The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Raise you 156hrs, as a sneaky archer.

Any tips on playing as a caster, as fancy giving that a go...

Thinking Altmer, Mage stone and Major Skills: Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, investing 80:20 Magika:Health.
96 Hours as a Destruction/Shield+Sword BattleMage (main quest complete)
19 Hours as a Stealth/Archer/Dagger Assassin. Just started DB Questline. :)
After 440 hours, I've pretty much done the bulk of the game, including tons of radiant quests. Done the dark brotherhood questline, the companions, the stormcloaks, and the thieves guild. Just did Boethiah's Calling which wasn't as epic as I'd expected but not bad. Currently gotten back to continuing the main storyline (on 'elder knowledge' and 'discerning the transmundane') and the infamous Blackreach is now on my radar, so I'm going there in a bit.

So I'm wondering, after I complete the main storyline, there's no more major storylines right?

I still need to get about 6 more masks for that special room you teleport to with the wooden mask within labrynthian, will the quests for those become apparent or will I have to search out work all over skyrim? Also, I still need to find 10 more of the 24 stones of barenziah. Are there other major things to do in the game other than these?
Re: Dragon Priest Masks, I blundered into a few, the rest came to me by way of letters from 'a friend' (didn't say who he was, only that he was a friend..), since the priests tend to hang about at the same places as the dragon shout walls so I'd occasionally just get a twofer. I think I need 1 or 2 more myself.
Just started a new game(my second) and chose Breton, and instantly regretted it! I always say I am gonna use magic, but end up reverting to mele;)

I am tempted to try out two-handed, but as i want to be a bit sneaky I will probably go for one-handed again.

I think I will focus on One-handed, Archery, Sneak, Speechcracft, destruction and illusion. Plus I will consider pickpocket. Gonna leave smithing, but might dabble in alchemy.
After 440 hours, I've pretty much done the bulk of the game, including tons of radiant quests. Done the dark brotherhood questline, the companions, the stormcloaks, and the thieves guild. Just did Boethiah's Calling which wasn't as epic as I'd expected but not bad. Currently gotten back to continuing the main storyline (on 'elder knowledge' and 'discerning the transmundane') and the infamous Blackreach is now on my radar, so I'm going there in a bit.

So I'm wondering, after I complete the main storyline, there's no more major storylines right?

I still need to get about 6 more masks for that special room you teleport to with the wooden mask within labrynthian, will the quests for those become apparent or will I have to search out work all over skyrim? Also, I still need to find 10 more of the 24 stones of barenziah. Are there other major things to do in the game other than these?

440 hours o.O I've done more than that in 70. Well apart from the radiant quests. Just a heads up about dragon masks. There's one near the end f the main quest, that if you miss you can't get again.

Just started a new game(my second) and chose Breton, and instantly regretted it! I always say I am gonna use magic, but end up reverting to mele;)

I am tempted to try out two-handed, but as i want to be a bit sneaky I will probably go for one-handed again.

I think I will focus on One-handed, Archery, Sneak, Speechcracft, destruction and illusion. Plus I will consider pickpocket. Gonna leave smithing, but might dabble in alchemy.

Yeah I have a dual-wielding, archery sneaking, smithing Breton.....

Does anyone know if you can get back to blackreach after leaving it? Should probably go back and explore it some more....


It's not that much really is it? Considering the size of the game. That's like 18 days of back to back playing, or if we said an average of 3 hours playing a day (although I've been playing a lot more per day) that works out at just under 5 months of playing. I started in november though, so 3 months for me:p
Bloomin heck, I thought I'd done everything and played through every quest and I'm only at 140hrs! Boredom is starting to set in though as I've got a few quests remaining and the thieves guild questline left.

The modding addiction bug has bit me though and I spend more time reading and installing them then actually playing lol
440 hours o.O I've done more than that in 70. Well apart from the radiant quests. Just a heads up about dragon masks. There's one near the end f the main quest, that if you miss you can't get again.

Thanks for the headsup. Well, before and during major questlines, I spent lots of hours doing side quests, radiant quests, smithing, enchanting, running around and fast travelling to find places which sell things I needed, visiting places before I'd been given a quest for that place then later on revisiting it with the quest, and so on. Takes time. It's also my first ever RPG so I've taken on the complete experience. Besides, check this out, several people estimated gameplay could be between 300 and 500 hours, and I'm living proof. :D I can't be the only player with so many hours played surely? Btw, I often leave the game minimised for periods of time, that probably adds to it.
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I still need to get about 6 more masks for that special room you teleport to with the wooden mask within labrynthian, will the quests for those become apparent or will I have to search out work all over skyrim? Also, I still need to find 10 more of the 24 stones of barenziah. Are there other major things to do in the game other than these?

Re: Dragon Priest Masks, I blundered into a few, the rest came to me by way of letters from 'a friend' (didn't say who he was, only that he was a friend..), since the priests tend to hang about at the same places as the dragon shout walls so I'd occasionally just get a twofer. I think I need 1 or 2 more myself.

The masks are indeed often co-located with the walls (always, perhaps?). IME both of them come from the more significant quests that you'll pick up along the way. A short cut to them though is, as topdog mentions, to get tips from other sources. You can visit High Hrothgar and speak to Arngier; he will periodically give locations for the walls. Also, if you use Shouts in public places (obviously be careful not to use the offensive ones too close to NPC's) the courier will find you and give you one of the above mentioned notes from a "friend" which give the locations.
I also got all of the Dragon masks by asking Arngier where words of power were as MoratJG says (apart from the last one in the main quest).
Has anyone else has duplicate quests? I have already done the quest of the legend of red eagle, but for some reason the quest started again.

Also today I started another quest again by entering the museum that I have already done.
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