The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Does anyone know how can I pass this quest?

It's impossible to kill both of the witches.

The Caller

i done this today, it was tough,
i started with a bow and pressed the sneak.
i got 2 head shots in before they spotted me.
then i had to use a fire protection potion.
then changed to the spell i learned in the college, the magic shield and a 1 arm sword.
and one of the shouts (unrelenting force, though not 100% sure)
i got one of the fire wraiths first, then done a F5 save, then i needed to do a potion of healing.
i got in close to the caller and killed her, then a save. then i got the last fire wraith.
i did have to reload a few times, it is a tough level, and quite tough to even get there.

quick question.
i have my destruction upto 36, i have unlocked the dual casting, but it wont let me do this.
in the magic menu, when i left click on fire, the 'L' comes up.
but if i try and right click on restoration or any other magic, it still comes up with the 'L'
i cant get a magic item with the 'R' so i am unable to dual cast anything.

is this me or the game?
i just used steam to activate the game, but i have not installed any updates yet
I suppose I can get my smithing, which is 90, to 91 by making more iron daggers, that wouldn't take long. I have 2 perks to spend or is it talking about some other perk?

edit: Aha! Yes, just got myself to 91 smithing and it now will create legendary since I have those 2 perks in hand. Thanks for the help all! :)



Does armour level with your character level?
83 seams quite weak for what is suppose to be the best armour in the game :confused:
For comparison my Exquisite knighingale body armour is 128:)
I'm about to make myself some daedric armour. My enchantment has finally hit 100, and my alchemy is on 99. I made a potion worth 3200 earlier. I've made a good 120'000 gold in potions in the last 10 hours of gameplay alone.

Not gonna bother with the fortify alchemy enchantment to make a super enchantment potion to then enchant armour with even better fortify alchemy etc. Just gonna make one good smithing and enchantment potion and make a one off good armour and weapon :D
Does armour level with your character level?
83 seams quite weak for what is suppose to be the best armour in the game :confused:
For comparison my Exquisite knighingale body armour is 128:)

You have a point. I checked a video about making legendary armour, and the guy's daedric armour set all have the same price value as mine but his ratings are higher. He has armour at 172, gauntlets and boots at 70 and helmet at 82.
How come my ratings are lower for the same upgraded armour?
Yeah wtf is with 191 :confused: My Orcish Armour at Exquisite w/ Shield has ~260 with 1 point in Juggernaught. But I wouldn't pay much attention to the listed value on random videos unless you know whats working behind the scenes. Smithing can be boosted over 100 to give stronger Legendary buffs (never tested it myself but thats how I understand it), the heavy armour skill adds a little and the perks add a significant amount.
You have a point. I checked a video about making legendary armour, and the guy's daedric armour set all have the same price value as mine but his ratings are higher. He has armour at 172, gauntlets and boots at 70 and helmet at 82.
How come my ratings are lower for the same upgraded armour?

Goes off your heavy armour skill as well I believe
Its always worked like that, though it seems with the addition of perks in Skyrim they've drastically lowered how much effect improving skills has on damage and armour rating so as to make perks very beneficial.

Not sure I'm too keen on how they re-did spell costs though.
Hi. anyone know how i can make armor using the dragon bones ans scaled i get from killing dragons?

i read on wiki that with these items i can make dragon type armor but now? When i go to a forge, there is no option to create one despite having the dragon bones and scales items.

Hi. anyone know how i can make armor using the dragon bones ans scaled i get from killing dragons?

i read on wiki that with these items i can make dragon type armor but now? When i go to a forge, there is no option to create one despite having the dragon bones and scales items.


You need the Dragon Armour crafting perk in the smithing tree, which requires smithing level 100 to buy.
Dragon armour is the top end armour for smithing. Given that I could make daedric at 90 smithing skill, I'd assume you would need 100 Smithing for dragon armour.
Hi. anyone know how i can make armor using the dragon bones ans scaled i get from killing dragons?

i read on wiki that with these items i can make dragon type armor but now? When i go to a forge, there is no option to create one despite having the dragon bones and scales items.


Have you paid any attention to the smithing tutorial and the in-game perk trees at all :confused:
Goes off your heavy armour skill as well I believe

You're right. I just spent a couple of perks on Heavy Armour/Juggernaut (2/5) and it's already taken me from 83 to 116 on main armour, 34 to 48 on gauntlets and boots, and 40 to 56 on helmet. The next one will increase by 40% which would be 162 I think and there'll still be two more to go after that, so I should easily be able to get my legendary armour to well over 200 rating.
I'm really getting into this now, working on enchanting and I've started on smithing seeing as I've been coming across quite a lot of raw materials. I'm really enjoying being a battle mage - heavy armour with dual casting lightning bolt, then switching to shield and mace for close encounters, seems to work pretty well, although sometimes I get flustered and don't manage to switch equipment over properly!

I've also gone back to using mouse and keyboard because it's so frustrating when I keep missing my targets on the 360 pad. :mad: I think if you're playing mostly melée with no need for pinpoint accuracy then Xbox 360 pad is the best way to play, but for archery and ranged magic, it's a nightmare... It'd be nice if the game let you have both active at the same time so you could switch between them for different tasks.
I'm working my way through all the thieves guild shill/sweep/heist etc jobs and now have 3 fences set up. Am I right when I guess that the guild will be "back to power" once all 4 rooms are occupied in the hideout?
Arrghh! I hate those Dwemner ruins. They take forever to go through but they do have decent gear inside (though can never take all) :(

Instruct Lydia (or whoever your companion is) to pick up the items. They will continue to collect stuff in this manner even if you can no longer pass stuff to them through the normal trade items interface.
Decided to focus on the Dark Brotherhood quests and get the line done. Not a bad quest line after all. Last mission I decided to murder absolutely everyone, Aura Whisper to figure out where they were, sneaking up behind people and stabbing them in the back or sneak-rolling through doorways and stabbing them in the face twice before they could get up. Shadowmere keeps creeping me out, I'll fast travel to a location and suddenly this shadowy black red eyed horse appears in front of me!
Instruct Lydia (or whoever your companion is) to pick up the items. They will continue to collect stuff in this manner even if you can no longer pass stuff to them through the normal trade items interface.

Wow, I didn't know that. So that would override Lydia's carry weight when I get the 'too heavy to carry' message?
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