The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Its a shame that arrows don't get a boost from Archery skill level/perks. Easier to just use Iron Arrows for everything and swap to your best type for certain boss fights. The rarity and cost of the better arrows doesn't really make up for ~10-16 extra damage they get when your bow probably does 100+ by that point. Though the bugged Marksmanship potion is nice since it increases everything (bow, arrows and all other weapons).
Its a shame that arrows don't get a boost from Archery skill level/perks. Easier to just use Iron Arrows for everything and swap to your best type for certain boss fights. The rarity and cost of the better arrows doesn't really make up for ~10-16 extra damage they get when your bow probably does 100+ by that point. Though the bugged Marksmanship potion is nice since it increases everything (bow, arrows and all other weapons).

Yeah the whole bow and arrow seperate damage value confused me. I use the arrowsmith mod to make daedric arrows (not cheating IMO and hargraven feathers and daedra hearts aren't exact easy to find often). I just carry steel arrows for regular fights and use daedric ones for bosses and dragons.
How does everyone get so much gold? I'm 186 hours in and haven't made more than 45k gold.

Should I have been selling dragon bones, do they fetch a lot? I've been leaving them behind as they're too heavy to carry. I haven't bothered
to store stuff at winterhold, go back, get bones, store them, etc. Maybe that's my problem?
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****ing chrome, crashed halfway through my reply.

Its not hard to make tons of cash. Dragon bones/scales are nice but only early on and its not like you get tons of em. Earlier on its a good idea to sell them but mid-game once the loot starts becoming better quality you can easily buy out all the merchants gold with gear left over.
Then of course its whether you actually buy stuff as to if you still HAVE lots of cash. On my sneak archer I'll regularly clear out Arcadia of ingredients which isn't cheap. I'll buy a bunch of arrows from the drunken huntsman. I'll sometimes buy loads of iron from the smithies and the odd bit of more expensive ore for upgrades. I might spend some on training now and then.
I think a lot of my gold has come from looting bodies and containers. I can't seem to stop myself from looting bodies and taking the gold, even though I don't need any more gold. It was the same with Fallout 3 as well.

Also pickpocketing can get you quite a bit of gold and jewellery. Go to the palace at Solitude and the there is a guy there who carries a diamond necklace worth 1200 gold. I got my Pickpocketing to 100 pretty easily by robbing jewellery.

I got very few dragon bones as they weigh too much. The best way to make money from that would be to make dragon armour from them and sell that. I would do that now as I have 600 carry weight limit, but its pointless as I very rarely need money.
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Same... I have about 100k gold. I never really buy anything, just use what I find. I still check every chest/urn/body in every location and won't leave a single piece of gold behind. As I walk through each location I pick up everything I can until I'm over encumbered, and then start swapping out items I find based on their value (gold/weight).
I am up to about 100k gold at level 50 with 3 houses (Whiterun, Markarth, Solitude) bought and fully upgraded. Thats probably not much money for the time I played, but I also havent gone out of my way to farm any, just:

looted corpses/chests
sold everything I found but didnt need
did the side quests
made jewelry/amour while levelling Smithing and sold those.

I dont think I ever bought weapons or armours, only some materials needed to make them and other consumables. I have 100 in Smithing and fitted out followers in Ebony/Daedric/dragon scale at minimal cost.

If I wanted to generate more cash, although its totally not needed at this point, I could convert the huge stock of dragon parts to armour and sell them on for a sizeable amount, and convert all my ingredients/misc to potions/jewelry and sell those.. as I hardly ever use potions other than those I found.
Just playing normally I never found a time when I needed more cash than I had, other than my first horse purchase when arriving at Whiterun :P
I have 100 in Smithing and fitted out followers in Ebony/Daedric/dragon scale at minimal cost.

Now that's pretty impressive. :)

Yeah, I'm going to build my money up more aggressively now.

I decided to learn smithing tonight which involved a fair bit of spending. After some instruction on how to go about doing it, I went from no smithing skill to 90 in a couple of hours, spent all the perks I needed to unlock daedra smithing and now am wearing an awesome daedric suit of armour, gauntlets and helmet, and just need one more daedra heart for the boots. :D

Talk about zero to hero in a day, lol.
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Game is great, about 10 hours in, level 7, my god the about of side quests, im not even sure of the m ainobjective now, i think i have to see the greybeards, fantastic game, aGOTY for me, and happy new year everyone !!
There's something about blacksmithing that I find addictive, I'm going the whole rogue route so I get this feeling I shouldn't be wasting perks on it, but I love strutting about in my own armour/weapons :D


Got a question about enchanting, with the intial enchant, does the soul gem you use affect the enchant in anyway?
Also what would you say is the best enchant for a sneaky rogues bow? I carry 2 at the moment, 1 with a soul trap enchant for trash and 1 with a frost enchant for the big guys, but I seem to be encountering a lot of frost dragons at the moment. :rolleyes:
Stronger soul = stronger enchantment. Thats about all there is to it. And enchantments you've already got don't improve when you take perks.

I should probably start enchanting my Legendary Glass Bow. Could do with 1 for Soul Trap (if I ever decide to get the Azura Star) and another for damage. Probably go for Fire since I think more enemies are weak to it.
I like the soul trap and fire for bows, absorb health for 1-hand weapons when fighting bosses/multiple enemies, soul trap for 2-hand weapons and fire/frost damage for 1-hand weapons against normal enemies.

I didnt get my enchant up enough to be able to use 2 enchants on a weapon, but I can see that would be faily awesome.. might try and level that skill a bit, even though I have virtually finished the game now.. just exploring and doing misc quests now.

Not very great screenies via FRAPS, as I cant find another way to take them.. Dragon Scale, Daedric and Nightingale (which I end up using most of the time now unless tanking a boss). Plus trusty hound and steed :)

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Kill the minions, and then talk to the Caller.
you can then decide if you want to spare her, back stab her, or fight it out, iirc
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