The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

What's actually worse is that nothing you find either in shops or dungeons can compare to what you can create yourself with smithing, enchanting and alchemy.

Makes even picking up the loot pointless once you've crafted yourself a decent set of equipment and amassed a spare pile of gold.

this is what i am finding now.
On the last few quests i picked up nothing, as i have loads of gold already and loads of good gear.
Yeah, I only really bother to take alchemy ingredients now so I can make sure always to have a stack of the best potions. Everything else I can take or leave depending if I can face the effort of trawling round a few sellers for money I don't need.

It does make looting feel a bit... odd, though: "hmm, let's see, enchanted sword? Don't need it. Jewelled necklace? Nah. Solid gold ingot? I'm not carting that around! Oooh, some butterfly wings and mushrooms; I'll take those!"
Search better. Or better yet use the bloody wiki and stop believing random idiots on google ><

I would if I could, maybe you should try reading posts properly... I'm filtered at work! However if you want to answer my question rather than being confrontational (and living up to your name ;)) go ahead.
Riverwood Trader has over 10k gold after you invest in his shop.

Makes a handy first stop off to off load loot. Before trekking up to Whiterun to do the circuit of traders there. That's usually enough to clear my inventory of spare junk and net me near enough 20k.

Thought it's a bit pointless now as I have over 300k, my armour's over the cap, I'm at 82% magic resistance, have all my houses and thus have nothing worth spending money on any more...

Wtf? I thought investing gave merchants an extra 500 gold and Master Trader an extra 1000. 10k is a little odd :confused:

I would if I could, maybe you should try reading posts properly... I'm filtered at work! However if you want to answer my question rather than being confrontational (and living up to your name ;)) go ahead.

Misunderstood what you meant by filtered searching. And I've said several times in this thread that there are as many perks as there are levels.

Why is it every time I cast Soul Trap on Forsworn they run away trying to yield to me. Foragers and Looters come up to me, attack me as I cast soul trap, then turn tail and run away. Can't complain, it looks quite stylish when you get the finishing move of grabbing there head from behind and shoving the sword in there back, followed by the tendrils of the soul draining into you :p
And Briarhearts are bloody annoying. If they're not casting extremely powerful spells they're wielding 1 or 2 powerful weapons with equally powerful enchantments.
I ignore smithing completely, it's utterly broken and does nothing but ruin the game.

It's stupidly easy to level early on so inflates your character level, it offers insane bonuses over standard equipment at close to zero cost and can be used to legitimately make piles of gold stupidly quickly.

Now I quite like the fact you can "improve" your gear, it's nice, unfortunately it starts off nice but after a few perks it quickly gets out of hand, also due to the fact you can use enchants/potions to buff smithing even further it just gets ridiculous.

One thing that particularly annoys me is how easy it is to get Daedric Armor/weapons, they are by far the best items in the game and should therefore be incredibly hard to get hold of, let alone create at level 10, unfortunately Daedra hearts are everywhere and as above, it takes no time to get the perk allowing you to make it.
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Ah, that might be where I have gone wrong on this char, my previous heavy armor char I boosted smithing and went for 10 levels without even thinking about upgrading gear, when I finally chose too, I boosted smithing and equipped new stuff...

Is the light armor from dragon scales worth it? Got a stash in my house at whiterun for when the time comes to boost smithing to wear it. However, I am thinking I might just avoid entirely so I get the enjoyment of working for decent gear.
Wtf? I thought investing gave merchants an extra 500 gold and Master Trader an extra 1000. 10k is a little odd :confused:

Yeah, I know. It's just this one trader. I don't know whether it's a bug, whether it's also dependent on whether you did the golden claw quest for him (which was just about my first quest, iirc), or what. But he has 10700 gold every time he refreshes.

Now I quite like the fact you can "improve" your gear, it's nice, unfortunately it starts off nice but after a few perks it quickly gets out of hand, also due to the fact you can use enchants/potions to buff smithing even further it just gets ridiculous.

Yes, this is right. It's a bit silly that you can hit the armour cap (which gives around 80-85% dmg reduction, iirc?) with ordinary armour just by smithing it. And those 130% or more smithing potions it's possible to get? They can give you a steel sword that can one hit most enemies.

But... this has always been the case in TES games, hasn't it? Pretty sure I abused the fortify alchemy potions in Morrowind to brew godly potions, and in Oblivion I had a quite unreasonably overpowered lightning damaging/soul trapping bow and sword that I got by abusing the spell creation mechanics.

Thing is, if it's possible in the game, I can't stop myself wanting to power up my toon!

(Although I do refuse to use what are clearly just broken exploits rather than simple mechanics of the system - such as the alchemy-restoration loop that even breaks the games numbering system for damage)

Is the light armor from dragon scales worth it? Got a stash in my house at whiterun for when the time comes to boost smithing to wear it. However, I am thinking I might just avoid entirely so I get the enjoyment of working for decent gear.

