First time player, trying to decide which race. Definitely going for stealth, torn between Bosmer and Khajiit, any recommendations? Planning on archery and sneaking hopefully. Which might be better long-term, commanding animals or night vision?
Probably Night Vision. The only time I remember using Command Animal was when halfway through fighting a Dragon, it flew around for a bit just as 2 Cave Bears started coming at me, paralysed 1 while I killed the other but not fast enough so it was just about to rip my face off when I commanded it, then killed it. Essentially all it did was save me a Paralysis Poison... and now it wouldn't even do that since I get 2 charges per poison.
Command Animal may as well be called 'Escape Animal Attack' since its a pretty unique scenario where you're fighting something powerful just as an animal strong enough to be worth commanding comes along.