The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

If you have Oblivion, download Nehrim (complete game overhaul mod) - kinda makes what Oblivion should be. Totatlly brilliant!

At 156hrs I was level 49.

Started a new pure mage, but duel casting seems a bit wrong. Left button mouse makes character cast from right hand, and right button mouse casts from characters left - has caused a few problems!
I really don't understand how it's possible to get to level 46 in 90 hours, were you snorting speed? :D Also, what difficulty level are you and have you not bothered much with anything much other than knocking out the main quests?

Btw, finished Blackreach last night, absolutely incredible place, so vast it's jaw dropping. But now, I just found out about
fus roh dah'ing the orange globe to get a dragon to appear
so I'm going back in!

I'm not too sure to be honest. I've knocked out all the main quests, and bought quite a few houses and stuff. Done quite a few side bits as well. I got a pretty big level boost from smithing (100), and my OH has just hit 100 as well. So it's hardly like I'm not going through it...

I think I'm on one below the hardest for difficulty. Above that and I find I get OH'ed too much by stuff... I haven't enchanted/alchemied my armour, and don't really feel like it, but still get completely demolished by some stuff despite having about 300 health...

I'm definitely going to have to go back to Blackreach at some point. I was a bit put of by the eerie ness of it last time, so will try again at some point :)

I've got plenty of misc/side quests that I should get finished off as well really. Most would probably only take an hour each max.

Single casting behaves, RMB makes character cast from right hand. Duel cast then behaves as above, and then single casting is borked afterwards.

Only had a quick go last night (1st time duel casting) - will play around with settings/software/hardware
Is this game worth buying? I saw the demo and like the idea and the possibilities. Also wondering if i should buy on PS3 or PC?

Definitely, yes.

Buy on PC, install SKSE, SkyUI then Skyrim HD and you're ready to go. Install other mods according to taste. :D
Played about 50ish hours so far. Really enjoying the quests I'm currently on. Am kind of wondering if I've completed the main story as
Alduin is now dead

Not an issue if I have as I have only completed the Companions side story so far and am now working on the Dark Brotherhood questline.

Really can't make my mind up as to what type of character I am, a mix of one handed, archer and some destruction magic, although magic is almost pointless, even dualcast it seems quite weak really. Always resorting to two, one handers and nuking the enemies.
Out of interest do you guys play with the keyboard or a seperately attached joypad?

I tried 360 pad for the first 20 or so hours then discovered SkyUI which makes Mouse+KB the only sensible choice IMO (unless you are playing shield+sword in which case pad is perfectly adequate).
Sounds like i should be playing this on the PS3 then? I dont have a PS2 joypad and adaptor lying around :(

if you have a ps3 connect the pad with the usb charger cable to your pc and download MotionInJoy DS3 Tool and run it with xbox360 Controller Emulation and it works perfectly
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I don't understand why they made Dual Casting cost 2.8x mana for 2.2x damage. Without Impact to stagger enemies it is completely useless and even then you only use dual cast on the Apprentice level spells because anything more is just too costly for combat.
Thinking about playing Dark Elf as an almost full-on mage. fire resistance plus a decent skill start for sneak and the magic classes.

It is between Dark Elf an Breton, don't really fancy playing as a High Elf.

I have been looking in to the classes and also trying to put some kind of plan together regarding perks, but I will probably just play it as it is again.
Thinking about playing Dark Elf as an almost full-on mage. fire resistance plus a decent skill start for sneak and the magic classes.

It is between Dark Elf an Breton, don't really fancy playing as a High Elf.

I have been looking in to the classes and also trying to put some kind of plan together regarding perks, but I will probably just play it as it is again.

My first character (Battlemage) is an Imperial for the magic bonuses.

My new toon (Assassin) is a Dark Elf for the sneak bonuses.
Actually I have decided on Breton, as it gives you a bonus to all magic except destruction, which will level quickly anyway. Also the class perk is pretty good, absorbing 50% magicka for 60sec
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