The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I'm making headway in the main story now (Blades) because I'm in much the same situation. I have other stuff I want to play and I'd like to come back to it again with a completely different character. :) Level 32 and I'd been avoiding doing the main questline.

I'm constantly amazed at how varied and detailed all the dungeons are - it's a quantum leap away from Oblivion and it's generic copy & paste ones! :D

Not really. As far as the appearance goes there aren't that many to choose from. Its mostly just Dwemer, Ancient Nord and Caves. I think there are just more unique sections and more generic pieces that make them up so it doesn't look as copy/pasted, but you can clearly see some dungeons which use blatantly copy/pasted sections from tell-tale signs like openings that are clearly doorways but have been walled up a metre in.
It's not that bad, would be nice if it was a bit lighter. With a few more landmarks. The quality of the local maps doesn't really help. :)

Remember to use Unrelenting Force on the big orange sphere that is above the keep in the centre of Blackreach. :)
Turned out that the 1.4 patch had downloaded so quickly that I hadn't noticed it. Just fired up Skyrim and saw that it was actually at v1.4. Immediately noticed a large frame rate boost upon loading my savegame. Just need to wait for a new version of skse_loader.
I just realised today I've been playing Skyrim for six weeks and still seem nowhere near finishing it. (Saints Row 3 has lain unplayed on the HD since Xmas Day).

What are the "core" campaigns/mission sets I need to finish to draw things to a close? It seems at the moment I still have new mission sets or factions spawning. Not a complaint as the game is probably one of the best ever released in terms of VFM, but I would like to be able to put it to bed now and start a replay later in the year.

Main Quest

Act I
■Before the Storm
■Bleak Falls Barrow
■Dragon Rising
■The Way of the Voice
■The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

Act II
■A Blade In The Dark
■Diplomatic Immunity
■A Cornered Rat
■Alduin's Wall
■The Throat of the World
■Elder Knowledge
■Alduin's Bane

■The Fallen
■Season Unending*
■The World-Eater's Eyrie

■Paarthurnax is completely optional, however can only be completed during Act III, and before completing Dragonslayer.
■Season Unending is only available if the player has not yet competed the Civil War questline. Players who have already completed the Civil War questline will not have to do this quest.
Whats so bad about Blackreach?
I went in there expecting just another cave complex. "This shouldn't take too long, I've got an hour to spare before xyz film starts on tv" I said to myself before entering.

3hrs later...I emerged with a mountain of dwemer artifacts having had to rearrange my inventory 10+ times!
I'm stuck :(

I've used the skeleton key, the journel says " listen to the nocturnal " which i did, she goes down into the magic well and that's it. Nothing else happens, no way out!

Near the end of the quest after Nocturnal bids the player farewell and returns back into the well, the quest marker will get stuck in the ground and Karliah doesn't come to speak with the player. This leaves the player stuck in this room for eternity, even after many reloaded saves the same result occurs. To solve this problem on PC, bring up the console with "~" after Nocturnal goes into the well and type "setstage TG09 60" which will set the "Listen to Nocturnal" part of the quest to complete and activate "Speak to Karliah." Then, bring up the console again and type "prid 00058F1A" then press enter and then type "moveto player" This should bring Karliah to the player and make her able to be talked to.

Before I get into the game properly is there a really good combo of what character to go for someone who prefers melee combat? Also is there really a good guide from where to go and so on or should I buy one.
Before I get into the game properly is there a really good combo of what character to go for someone who prefers melee combat? Also is there really a good guide from where to go and so on or should I buy one.

shield/1h is proble the more interesting melee type imo
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