Thanks Mark,I tried about 3-4 disposable followers but no joy, then killed everyone in the camp and the Daedra spawned and asked me to find a follower to kill.. so no result really. Might have to sacrifice someone decent.
Are you holding done E on the follow then pointing at the pillar and clicking "activate pillar" or whatever it says? You have totell them to interact with it, they won't just walk up.
I just realized that in the Bethesda Games such as Fallout 3/NV and Oblivion, if you were being chased and left an area (loading screen), the pursuers used to follow you through and chase you. This hasn't happened in Skyrim to me yet, they now just stay behind, sometimes waiting for me to return. Have you had someone follow you through?
You can't fast travel in Skyrim if enemies are nearby or if you are engaged in combat
I've been playing my second character (Khajiit thief/assassin) the past few days, and it's insane how much pickpocketing levels you. I've played for about 15 and a bit hours, and I'm already somewhere near level 30, with pickpocketing at aroung 95. By comparison, my Nord ranger that I've played for over 100 hours is only 45 or so. Admittedly I did more exploring as my Nord, but still, pickpocketing is so easy to level it's crazy, a level per piece of jewellery or so.
I'm about 134 hours and level 56 lol. been doing a lot of sneaking, alchemy, enchanting and smithing. Very soon I will have 6 skill on lvl100 lol
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