel a little less lonely.

I'd happily trade half the interactive items that you can pick up and use for crafting, for more dialogue and deeper and richer characters and story.
I've spent 2 days (about 12 hours) just running around putting places on the map so that I can fast travel easier in the future, and I've done about 15% of the map :S

Going to do the champion missions, see where that gets me, then crack on with the other side quests and do the odd main one now and then.

Just started to learn enchanting too :)
don't BUY a house, just do the very very mage college quest chain and you get given the entire top floor as a reward :P

6800 gold for a fully kitted out house in Whiterun or the rather tedious College quest line, including 1 quite powerful Necromancer boss and an insanely powerful Dragon Priest boss.

Tough choice ><
You'll need to kill off the dragon priests anyway to get all the masks assuming you go in for the OCD element of the game and don't want to miss any!
I've got another dragon soul and debating on whether to unlock the second part of either kyne's peace (peace), whirlwind sprint (fury) or fire breath (inferno). What would you recommend?
I have found quite a few new areas and shortcuts using Whirlwind sprint, it can be very useful

Really? I found the basic sprint (whirlwind) very useful for getting past things like swinging blades, but it never occurred to me that it could find new areas.
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