Simple answer is, no it's not worth it in that through smithing you can hit the armour cap easily with glass armour (I have ebony armour that's a way over the cap). This makes daedric and dragonplate/scale worthless unless you like the look of it. It's an aesthetic decision, essentially. I think the dragon armours look tatty, the daedric looks too sinister, and the glass looks too camp, so I'm in ebony. Nothing else to the decision, though, since any armour rating over 576 (I think it is) does nothing for you.
Misunderstood what you meant by filtered searching. And I've said several times in this thread that there are as many perks as there are levels.

OK. Thanks.

I did try searching the thread but it ended up bringing up about 12 pages of posts :(
Can any one help me a friend of my was kind enough to buy me skyrim on steam. I fire the game up every running great and looks great and i make my toon.

I get to the point where the woman is giving the last rights and she says behold then nothing happens according to my friend some guy is meant to shout shut up and lets get on with it. Instead of that the woman just stands there waving her arms and nothing else happens. The game doesn't crash or anything and i can still look around.

Any ideas whats going on, i am reinstalling it see if that fixes it just wondering if any of you have come across this problem as google didn't give me much joy.

Did you get this sorted? I remember something similar happened in that same place for me too - I was standing there waiting to have my head lopped off and nothing was happening. I was just beginning to think the game had crashed (or some major bug had occurred) and then it suddenly woke up and the game progressed as normal. I can't actually remember if I did anything special I'm afraid - it was a bit of a blur after that :)

Anybody else have any weirdness at that point?
Yeah, I only really bother to take alchemy ingredients now so I can make sure always to have a stack of the best potions. Everything else I can take or leave depending if I can face the effort of trawling round a few sellers for money I don't need.

It does make looting feel a bit... odd, though: "hmm, let's see, enchanted sword? Don't need it. Jewelled necklace? Nah. Solid gold ingot? I'm not carting that around! Oooh, some butterfly wings and mushrooms; I'll take those!"

I always feel slightly guilty catching butterflies and pulling the wings off them. :o
Yes, this is right. It's a bit silly that you can hit the armour cap (which gives around 80-85% dmg reduction, iirc?) with ordinary armour just by smithing it. And those 130% or more smithing potions it's possible to get? They can give you a steel sword that can one hit most enemies.

But... this has always been the case in TES games, hasn't it? Pretty sure I abused the fortify alchemy potions in Morrowind to brew godly potions, and in Oblivion I had a quite unreasonably overpowered lightning damaging/soul trapping bow and sword that I got by abusing the spell creation mechanics.

Thing is, if it's possible in the game, I can't stop myself wanting to power up my toon!

(Although I do refuse to use what are clearly just broken exploits rather than simple mechanics of the system - such as the alchemy-restoration loop that even breaks the games numbering system for damage)

Aye they always have something broken. Its just a bit daft that they went to such effort to sort out magic, to the point where they removed custom spell creation and limited the number of spells massively, only to botch up Smithing. I'm trying to avoid using Smithing boosts beyond Legendary since thats where it becomes totally broken. It shouldn't give extra boosts. It should just stop at Legendary and not give unlisted extra's per point.
Aye they always have something broken. Its just a bit daft that they went to such effort to sort out magic, to the point where they removed custom spell creation and limited the number of spells massively, only to botch up Smithing. I'm trying to avoid using Smithing boosts beyond Legendary since thats where it becomes totally broken. It shouldn't give extra boosts. It should just stop at Legendary and not give unlisted extra's per point.

I agree. It would be simple to fix too: just remove the fortify smithing and fortify enchanting potions. This was the same potion-boosting loop that was exploited in Morrowind (not sure about Oblivion tbh) so it can't have been news.

It you take out the ability to create those 130% or more boosting potions, you probably limit the power of the crafting abilities more to what they should be.

I did use 80% fortify smithing potions on my gear and whilst it's not as silly as many I've seen, it does make almost all encounters too easy, really. And that's with only 2 perk points in the alchemy tree...

And it's a shame they actually nerfed magic so much it becomes essentially unusable for late game. I so wanted to be a pew pew mage, too :(

Still, having fun sniping with my bow now.
I've now got two quests saying "kill the dragon located at xxx", but there's no dragons at either locations :(

Ive only had that once, so just went and did other quests and fast travelled back later on and it was just sat there.

Stealthed round it and its head followed me, yet i stayed hidden, walked all the way behind it and it kind of fell backwards, made me chuckle, then i stabbed it in the face :p
I think my playthrough is as complete as it can be. Stuck on the first blade dragon mission, it won't spawn after waiting 3 days and doing lots of fast travelling. Can't start the civil war either (perhaps because of the truce) or maybe it's glitched also.

Gonna restart after a few weeks break, and the next patch.
Just maxed out blacksmithing, at level 47, gonna make my dragon armor (am light so wont be using daedric) was gonna do the whole potion thing to better the items, but if that seems to kill the game off ill not use any and just work with the base stats. Still not even half way through chapter 1 yet, i get side tracked wayyyyyyyy to easily :p
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