Dragons are ridiculously easy, and Giants massively op, saw a Giant 3 hit a dragon earlier, and most of the damage it took was from Lydia's op axe and my op magic.
Dragons are ridiculously easy, and Giants massively op, saw a Giant 3 hit a dragon earlier, and most of the damage it took was from Lydia's op axe and my op magic.
Dragons are ridiculously easy, and Giants massively op, saw a Giant 3 hit a dragon earlier, and most of the damage it took was from Lydia's op axe and my op magic.
If the enemy is weak then no block doesn't matter. Its probably dead before you take any damage. If the enemy is strong (or you are just weak like early game) then not being able to block will probably get you killed. Dragons would be an obvious threat, and higher tier Draugr or Bandits are other examples. Any enemies that hit hard while having high health will be a problem.
Been getting these strange beams of light coming off anything I kill lately. Anyone else seen these?
Went back to the throat of the world and decided to climb to the very top of the highest peak. Look what I found.
Ah yeah, Bethesda's tribute to Minecraft
Are there any essential skyrim mods u guys would recommend now? Graphical and gameplay
Go find an ancient dragonI saw one destroy a giant in a bite and a fire breathe...
Yeah dragons jump in difficulty big time once you get to ancients, giants (and mammoths - who I think hit harder than giants and have more health as well) on the other hand are pretty much fixed difficulty from the outset, so they'll scare the noobies, but in time you'll outstrip them.
Just did a test for giggles. I pretty much know already that if an ancient dragon takes 2 bites out of me when I'm at full health and buffed up, if I don't back off / heal, then my odds of surviving the next bite are about 20% (not good). Reduced to 0% if I take any breath damage (may not even make it to the 3rd bite).
On the other hand I just buffed up and stood next to a giant and let him wail on me, and it took him 8 hits to kill me. Earlier in the game any power-hit from them would guarantee I'll be sent into the clouds.
Sadly, even a horse can put up a good fight against early dragons.. which is like watching a mouse KO a cat. So wrong.