The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

First time player, trying to decide which race. Definitely going for stealth, torn between Bosmer and Khajiit, any recommendations? Planning on archery and sneaking hopefully. Which might be better long-term, commanding animals or night vision?

Probably Night Vision. The only time I remember using Command Animal was when halfway through fighting a Dragon, it flew around for a bit just as 2 Cave Bears started coming at me, paralysed 1 while I killed the other but not fast enough so it was just about to rip my face off when I commanded it, then killed it. Essentially all it did was save me a Paralysis Poison... and now it wouldn't even do that since I get 2 charges per poison.

Command Animal may as well be called 'Escape Animal Attack' since its a pretty unique scenario where you're fighting something powerful just as an animal strong enough to be worth commanding comes along.
Walking along, minding my own business. Dragon appears overhead. Nail it with a few arrows, souped up Dwarfen style. Dragon lands, so I run up and finish the job with fire and ice magic. Next minute, 2 lunatics and a walking block of ice emerge from under the dragon and it goes off! Manage to melt the ice block and start into the other two. Then 3 passing wolves join in the fun for a laugh. All 6 dead plus 1 dragon. My first introduction to a Thalmor Justiciar. :-)
If you mean everyone inside the Ragged Flagon then yeah you'll probably break some quests for the DB at least, assuming Mallory can be killed. If you only mean the area called the Ratway itself then kill away.
OK noob question. How do I use my highborn power as a highelf? I can't seem to equip it as a normal spell.
Anyone stumbled upon Lucky Lorenz? :D


Im so glad i purchased this game in the sale, I've always wanted to but never played a RPG properly due to having no patience and preferring the faster paced FPS games. I told myself id really try to be patient and take my time with this game but i really didnt need to do anything as this game is so enthralling i cant stop playing it now.

I played first as imperial and went straight in to main quests doing everything 2 handed finished main quest by about lvl 25 but didn't really do any side quests or any investigating round speaking to people etc

Then after some reading i decided to try thief/assassin approach with a khajiit and have now played for as long as my first character and haven't touch most of the quests at all. Still learning about all this leveling up various skills but i think im getting there slowly.

I think im finally a RPG fan at long last
I'm doing the DB quests atm.

I have been asked to kill the emperor. Now I've only just received the quest and I'm guessing this has stormcloak motive. I don't want to join them, I want to join the imperials once I've finished the main quests. How will this affect that?
I Did the DB quests as an already signed up Imperial.. and it really made no difference.

The DB quests really went against the way I was playing and I would have rather scuppered some of those missions, but you never really get the option. Only to complete or ignore them.. But they do have some nice rewards.

The only negative I found from this quest line as an Imperial , other than my moral compass being destroyed, was to get a fine/jail pull from a guard in Solitude later on.. which I paid off.
Neither of these enchanting perks seem to work for me:

A. Enchanter - New Enchantments are 40% stronger.
B. Fire Enchanter - enchantments on armour and weapons are 25% stronger.

Example, two of my created and enchanted weapons currently have 'burns target for 15 points' and one has 'burns target for 12 points'. When I use up my perk on either of perk A or B, the 15 and 12 points doesn't change. I presume they should increase?
I'm doing the DB quests atm.

I have been asked to kill the emperor. Now I've only just received the quest and I'm guessing this has stormcloak motive. I don't want to join them, I want to join the imperials once I've finished the main quests. How will this affect that?

Its nothing to do with the Stormcloaks :confused: There isn't the slightest hint of a connection between the guy who gives you the contract and the Stormcloaks since you more or less find out who he is when you take the amulet to Mallory.

Main quest is starting to annoy me.

Seriously what is with this stupid negotiation? Ulfric demanding Markath and Tullius wanting Riften or Winterhold in return. Why is there no option to tell them both to go **** themselves and either declare a temporary peace or to burn in Sovngarde?

Enchantment perks aren't retroactive. They only apply to new enchantments.
What about the Fire Enchanter one then? That doesn't say it's for new enchantments.

It doesn't, but if one enchanting perk isn't retroactive, why should another one be :p ?

You can always acquire the same weapon and give it a stronger enchant, its not exactly hard to get either the materials for crafting or the money.
Decided to go enchant one of my Glass Bows. I need to get Arcane Smithing to give it some decent damage but its now got a 2 second paralysis effect on it so if an enemy gets too close, swap, paralyse, swap back, shoot it, profit :p
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