You may be able to got to the walkthrough on a wiki and progress the quest using the set stage console command.
Or if you just want the weapon but aren't fussed about the quest, you could just use player.additem <razor's ID> 1.
I've upped the skill to expert as with my daedric bow and fortify archery enchantments I was one shotting draugr overlords if I was sneaking lol. Looking forward to trying it against dragons though![]()
I've been debating on increasing from adept skill for a while. Now that I have better gear, you've inspired me to do the same as you and I've just increased to expert. Should be interesting to see how much harder battles will be, mostly with dragons!
Tell you what, I've enchanted my ebony bow (legendary) with fire damage and called it the Ebony Bow of Scorching. Honestly, I highly recommend it, you can see when each arrow hits as flames come off the arrows, and it's more deadly. In fact, I have a passion for burning spells, and have enchanted most of my daedric weapons with scorching.
I really should spec into Enchanting at some point. I've got to around 40 something from disenchanting and I stupidly disenchanted my Miuri's Ring to make my own. I should've reloaded to before I did it really as it went from a 15% ring to 5% which was the best I could create (with a Greater). Think I need to make a second Legendary Glass Bow and put Soul Trap on it just so I can start gathering up a few Grand Souls.
Yeah, sneak attack and x15 Dagger damage must work on a Dragon.. in one quest there is a sleeping one, so thats worth a try.
It automatically uses the lowest grade gem that can take the soul unless there are no other choices and black soul gems are grand soul gems that can only take NPC souls so you need to go do a bit of murdering out and about.
Only the Azura/Black Star is reusable. Black takes any NPC which doesn't include Draugr or Falmer, just ones like Bandits and Forsworn, they can't take any other soul and an NPC is always a grand soul so it can't take a lower one. Grand Soul gems take anything that isn't an NPC so the 2 are completely mutually exclusive.
Giants are Greater anyway. There are a few bosslike foes that you can get Grand off but mostly it seems only Mammoths give Grand Souls until late game when some of the levelled creatures like Draugr and Falmer start giving Grand souls too.
I couldnt spawn the item, not sure what the problem is.. used the code I found on the Wiki and left off the "1" at the end, as thats apparently to remove an item.
Does anyone else keep getting Dragons flying around over their heads while out and about and they just never notice you and eventually fly off? Happened a few times now. Too far to land a shot with a bow and Lightning Bolt just doesn't hit.
I've got to the point in the Thieves Guild campaign where this occurs and it's driving me potty. I've tried the tips posted on other sites about going into the East Empire Warehouse and the plot updates, but when I enter the grotto Gulum isn't there and after coming out the other side into the open world I'm back at square one. He's not in the town and he's not in the area outside under the cliff. I've even tried "shouts" to push him out the wall but all that does is irritate the guards.
Must I now abandon this campaign or is there a way of fixing it?
The last number determines how many of the item you are spawning you will get. If you leave it off you will not get any items spawning. I'm not sure where you got the idea that it is for removing an item but that is incorrect
If you want to be sure you are using the correct item code you can type in: help "mehrunes razor" 4. That will list any items matching the text in between the quote marks.
I had one flying about around my head for a while. I tried to get its attention but using a pad meant I kept missing.... 'tis why I installed SkyUI and some other GUI mods and have gone back to Mouse & KB.![]()